The Whining and Bitching Thread

nah vaporizers have never done the trick for me, just going to try and call it quits. I think my body is telling me to stop putting smoke in it. Might try edibles again, i remember there was this one called the kushy punch TKO, that was the only edible that ever made me feel anything and it was still rather weak.
Ever tried making yourself a Leary biscuit?
I havent had a cigarette in over 10 years, probably closer to 15 and think they're fucking disgusting now. Cant even be around cig smoke now

And to add to all of this, i live in Los Angeles. We have some of the shittiest air in this country. :( Pretty sure this contributes to most peoples respiratory problems/issues
there's a pretty good chance your lung problem might be a delayed-reaction to you smoking cigs 15-years ago
also a pretty good chance of it being the crappy LA air
there's actually a small chance that your weed-smoking is actually preventing your lung problem from being worse than it otherwise would be
Something fucked up happened at school the the other day. Basically I take this class for kids with bad grades called study skills. There are only a few other kids in there, all guys other than this one girl, and I'm the only guy in the class who doesn't play football. The football coach teaches it so its kind of a way to keep the football players' grades up so they can stay on the team. Anyways, the other day, the dean and the principal came in and casually stood there. I think they may have said something to the coach but there wasnt really any indication of why they were in there. I was freaking out though, because I had my box mod, juice, and my battery charger in there and I was afraid they were in there for me because pretty much the entire school knew that I just bought one. The principal came over to me and she kind of looked at me weird, then they both went back into the conference room behind us. This is where it got really strange. We heard them have some random ass conversation about the furniture, and we all ended up laughing. Then, they came back out and said "we need to see all the boys". We all went back and they started telling us about a "suspicious smell" that they noticed when walking into the room. They told us to all go back and they called us in to search us one by one. I was the third one to go back, so I had some time but I couldnt figure out a way to hide it. Instead of refusing to be searched like i should have done, I just handed them my vape.

Looking back, the whole smell thing was bullshit and they were there to catch me and this other kid. I still feel bad though because I'm probably the main reason they went in there and I feel like I got this other kid in trouble because I was showing off my vape to everyone at school
So I just had something fairly scary happen. Was visiting my neighbor earlier. When I left, I walked outside. I walked up the steps and started out the road to my house. Coming from the opposite direction, across the road and up a hill a woman started screaming HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME FUCKING HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.I dont know, I got a really sick feeling. My hair stood up on the back of my neck. Didnt have either of my big dogs with me (usually have at least the american bulldog) and it was after dark and raining. Felt really off. Not gonna lie, tucked tail and got the fuck home QUICKLY. Hoping I dont hear about it on the news in the morning.
lol do people really get suspended for having a vape at school, that seems crazy to me

Its against the school rules but thats not what I was arguing about. I dont agree with it but im not getting into that.

My main problem right now is that they heard a rumor about me and made up a fucking bs lie about the room smelling like vape (my friend who sat next to me in the class before that one confirmed that theres no way they smelled anything) as an excuse to search me.

The worst part is that one of my friends got busted too because instead of just going after me because of the rumors they had to bs their way into searching the whole class. Now I feel like shit because he got caught because I was being reckless and showing my vape off
So you were waving your vape around, which left a smell, which lead to you guys being searched because they claimed they could smell it, and your sole defence against this is that your friend (who got busted as a result of this) said there was no way they could smell it?

At first I thought you were saying there's no way they could smell something that wasn't even there, but now it seems like you're mad that they smelled something that actually was there.
So you were waving your vape around, which left a smell, which lead to you guys being searched because they claimed they could smell it, and your sole defence against this is that your friend (who got busted as a result of this) said there was no way they could smell it?

At first I thought you were saying there's no way they could smell something that wasn't even there, but now it seems like you're mad that they smelled something that actually was there.

I hadnt used it all day, the juice was sealed and in my bag, the vape itself was empty and in a bag inside a pocket in my bag, and no one else smelled anything.

Also, the friend who told me there was no smell wasnt the same guy who got busted. He was in class right in front of me 2 hours before and smelled nothing.

My juice was very strong smelling, if some had spilled it would smell within a few feet radius of me, but a whole room? No fucking way. Also, the dean and the principal walked in...sometimes the dean comes in for whatever reason but they never come in together. The one time they do they search the whole class.

Basically I am saying that they were in there with the intent of busting my friend and I because they were suspicious of both of us. The problem is that they lied so they would have a reason to search us.
You're right, I'm sure you didn't smell at all and it's just a conspiracy, because your mate was like "nah" when you asked him if you smell like vaping and your vape was in your bag.

I think you're making light of such a powerful defence, and if you don't believe me my mate said so!
nah, you can definitely get suspended for a day or two for smoking. Unless you're cool with the security guard that catches you up. Then you'll just go behind the bungalows/bleachers and have a cigarette with him. We had this one security guard named Mr Washington and that freeloader was always buming cigarettes off me and my friends.