The Whining and Bitching Thread

I definitely have been a heavy everyday smokers for years. But in the last 2 years ive cut down big time and had times where i stopped smoking for a month or two(something i'd never done before). I've never been a cougher, i can annihilate gigantic bowls with a single hit and not cough once. But that changed this year because everytime i took those breaks and tried smoking again i would cough like crazy and start hocking out nasty ass loogies.

i feel that going down the whole steroid+antibiotic route will more than likely give me more problems, but maybe i'm just being paranoid. I fucking hate medicine and think that the body should be allowed to heal itself before taking that stuff. And it looks like that's whats happening with me right now. Before last year i had only been to an ER twice before ... once for a broken hand and once for a twisted ankle when i was a kid. Last year i was prescribed some antibiotics that i was weary to take because ive been healthy as fuck my whole life, and i ended up in the ER room after a being on it for a few days. So yeah, im just fucking paranoid of taking any of that synthetic poison if i dont need to. God i sound like a fucking hippie
I definitely have been a heavy everyday smokers for years. But in the last 2 years ive cut down big time and had times where i stopped smoking for a month or two(something i'd never done before). I've never been a cougher, i can annihilate gigantic bowls with a single hit and not cough once. But that changed this year because everytime i took those breaks and tried smoking again i would cough like crazy and start hocking out nasty ass loogies.

Damn, I have what they call "baby lungs" and almost always cough unless I take a controlled hit. Ive been smoking since I was 14 and im still bad at it, lol.

i feel that going down the whole steroid+antibiotic route will more than likely give me more problems, but maybe i'm just being paranoid. I fucking hate medicine and think that the body should be allowed to heal itself before taking that stuff. And it looks like that's whats happening with me right now. Before last year i had only been to an ER twice before ... once for a broken hand and once for a twisted ankle when i was a kid. Last year i was prescribed some antibiotics that i was weary to take because ive been healthy as fuck my whole life, and i ended up in the ER room after a being on it for a few days. So yeah, im just fucking paranoid of taking any of that synthetic poison if i dont need to. God i sound like a fucking hippie

I wouldn't say medicine is perfect, but it definitely has its applications. Sometimes your body just needs a push in the right direction to get better. The reason why I say you should take the steroid shots is because the localized inflammatory response is getting in the way of your body's ability to heal itself. If you can reduce the inflammation, it will take the pressure off and allow the healing to begin. And while you are already at risk for a lung infection/pneumonia, your risk will slightly increase since the steroids will temporarily suppress the immune system. It is surely possible that you can get better without any of this, but it will take longer, and your chances of developing an infection are increased. Maybe just take some vitamin C if you don't want to bother with anything more drastic? I think you are just paranoid, but I get that you don't want to have another tinnitus spike.
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A lot of my teachers were always up in my shit like they thought I had a bad home life or something. We moved a lot - 9 different schools - so I ate lunch alone and read constantly and shit with my headphones in. They'd always come over with this look of pity on their face interrupting me, asking random ass questions etc. In retrospect it was the nice thing to do, they probably thought I was lonely and or abused, but I always found it really irritating.

Point being - even as a non-delinquent child, you misinterpret "adults" as trying to cramp your style. Even if you have none.

I know the feeling...for me it was mainly older students when I was a freshman. In my case I chose to sit alone because of a lack of social skills. Nowadays I do whatever I want at lunch...usually I just hang around outside and talk to a few people, go inside and talk to people, maybe go to the bathroom and chill, and then go back to the student lounge to hang with some people before classes start. I've just never really been into sitting down and eating, it makes me feel sort of claustrophic.

On a semi related note school is a huge problem right now. Last trimester I passed every class, something I've never done in all four years I've spent in high school. This trimester I'm not doing as well, probably something to do with the break just ending, but still I'm passing every class except for geometry. I think I have a 41 in it. Anyways, I have some accomodations and there is this lady who is in charge of that and she's always on my ass about shit. Im sick of being bitched at because I have a low grade in one class in one trimester. Like chill the fuck out, I'm an 18 year old junior, I'd probably be better off dropping out and getting my GED rather than wasting my time and my parents money in a private school. Not sure if any of you here have GEDs but if you do let me know how that process was because I'm seriously thinking about that.
re: this doctor talk, the good thing about living in a small town is that word travels and you get an idea of which the good and bad doctors are at the local practice. i have delayed making appointments before just to ensure i get the doctor i know is good. otherwise it's kind of a lottery sadly. if you find one that seems knowledgeable and trustworthy it's worth sticking with them as much as you can.
I used to work for a doctor so I would get consults over the farm gate fence. The guy was a shit to work for, a shit to other people but he was a good doctor.
Shit, with all this talk of lung issues, I hope my smoking won't cause adverse affects. Although I've only been indulging in the devil's lettuce for about 3 years now in total. Helps with anxiety and appetite big time, better than those shite SSRIs by a country mile
I definitely have been a heavy everyday smokers for years. But in the last 2 years ive cut down big time and had times where i stopped smoking for a month or two(something i'd never done before). I've never been a cougher, i can annihilate gigantic bowls with a single hit and not cough once. But that changed this year because everytime i took those breaks and tried smoking again i would cough like crazy and start hocking out nasty ass loogies.

i feel that going down the whole steroid+antibiotic route will more than likely give me more problems, but maybe i'm just being paranoid. I fucking hate medicine and think that the body should be allowed to heal itself before taking that stuff. And it looks like that's whats happening with me right now. Before last year i had only been to an ER twice before ... once for a broken hand and once for a twisted ankle when i was a kid. Last year i was prescribed some antibiotics that i was weary to take because ive been healthy as fuck my whole life, and i ended up in the ER room after a being on it for a few days. So yeah, im just fucking paranoid of taking any of that synthetic poison if i dont need to. God i sound like a fucking hippie
caught a bad cold, like an idiot i decided to still rip my bong. Cold got way worse. I started violently coughing and vomiting and started running out of breath, went to the ER and it turns out they said that i have a small hole in one of my lungs and there's air stuck between my lungs and chestbone(Pneumomediastinum), have some kind of emphysema/air in my neck(i'm guessing from the coughing and vomiting) and to add to that i had an asthma attack(never had asthma symptoms before). But the weird thing is initially he said my x-ray was good but he still wanted to keep me there and give me some steroid shots for the asthma(which i denied, which kind of ticked him off) but when i was walking out he came back and said "hey we found something on your x-ray .. looks like you might have damaged one of your lungs" and told me that i literally had a chance of dying if i left and that i would 100% be back there in a few hours when i got worse. I asked him "so where is the hole? Didnt you say my x-ray didnt show anything bad?" and he was like "oh its probably on the inside" or someshit. Well i called his bluff and i feel a little better today after finally getting a little sleep and being able to eat. And this is all pretty scary to me because i until about a year ago i rarely ever got sick, i could go years without catching a cold. Pretty sure it was just a bad cold and that faggot blew it our of proportion jsut because i didnt want to take the medicine he wanted to shoot me up with.

@EternalMetal does all this stuff basically spell out COPD? Is it the end of the line for me as far as smoking goes?

I've been VERY wary of medicine ever since my tinnitus kicked in(which i would literally trade one of my lungs for to go away). I dont take any pills or medications and would rather just let my body work it out itself instead of rolling the dice with my tinnitus. For example, i talked to him about tinnitus yesterday and how i dont even want to entertain the idea of taking anything that can be ototoxic and spiked my T and the guy ended up prescribing me levaquin. Smfh. Why the fuck would i take an antibiotic(especially one of the most well known ototoxic ones) when they dont even really know what was wrong with me and the guy iddnt even utter the words "infection" the whole time i was there? "oh your airways are inflamed? here just destroy your gut and hearing with these godforsaken antibiotics" I swear i feel like most of these lower tier doctors do more harm than good.

edit: Btw no fever, highest i was yesterday was 37.2, which i guess is a little high, but he kept saying the whole "look its not a jail so its your decision but im jsut letting you know that you are going to end up back here and its going to be worse. I guaranteed it. Then we will have to stick a tube in your chest and throat etc" and he also told me a few times that there is a chance that i can die if i dont let them check me in(but that was after he came back with the "second opinion" of the x-ray.... literally in those words. hah!

it looks like if you completely totally stop smoking tobacco right now, that should help with whatever the hell is wrong with you
Can someone here please fucking tell me that the working world is at least marginally more enjoyable than school? Should least you are getting paid and you dont have to jump through bs hoops in 4 or 5 different subjects...right??
Can someone here please fucking tell me that the working world is at least marginally more enjoyable than school? Should least you are getting paid and you dont have to jump through bs hoops in 4 or 5 different subjects...right??

I mean, it CAN be, but you need to work really hard for it and the hoop jumping is 10x worse and much less forgiving. Im betting that you plan on moving out of your parents house right after high school. What kind of job do you think you are qualified for? You clearly don't like listening to people, so your social skills in the game of kiss-ass inevitably suck. You hate learning so much that at most id see you being a party freshman who drops out after a semester or two. Next stop, physical labor. Your boss will definitely be a hardass who doesn't want to take shit from some punk ass kid. If you were able to successfully move out of your parents house, it will inevitably be in a rat-infested shithole, possibly with roommates so you can afford it, but they will steal your shit. Your job will probably pay like shit, so your money will go towards food, rent, and bills with barely anything left over (and this should go into savings anyways). You wont last 3 months with your hardass boss because you don't want to work hard, so you get fired. At this point, hope to god your parents take you back in so that you can find stable employment. High school is a fucking cake walk compared to the real world.

edit: and this is assuming you dont become a drug addict.
yeah you should probably just kill yourself now

lol i think this is like the fourth time i've given you that advice, i should probably stop that in case you're unhinged enough to actually do it
which part of those posts made you think i smoke tobacco? Was it the part where i said i took a rip form my bong?
so, you're having serious lung problems, went to a doctor about it, and you're asking people here if you have COPD??
at this point, if you're really not smoking tobacco, then your weed-smoking is prolly the thing keeping you alive
I mean, it CAN be, but you need to work really hard for it and the hoop jumping is 10x worse and much less forgiving. Im betting that you plan on moving out of your parents house right after high school. What kind of job do you think you are qualified for? You clearly don't like listening to people, so your social skills in the game of kiss-ass inevitably suck. You hate learning so much that at most id see you being a party freshman who drops out after a semester or two. Next stop, physical labor. Your boss will definitely be a hardass who doesn't want to take shit from some punk ass kid. If you were able to successfully move out of your parents house, it will inevitably be in a rat-infested shithole, possibly with roommates so you can afford it, but they will steal your shit. Your job will probably pay like shit, so your money will go towards food, rent, and bills with barely anything left over (and this should go into savings anyways). You wont last 3 months with your hardass boss because you don't want to work hard, so you get fired. At this point, hope to god your parents take you back in so that you can find stable employment. High school is a fucking cake walk compared to the real world.

edit: and this is assuming you dont become a drug addict.

Tbh I think this still works whether he’s a drug addict or not.