The Whining and Bitching Thread

Can someone here please fucking tell me that the working world is at least marginally more enjoyable than school? Should least you are getting paid and you dont have to jump through bs hoops in 4 or 5 different subjects...right??
your life should be more enjoyable once you've finished all your school
so, you're having serious lung problems, went to a doctor about it, and you're asking people here if you have COPD??
at this point, if you're really not smoking tobacco, then your weed-smoking is prolly the thing keeping you alive
what a dumb tweaker

EternalMetal is a former ENT and a fellow budsmoker and me and him had talked about COPD just a few weeks ago so i decided to ask him about it. Smoking weed is what's fucking me up and you would have to be a seriously tweaked out moron to not pick that up after reading though all of those posts you quoted.
maybe i didn't read thoroughly, whatever
i'm just remembering a bunch of people having lung-problems caused by smoking tobacco and fixed by smoking weed
Can someone here please fucking tell me that the working world is at least marginally more enjoyable than school? Should least you are getting paid and you dont have to jump through bs hoops in 4 or 5 different subjects...right??
At least you can sorta pick what you find less boring. Also, I stuck with a more cruisy and sometimes menial job over looking for a higher-paying one that would've involved stressful deadlines, forced overtime etc.
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I like to smoke weed occasionally at night and when I go to concerts. How about fuck off.
dude he was shitting on all the separated form reality lames of today who think weed doesnt do any harm(like BlurryTweaker), not you.

and in response to that toesuckers post ...
I have yet to meet a single doc(including pulmonary specialists) who hasnt said smoking marijuana will fuck you up and destroy your lungs. I dont care what all these politicians and suits that live in the suburbs and have never had it effect them or their neighborhoods have convinced most of the pleb general public just to fatten their pockets. I've been smoking my whole life, i grew up around people who have been smoking their whole lives, were not some dumb college dudebros who jsut started smoking weed and echoing the bullshit that our friendly tweaker tried to imply. Come and try to feed that bullshit here and you will get fucking laughed at. You will get some real answers from real people(the true statistics), not some bullshit article that you find on the internet. Go step into a pulmonary docs office and ask him what he thinks when you tell him you smoke weed everyday. Putting smoke in your lungs is bad. And only someone who is super soft in the head would argue against that.
Careful EternalMetal, he's been hanging around with Thai Ladyboys for the last week he might have something you don't want to share!
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Why are you triggered that he lampooned idiots who think weed is a miracle drug? He didn't say shit about someone smoking up before a concert or at night to relax.

It was meant to be a joke, but yea, fucked that one up, lol

Ive met the type of potheads he refers to and they are the fucking worst. At best, weed is benign. At worst, it causes anxiety issues and promotes laziness.

@TechnicalBarbarity - according to your x-ray, the condition of your lungs themselves is indicated to be normal (meaning not damaged). Your current issue is more complicated and was probably exacerbated by smoking more so than being directly caused by it. Sure, smoking weed still results in tar build up in your lungs, but as far as I know it is not carcinogenic (so the malignancy of the smoke is not a 1 to 1 correlation), and because you smoke less than cigarettes the build-up is much less significant long term (pack a day of smoking vs a joint or two/a bowl or two a day on average). It's still not "healthy", so of course the lung doc is not going to condone heavy smoking. Maybe you should invest in one of those volcanoes and vaporize it instead?
you guys realize i posted an article mentioning that the burning paper from a joint fucks up your lungs more than the actual burning of the weed

the real reason that random Americans will never be able to grow weed in their front yards is big pharmaceutical companies
according to your x-ray, the condition of your lungs themselves is indicated to be normal (meaning not damaged). Your current issue is more complicated and was probably exacerbated by smoking more so than being directly caused by it. Sure, smoking weed still results in tar build up in your lungs, but as far as I know it is not carcinogenic (so the malignancy of the smoke is not a 1 to 1 correlation), and because you smoke less than cigarettes the build-up is much less significant long term (pack a day of smoking vs a joint or two/a bowl or two a day on average). It's still not "healthy", so of course the lung doc is not going to condone heavy smoking. Maybe you should invest in one of those volcanoes and vaporize it instead?
i've been to a pulmonary doc before because ive had small problems with my breathing+minor chest pains and discomfort in recent years and the guy had told me i had asthma(and he came to the conclusion that it was most likely from my marijuana smoking) after giving me some weird breathing test, i laughed it off and tossed his prescription in the trash on my out of his office. Well almost two years later i guess it turns out he was right because i also had an asthma attack when all this happened and the only thing that made me feel better and start breathing normally again was when the ER room gave me some bronchodialtors(same thing that's in an asthma inhaler). Also marijuana is carcinogenic, just not as much as cigs(but some docs and studies have said and shown it to be more carcinogenic actually). Sure smoking occasionally isnt going to do anything to you, but im not an occasional smoker. We had to bury one of my younger friends father just a few months ago because of lung cancer, was a lifelong weedsmoker. My old neighbor had a tank of air with him wherever he went because he smoked weed everyday for over 30 years, never touched tobacco. One of my buddies has similar issues to what i had but much worse, he gets shortness of breath and labored breathing almost everytime he smokes up and bunch of them have numerous other problems, almost all linked to heavy smoking. Very rarely will you find heavy smokers who have been smoking weed for their whole lives that dont have some kind of issue because of it. So yea sure at best it can be a nice relaxing way to end the day, but at worst it can definitely kill you and fuck your lungs up. And according to those x-rays and the doc i have some air that has escaped one of my lungs and is stuck between my lungs and breastbone, they literally said i have tiny little hole somewhere in one of my lungs(which is where the air is coming from) but it didnt show on the x-ray because (in his words) "it's probably somewhere on the inside and an x-ray wont catch it we would need to do a CT scan". I didnt believe him since he couldn't show me on the x-ray where the hole was but when i got a few other opinions on it they all said the same thing, that it's most likely not going to show on just a plain x-ray. Basically if this got worse instead of getting better, i was going to have a collapsed lung, which you even know because you mentioned "per-collapsed lung" in one of our PM's. Doctor said the same thing by saying if i left i was most likely going to be back there with a collapsed lung. I'm glad to say he wrong on that part :D

And yes i agree, just like you said .. the smoking is what did this, not the marijuana itself. Obviously i wouldn't be having lung/breathing issues if i was eating edibles instead of smoking.

nah vaporizers have never done the trick for me, just going to try and call it quits. I think my body is telling me to stop putting smoke in it. Might try edibles again, i remember there was this one called the kushy punch TKO, that was the only edible that ever made me feel anything and it was still rather weak.

And everyday potheads smoke much more than a joint or two bowls a day. ;)
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i've been to a pulmonary doc before because ive had small problems with my breathing+minor chest pains and discomfort in recent years and the guy had told me i had asthma(and he came to the conclusion that it was most likely from my marijuana smoking) after giving me some weird breathing test, i laughed it off and tossed his prescription in the trash on my out of his office. Well almost two years later i guess it turns out he was right because i also had an asthma attack when all this happened and the only thing that made me feel better and start breathing normally again was when the ER room gave me some bronchodialtors(same thing that's in an asthma inhaler). Also marijuana is carcinogenic, just not as much as cigs(but some docs and studies have said and shown it to be more carcinogenic actually). Sure smoking occasionally isnt going to do anything to you, but im not an occasional smoker. We had to bury one of my younger friends father just a few months ago because of lung cancer, was a lifelong weedsmoker. My old neighbor had a tank of air with him wherever he went because he smoked weed everyday for over 30 years, never touched tobacco. One of my buddies has similar issues to what i had but much worse, he gets shortness of breath and labored breathing almost everytime he smokes up and bunch of them have numerous other problems, almost all linked to heavy smoking. Very rarely will you find heavy smokers who have been smoking weed for their whole lives that dont have some kind of issue because of it. So yea sure at best it can be a nice relaxing way to end the day, but at worst it can definitely kill you and fuck your lungs up. And according to those x-rays and the doc i have some air that has escaped one of my lungs and is stuck between my lungs and breastbone, they literally said i have tiny little hole somewhere in one of my lungs(which is where the air is coming from) but it didnt show on the x-ray because (in his words) "it's probably somewhere on the inside and an x-ray wont catch it we would need to do a CT scan". I didnt believe him since he couldn't show me on the x-ray where the hole was but when i got a few other opinions on it they all said the same thing, that it's most likely not going to show on just a plain x-ray. Basically if this got worse instead of getting better, i was going to have a collapsed lung, which you even know because you mentioned "per-collapsed lung" in one of our PM's. Doctor said the same thing by saying if i left i was most likely going to be back there with a collapsed lung. I'm glad to say he wrong on that part :D

Thanks for the anecdotes. It is actually quite rare to hear about long-term potheads who don't also smoke cigs. Then again there are people that exist who have lung cancer and have never smoked a cig (or weed) in their life, but im willing to believe that your friend's issues arose from smoking weed.

And yes i agree, just like you said .. the smoking is what did this, not the marijuana itself. Obviously i wouldn't be having lung/breathing issues if i was eating edibles instead of smoking.

I was under the impression that you had a chest cold that was exacerbated by the continued use of your trusty bong, but yea, smoking did most likely get you to the place you are right now and may even be the root cause.

nah vaporizers have never done the trick for me, just going to try and call it quits. I think my body is telling me to stop putting smoke in it. Might try edibles again, i remember there was this one called the kushy punch TKO, that was the only edible that ever made me feel anything and it was still rather weak.

Damn shame. Ive found that a good vaporizer could get me to damn near the same place that a bong could, but I definitely dont smoke as much as you do.

And everyday potheads smoke much more than a joint or two bowls a day. ;)

Yea, ive met the types and found it hard to believe that someone could smoke an ounce in a week or more, but they do exist I guess. I have barely ever been more than a few months clean from weed since ive been 15 (or maybe 14), but ive never really smoked much more than a couple bowls a day. Mostly because of the expense, but I find that the best high of the day is always the first, so I usually wait until the right time to indulge.
yea, ive heard quite a few stories of the healthiest people ever getting all sorts of cancers. I remember reading about this one 15-16 year old girl who had never smoked anything or done any drugs and went hiking and running etc on a daily basis that ended up with lung cancer and dying :(

And yea, a bunch of people out here smoke weed but not cigs. And that number is rising, as less youngsters are smoking cigs nowadays but way more are smoking weed because you have a dispensary popping up on every corner now and dumb idiots like Tweaker blindly spreading the word that there's no harm in smoking weed so all the kids think it's the thing to do. As a budsmoker, the best advice i can give any youngster is to stay faqr away from weed until they're much older are financially secure, have a solid career, house and a family and then they can try dabbling in that stuff. Or else they are just going to put their life on pause, in most cases at least.

I havent had a cigarette in over 10 years, probably closer to 15 and think they're fucking disgusting now. Cant even be around cig smoke now

I smoke usually anywhere from 1.5-2 grams a day. Sometimes more. There are people i know that smoke much more than that. If i'm wrapping joints and blunts(which ive been doing less of recently) i usually end up going through my stuff faster. I smoked in the morning, at work, when i got home, before i went out, before sleeping. It's basically like cigarettes for me and i have no problem saying i'm addicted to it. That's all going to change now though

And to add to all of this, i live in Los Angeles. We have some of the shittiest air in this country. :( Pretty sure this contributes to most peoples respiratory problems/issues

