The Whining and Bitching Thread

Anyone over the age of 15 was allowed to smoke at my school, the senior classes had their own room they could smoke in.
So I just had something fairly scary happen. Was visiting my neighbor earlier. When I left, I walked outside. I walked up the steps and started out the road to my house. Coming from the opposite direction, across the road and up a hill a woman started screaming HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME FUCKING HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.I dont know, I got a really sick feeling. My hair stood up on the back of my neck. Didnt have either of my big dogs with me (usually have at least the american bulldog) and it was after dark and raining. Felt really off. Not gonna lie, tucked tail and got the fuck home QUICKLY. Hoping I dont hear about it on the news in the morning.
i had this one couple who pulled up in front of my house a few weeks ago and started arguing. I stepped outside and the women started going to work on the guy slapping him around and shit, and then she saw me so she came running out of the car to my front yard with the same "help me pleeease", i told her to get the fuck off my lawn.
Now it's 18, (changed from 15 in the 90's I think and in the 80's they really didn't ask unless you couldn't see over the counter). But at more than $1 a smoke you need to be 18 and holding a decent job to afford the damn things.
Slammed is old enough that he was probably in high school when the age limit to smoke was 16, before they changed it to 18 in 1987.

FARK was it really 87? geez my time line is fucked I thought it as later than that
Yeah so did my mates daughter, she was born in Meridan Jan 7 1988, she only just got in. I'm sure she spent her $50 as wisely as you did, well her parents would have because back then you could get 2 slabs and a bag of chips for $50.
@Phylactery would vaping be an auto suspension in schools you've worked in? including mine lol

Nope. It would just be confiscated and parents would probably have to come in to pick it up. You don’t even get suspended for being caught smoking! Unless you keep doing it. You just get an internal exclusion for a day or so. Unless of course it’s not a normal cigarette.
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Im willing to bet that they didn't smell his vape. I used to have one (now I just use a Juul), and even when loaded with juice they don't have a significant odor (only when you are filling it or using it does it give off an odor). It sounds like to me that because he was showing it off to everyone, teachers became privy to the situation (or someone overheard and was a narc), let the administration know, and they came into class to shake him down.

Definitely shouldn't have been showing it off. Whenever I would bring anything 'illicit' into school, I would be as discreet as possible about it. So did anybody else I knew. Im pretty damn sure that if I let anybody know I had a pack of cigs or a pipe and weed in my bag that id get ratted out. I wouldnt even tell my friends, unless they were the ones in which I was going to partake with.
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no shit it'll get you in trouble, suspension seems excessive for faux-smoking though. i don't think even cigs would've warranted a suspension back when i was at school

I understand why smoking might be a problem because to non smokers the smell is annoying. But with vaping, regardless of whether you think it looks stupid, who does it harm? The bathrooms used to smell like shit and piss. Now they smell like pumpkin spice/tobacco/mango/kiwi

Vaping itself can cause some problems but its a personal choice and you cant live life trying to be perfectly healthy

You're right, I'm sure you didn't smell at all and it's just a conspiracy, because your mate was like "nah" when you asked him if you smell like vaping and your vape was in your bag.

I vape and have friends who vape. We all now that unvaporized juice doesn't produce a smell that would carry throughout an entire room. Also, lets say they did smell it. The room would have a slight strawberry kiwi smell to it, as if someone had just opened a gatorade or something. Unless someone had just been vaping in the room it wouldnt even smell like vape.

When they called us back, they said it might have been a "strange body odor" which made me think someone had some low quality weed on them or something. Vape juices smell like whatever flavoring agents are in them, no way the two are in any way related.

The smell I noticed when I walked in at the beginning of the class was the smell of the salad the coach was eating. It had some kind of strong smelling dressing, kind of a savory smell. It probably would have covered up any other smells and it wasnt suspicious either, it smelled like a fucking food. If the salad was the reason we were searched thats so pathetic its hilarious. My friend and I got suspended because of a fucking salad. I think I'm going to tell that to the trade school I'm going to when they see a suspension on my record
@Phylactery would vaping be an auto suspension in schools you've worked in? including mine lol

Forgot to add they’ve really tightened up the rules at your school since you would have been there. Very strict on uniform. Every student has something called a standards card - any problems with uniform (shirt untucked, tie off, jewellery, any type of make-up or nail varnish, etc) gets you one signature. 5 signatures and it’s a lunch time detention. Lose your standards card? Instant lunch time detention. Man, I used to love handing out those signatures! Especially if I was the fifth signature as I knew that meant they were losing their lunch! I was genuinely disappointed when I got a student’s card and I was the fourth signature - so annoying!
I go to a private school and you cant wear hoodies unless they are college ones and you cant wear t shirts of any kind. I get away with both somehow. A lot us do what I'm doing in my profile pic. If you wear a flannel over a hoodie they dont notice, and it looks really cool