In primary school I was all about Tamagotchi (and the Digimon version of it).
I remember in IT class a group of friends & myself would print off pictures of porn randomly. The teacher had no way of finding out which kid sent the job through to the printer either. Good times.
same here. my school banned them so all the parents had to look after them and they were fucking in the shit if they died.
also yoyos and pogs.
I remember in IT class a group of friends & myself would print off pictures of porn randomly. The teacher had no way of finding out which kid sent the job through to the printer either. Good times.
caught a bad cold, like an idiot i decided to still rip my bong. Cold got way worse. I started violently coughing and vomiting and started running out of breath, went to the ER and it turns out they said that i have a small hole in one of my lungs and there's air stuck between my lungs and chestbone(Pneumomediastinum), have some kind of emphysema/air in my neck(i'm guessing from the coughing and vomiting) and to add to that i had an asthma attack(never had asthma symptoms before). But the weird thing is initially he said my x-ray was good but he still wanted to keep me there and give me some steroid shots for the asthma(which i denied, which kind of ticked him off) but when i was walking out he came back and said "hey we found something on your x-ray .. looks like you might have damaged one of your lungs" and told me that i literally had a chance of dying if i left and that i would 100% be back there in a few hours when i got worse. I asked him "so where is the hole? Didnt you say my x-ray didnt show anything bad?" and he was like "oh its probably on the inside" or someshit. Well i called his bluff and i feel a little better today after finally getting a little sleep and being able to eat. And this is all pretty scary to me because i until about a year ago i rarely ever got sick, i could go years without catching a cold. Pretty sure it was just a bad cold and that faggot blew it our of proportion jsut because i didnt want to take the medicine he wanted to shoot me up with.Missed you around here TBH. Everything okay?
I've been smoking since i was a teen, so i might be a prime candidate, and like for the last year i've been having weird chest pains accompanied with bad coughs and the nastiest hugest pieces of phlegm you could possibly imagine. But yeah, im a little worried because ive never experienced something like this with the whole sob/trouble breathing thing. My breathing is much better today but i have this weird pain all over my chest back and neck area that i have never experienced before. have some suuuuuuper dank weed right now too so it's a damn shameNah, probably not. You probably should have taken the steroid, as it will reduce the inflammation and help your lungs to heal rather than develop something like walking pneumonia. Do you have a fever? Id be careful and lay off the bong or other smoking activities until things improve, but COPD is more of a long term thing that develops over years (your body literally uses a different biochemical mechanism to process oxygen). It would be really hard to diagnose you with something like emphysema when you have an acute chest cold, so I imagine that any chest x-ray + taking lung sounds would alarm someone who was somewhat dimwitted or paranoid. I would say wait and see, and if it doesnt get better (like the typical duration of a cold) go to the doc again and take the steroids. Doctors always err on the side of caution, and he probably told you that so he wouldn't be liable if you just dropped dead (pretty unlikely since you are still able to breath).
edit: saw you moved your whining and bitching to the appropriate thread. Too bad, you can quote from here![]()
I've been VERY wary of medicine ever since my tinnitus kicked in(which i would literally trade one of my lungs for to go away). I dont take any pills or medications and would rather just let my body work it out itself instead of rolling the dice with my tinnitus. For example, i talked to him about tinnitus yesterday and how i dont even want to entertain the idea of taking anything that can be ototoxic and spiked my T and the guy ended up prescribing me levaquin. Smfh. Why the fuck would i take an antibiotic(especially one of the most well known ototoxic ones) when they dont even really know what was wrong with me and the guy iddnt even utter the words "infection" the whole time i was there? "oh your airways are inflamed? here just destroy your gut and hearing with these godforsaken antibiotics" I swear i feel like most of these lower tier doctors do more harm than good.Sometimes docs want to shoot you up with drugs just so you don't bitch that they didnt give you anything.
I've been smoking since i was a teen, so i might be a prime candidate, and like for the last year i've been having weird chest pains accompanied with bad coughs and the nastiest hugest pieces of phlegm you could possibly imagine. But yeah, im a little worried because ive never experienced something like this with the whole sob/trouble breathing thing. My breathing is much better today but i have this weird pain all over my chest back and neck area that i have never experienced before. have some suuuuuuper dank weed right now too so it's a damn shame
that cocksucker literally told me "hey man bad news, looks like you popped one of your lungs" like i fucking had a collapsed lung or something.
re: emphysema on my final results page(i'll send you a PM) it says "there is subcutaneous in the neck extending to involve the mediastinum". Im going to go get copies of my x-ray and have one of my friends whos a surgeon in Washington take a look at it and ask one of his pulmonary doc buddies to check it out also, then i think i'll have a more solid answer/opinion of what happened to me.
I've been VERY wary of medicine ever since my tinnitus kicked in(which i would literally trade one of my lungs for to go away). I dont take any pills or medications and would rather just let my body work it out itself instead of rolling the dice with my tinnitus. For example, i talked to him about tinnitus yesterday and how i dont even want to entertain the idea of taking anything that can be ototoxic and spiked my T and the guy ended up prescribing me levaquin. Smfh. Why the fuck would i take an antibiotic(especially one of the most well known ototoxic ones) when they dont even really know what was wrong with me and the guy iddnt even utter the words "infection" the whole time i was there? "oh your airways are inflamed? here just destroy your gut and hearing with these godforsaken antibiotics" I swear i feel like most of these lower tier doctors do more harm than good.
edit: Btw no fever, highest i was yesterday was 37.2, which i guess is a little high, but he kept saying the whole "look its not a jail so its your decision but im jsut letting you know that you are going to end up back here and its going to be worse. I guaranteed it. Then we will have to stick a tube in your chest and throat etc" and he also told me a few times that there is a chance that i can die if i dont let them check me in(but that was after he came back with the "second opinion" of the x-ray.... literally in those words. hah!