The Whining and Bitching Thread

it probably is, but you're just too dumb to know how/why.

I say you go warm up with some deadlifts so you'll start slamming the police around when they kick in your door.

I didnt do anything illegal at the time...its illegal now thanks to a bunch of soccer moms but i dont have to worry about the police i dont think
In my experience you can type whatever as long as its at least two letters and one space...for example my gmail name is x x
In my experience you can type whatever as long as its at least two letters and one space...for example my gmail name is x x
for a while you couldn't do that shit for facebook because mark zuckerberg was trying to prevent people from having multiple accounts
Glad to hear you’re not too close. The stress of that is crazy. My Mum & Stepfather love on the back of Bunyip state forest and almost got taken out on Black Saturday. Was not a good time.

Thanks, I believe the fire is Watch and Act all round now, not out but the wind change at 2am helped and they were able to downgrade it.

We were in the heart of the Black Saturday fires too. I grew up about 10ks from where that cunt started the Churchill fire so we were out there defending and helping mates as soon as we got word the fire was running. We watched the western sky turn red from Bunyip then not long after that our day turned to night and everything changed. There is a lot of things you can never unsee in those circumstance and a 30 metre high ball of flame coming over the hill straight at you is one of those things. The week before that one of our farms was under threat of the Darlimurla fires as well. Feb 09 was a hell of a time for this state, the CFA and those involved should forever be immortalised for what they did.

Unfortunately my folks weren’t so lucky on the weekend just gone. Hope you’re ok.
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they passed out giant military duffel bags last night
but these are BLACK so we really don't have a way to mark them
people have already been stealing each other's bags
at least with the green ones we could have had them marked with a black marker
Unfortunately my folks weren’t so lucky on the weekend just gone. Hope you’re ok.

We are ok thanks, at the house we got covered in smoke and ash but it was no where near as bad as Black Saturday, we are still getting the smoke from Bunyip. The Yinnar fires started down the road from one of our farms but ran the other way it was a prick of a fire to fight because of the terrain, the fireries did a stellar job once again.

Are your folks ok? I know the Bunyip fire is still going (as are the other two majors) but last I heard they have contained it. I know a few people who were evacuated but thankfully they are okay.
Are your folks ok? I know the Bunyip fire is still going (as are the other two majors) but last I heard they have contained it. I know a few people who were evacuated but thankfully they are okay.
They are ok but they lost the lot. Got out with a bag of clothes and the dog.
They are ok but they lost the lot. Got out with a bag of clothes and the dog.

Geez sorry to hear that. I haven't seen the area of the fire zone from Bunyip yet. I know that they had a fairly large area under the warnings and a lot of road closures but that's all I've had time to check this week. We are going out to the farm today but as I said we are okay so we aren't going out there to find anything unexpected.
Geez sorry to hear that. I haven't seen the area of the fire zone from Bunyip yet. I know that they had a fairly large area under the warnings and a lot of road closures but that's all I've had time to check this week. We are going out to the farm today but as I said we are okay so we aren't going out there to find anything unexpected.
After black Saturday my parents vowed that if it happened again they would evacuate instead of risk their lives. Because of the royal commission the authorities pulled the trigger way too early and told people to evacuate on Friday night. My stepdad tried to get back in on Saturday to open the gates for the cattle, activate fire plan, grab important belongs etc and they wouldn’t let him in. Property burned on Sunday night.
Councils haven’t managed cutting back and burning off fuel properly as per the commission findings. The community is fucking pissed off.
Every year there is the debate about back burning and clearing and every year it's the same. Governments don't back burn and clear any more because it's a cost they think they can avoid, and every year there isn't a fire they consider it a win. Meanwhile the landowner get kicked in the arse if they do too much clearing themselves, especially in state forests that border their property. Governments have been fucking us over for all the years I've lived in the bush and they never know how to handle the crisis when it arrives. Pisses me off no end and it's why so many people in this area didn't and wont listen to evac orders, of course they know it may end bad for them but many wont leave early, they'll fight to the death because the Black Saturday warnings and orders came through way to early.

Unfortunately people also don't learn. 12 months after Black Saturday people were moving back into our area and surrounding themselves with even more trees, some had fire plans but many didn't, but the lessons weren't learnt. Because our fires in 09 were deliberately lit things down here were quite different in regards to what the RC recommended and many people were able to rebuild where they shouldn't have. 10 years on so many people are living in jungles and if the conditions strike again we will have a repeat of what happened.
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damn that sucks. Sounds like you guys have way more wildfires than even we do out here in california.

I wouldn't say more, it all depends on the conditions, we have good and bad years. We've had a few this year but it's bone dry, we are getting a large number of summer storms that see lightning starting fires in the bush and runs of hot days where a spark at night smoulders and then in the heat of the day erupts. The fires we had near us back in January (which are currently contained but not out) they reckon was sparked by lightning a pine plantation and it took three days to go from the lightning strike to when the fire actually started. It's near impossible to prevent fires when it's conditions like that.
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I wouldn't say more, it all depends on the conditions, we have good and bad years. We've had a few this year but it's bone dry, we are getting a large number of summer storms that see lightning starting fires in the bush and runs of hot days where a spark at night smoulders and then in the heat of the day erupts. The fires we had near us back in January (which are currently contained but not out) they reckon was sparked by lightning a pine plantation and it took three days to go from the lightning strike to when the fire actually started. It's near impossible to prevent fires when it's conditions like that.
that all sounds very familiar to whats going on here. We supposedly had some "drought"(all politically driven propaganda to control water consumption and for the state to save money and nickel and dime everyone) out here which was "the reason" we had so many fires but weave always had numerous fires out here. Very hot and a bunch of old forestry that no one really takes care of with controlled fires. That being said we've been getting a shit load of rain this year, more so than i can ever remember tbh. Its actually raining right now as i type.

I also found this interesting article. Looks like we can learn a lot from you guys...