The Whining and Bitching Thread

I totally understand all that but they were letting others back in to collect pets and they let a girl back in to collect a helmet that was used in a 70’s cop show. It was in the news. Meanwhile, my stepdad can’t even run in to collect important documents and turn the sprinklers on.

I wasn't there so I obviously can't comment on the specific case but I do see both sides and there is always two sides to everything.

Blaming the greenies to me sounds like you’re still complaining about shit like you were in the 80’s. Times have changed and ‘the greenies’ are well aware that prevention and planning is required. I totally agree with the majority of what you say by the way, but I blame government and council arse covering above all else. As long as their boxes are ticked and a bunch of people don’t die, it doesn’t matter what happens.

The greenies do still deserve a large portion of the blame, they demand trees be planted on any vacant land and en masse, they demand tracks and other such areas get closed off to the public to be preserved. Sure the governments, local, state and federal don't have to listen but like above there is two sides to every story and governments at all levels have to be seen to be doing something proactive. It's easier to bend over at the request of the greenies and ignore shit like back burning that only becomes an issue when there is a fire than it is to let the greenies get out of hand all the time. Look at those fucking greenies in East Gippsland whose protests hampered getting machinery out to help in the fires, these work for the dole protesters are a fucking joke and cause more problems that they will ever admit too. The words "Fertilise the bush. Doze in a Greenie" are as true today as they were when they were first spoken.
Manic doesn't own a gun because the big tiddy goth girls in his head told him they were bad

Castle laws here. Kill intruders, ask questions later. Be made out as a hero.

Same. Castle Doctrine in Ohio. Covers house and primary vehicle.

Just make sure you say to the officers that you were 'in fear for your life' so it doesn't come back as manslaughter or something like that.
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The greenies do still deserve a large portion of the blame, they demand trees be planted on any vacant land and en masse, they demand tracks and other such areas get closed off to the public to be preserved. Sure the governments, local, state and federal don't have to listen but like above there is two sides to every story and governments at all levels have to be seen to be doing something proactive. It's easier to bend over at the request of the greenies and ignore shit like back burning that only becomes an issue when there is a fire than it is to let the greenies get out of hand all the time. Look at those fucking greenies in East Gippsland whose protests hampered getting machinery out to help in the fires, these work for the dole protesters are a fucking joke and cause more problems that they will ever admit too. The words "Fertilise the bush. Doze in a Greenie" are as true today as they were when they were first spoken.
Can you point me towards some info about this stuff going on? I thought it was all years ago.
Can you point me towards some info about this stuff going on? I thought it was all years ago.

It was in the news yesterday, two protesters chained to trees in East Gippsland hampering the efforts of fire fighter. I don't read much by way of mainstream press so it would have been on something like or one of those sites.

These same work for the dole protesters have had camps set up near or within the East Gippsland forests for more than 10 years. Want proof of that go and visit the area they are a fucking annoyance. The days of chaining themselves to dozer blades and truck bullbars disappeared for a few years but they have come back and thankfully the media are not chasing these stories every time they happen.

The greeines getting tracks blocked has happened progressively for the last ten of fifteen years in every state forest in the state, the same as beach driving. People have been banned from doing recreational things in the bush for years. Local council and government websites show which tracks and forests are no longer open to recreational sports like 4wd, fishing, and motorbikes. Sure in more than a few cases the idiots with 4wds are their own worst enemy and they ruin forests which leads to others being sensible being banned but this state has closed more beach tracks and forest tracks than any other state and the fines for being caught at ridiculous. We live in the country and use tracks all the time as short cuts to different towns, to get firewood, to get between the farms and thanks to the greenies we can now get fined for going on some of those tracks.

Our entire estate burnt through Black Saturday because the greenies insisted planting 1000 gum trees in an estate of less than 40 blocks.
It was in the news yesterday, two protesters chained to trees in East Gippsland hampering the efforts of fire fighter. I don't read much by way of mainstream press so it would have been on something like or one of those sites.

These same work for the dole protesters have had camps set up near or within the East Gippsland forests for more than 10 years. Want proof of that go and visit the area they are a fucking annoyance. The days of chaining themselves to dozer blades and truck bullbars disappeared for a few years but they have come back and thankfully the media are not chasing these stories every time they happen.

The greeines getting tracks blocked has happened progressively for the last ten of fifteen years in every state forest in the state, the same as beach driving. People have been banned from doing recreational things in the bush for years. Local council and government websites show which tracks and forests are no longer open to recreational sports like 4wd, fishing, and motorbikes. Sure in more than a few cases the idiots with 4wds are their own worst enemy and they ruin forests which leads to others being sensible being banned but this state has closed more beach tracks and forest tracks than any other state and the fines for being caught at ridiculous. We live in the country and use tracks all the time as short cuts to different towns, to get firewood, to get between the farms and thanks to the greenies we can now get fined for going on some of those tracks.

Our entire estate burnt through Black Saturday because the greenies insisted planting 1000 gum trees in an estate of less than 40 blocks.
Googling gets me nothing on that story but I’ll take your word for it.

I’m aware greenies and hippies in general are an annoyance and mindless eco preservation is stupid but I didn’t think these people had any say in forest management.
Googling gets me nothing on that story but I’ll take your word for it.

I’m aware greenies and hippies in general are an annoyance and mindless eco preservation is stupid but I didn’t think these people had any say in forest management.

The news story about the protesters stopping fire efforts was actually on Prime news.
Having a say and protesting governments until they act are not really the same thing but they may as well be. From Bairnsdale to Orbost there is a shit load of tracks that the green groups were able to convince the state government were in threat of damage because of motorbike riders and 4wders. Now they did have a point some of those people treat the bush like shit, they ruin the tracks and they make new tracks wherever the hell they like, but the majority are decent people and there is now padlocks on many of the tracks. I believe the Toolangi state forest is the same. We've even been warned off chasing our own cattle from one state forest because one of the local 'environmentalists' saw us and dobbed us into The Dept Of Sparks and Embers (or whatever they call them selves this week). We told the guy what we were doing and that the cattle had been spooked by something, possibly a fox, and bolted at the fence. We told him we were only retrieving the cattle then fixing the fence. The guy agreed with what we were doing but admitted his hands were tied, the complaint went through official channels and he had to come out, warn us and tell us that should it happen again we are suppose to ring the department to have someone present, at our cost, to make sure we don't ruin the environment. So yeah they may not have any official say in what happens but no government at the moment is crave enough to go against the green lobby.
The Greens are fucking spastics. I voted for them at the top of the card once as a troll, I usually vote for the Christian Party or whatever.

I think it showed just how ridiculous the Greens are a few years ago when the only Greens politician who got voted in was from an Inner city Melb electorate where trees and plants only grow on high rise balconies and in wardrobes under warm lights.
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Exactly, people who have no real idea of preserving the bush but live in a concrete jungle and feel guilty about it.
The news story about the protesters stopping fire efforts was actually on Prime news.
Having a say and protesting governments until they act are not really the same thing but they may as well be. From Bairnsdale to Orbost there is a shit load of tracks that the green groups were able to convince the state government were in threat of damage because of motorbike riders and 4wders. Now they did have a point some of those people treat the bush like shit, they ruin the tracks and they make new tracks wherever the hell they like, but the majority are decent people and there is now padlocks on many of the tracks. I believe the Toolangi state forest is the same. We've even been warned off chasing our own cattle from one state forest because one of the local 'environmentalists' saw us and dobbed us into The Dept Of Sparks and Embers (or whatever they call them selves this week). We told the guy what we were doing and that the cattle had been spooked by something, possibly a fox, and bolted at the fence. We told him we were only retrieving the cattle then fixing the fence. The guy agreed with what we were doing but admitted his hands were tied, the complaint went through official channels and he had to come out, warn us and tell us that should it happen again we are suppose to ring the department to have someone present, at our cost, to make sure we don't ruin the environment. So yeah they may not have any official say in what happens but no government at the moment is crave enough to go against the green lobby.
Fair enough, and if greenies were actually hampering firies then they should be locked up.
They should be locked up when they chain themselves to dozers. They should be locked up when they chain themselves to trucks. They should be locked up when they chain themselves to trees. And they should be locked up whenever their protest hampers whatever it is they are protesting. As with any group there is good and bad in them all and the rapid fuckwits of them should all be locked up.

The greenies aren't the only ones to blame, people themselves deserve a portion of the blame. So many people moved back into fire effected areas and replanted the jungles they had around them before the fires then put in a sprinkler system and figured they'd be safe. Sure there was rules dropped by the RC that changed the way some councils authorised permits but once the houses were built councils didn't give a shit. I guarantee that if we had another person light a fire in the same place as the cunt lit the Black Saturday fires here the damage will be as severe or worse because people have not learnt from their mistakes. From reports I've heard areas up around Kinglake and further north are the same.

Like I've said, I feel for anyone who has lost anything in any of the fires but there is rarely only one person/group to blame.
My brain is broken
For some reason I can't fucking remember how to post a fucking YouTube video right now
I'll make a video when I can remember how to do it
Or when Arctix gets back to me
Which ever comes first