The Whining and Bitching Thread

Getting kicked out of his school and house isn't severe?
no. His at an age where hes going to have to leave his house anyway. And im pretty sure by kicking out he meant sent him to his aunts or grandmas house, or maybe he stayed at a friends house for like a day or two. They definitely didn't abandon him and send him to the streets. I mean, he is back at home anyway, right? And i dont know if hes been kicked out of his high school but that's not a big deal either, he can go to another HS. Shit he can even go to some independent study and get his HS diploma. Not a big deal at all if you ask me.

You know what's severe? The shielded kids who've never had a dose of reality and are introduced to the real world at 18.
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no. His at an age where hes going to have to leave his house anyway. And im pretty sure by kicking out he meant sent him to his aunts or grandmas house, or maybe he stayed at a friends house for like a day or two. They definitely didn't abandon him and send him to the streets. I mean, he is back at home anyway, right? And i dont know if hes been kicked out of his high school but that's not a big deal either, he can go to another HS. Shit he can even go to some independent study and get his HS diploma. Not a big deal at all if you ask me.
Way to minimize his situation. For all we know, the school and home stuff is just a symptom of a bigger problem. What if he's schizophrenic? You're going out of your way to assume a best-case scenario.

You know what's severe? The shielded kids who've never had a dose of reality and are introduced to the real world at 18.
In case you hadn't noticed by the copious amounts of stupidity in his posts, his difficulties accepting reality go well beyond the results of standard overparenting. You're overgeneralizing this into a political rant.
Was speaking to my 18 year old niece earlier. She had never heard of the Holocaust before. Couldn't believe it when I heard it.

Just wondering how she could have possibly have not have ever heard about that. Must have been asleep during history class back in high school. Either that or they don't teach that shit in school anymore.
Just found out the answer to my own question. Apparently no, kids don't learn about that stuff in school anymore.
Nah my nieces never learnt it specifically and they are only about a year older than yours. There is option for history and history classes at most school but it's not a requirement. Never was for me either but I went to a tech school which was trade subjects and/or maths and sciences.
Fair enough. I feel that it's going to breed a generation of incredibly ignorant morons then. History is very important in my eyes.
Shit's fucked up. I opted out of history at the first opportunity because the work was mostly essay-based, and went for physics/chemistry/IT/maths stuff, but we'd already learnt about the Holocaust by that point. We studied Schindler's List in English class too. My school wasn't public but state-integrated meaning it still used the public curriculum.
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We did history topics as a part of Social Studies and English but only High Schools back then did it as a specific subject. I don't see any reason history should be an actual subject unless a person needs or wants to for their career at which point they can elect to do it.
I feel that people should at least have some idea of 20th century history, at least. After all, it kinda shapes the world we live in today. But I see what you mean when you say it doesn't necessarily help most people out with a large portion of potential career choices.
I don't know what it's like now but when I was at school history classes at the High School were more about ancient history, nothing post 1900 type era, which is why kids hated it unless they were headed for a career that needed history. Where as the 1900's was covered in English and Social Studies which until year 9 was compulsory. Social Studies was renamed to something equally stupid but concentrated on most Australian history including Aboriginal history where as English covered all the other shit like wars, technology and important changes that happened around the world.
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