The Whining and Bitching Thread

Why should you be allowed to be a dumb piece of shit?

Because the customers have the money that a company needs to survive, and they also have the ability to go complain to management if an employee pisses them off.... and if your management is stupid, like mine, then you'll get written up and face consequences, even if it's not your fault.

I work in a cafe inside a Barnes & Noble bookstore, and we sell Starbucks coffee, but since we're owned by B&N, we can't accept Starbucks cards. A girl about my age (maybe 20 or 21) got really pissed off at me the other day because I couldn't take her Starbucks card (even after I politely explained that even if I wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to use it since our computers can't even read Starbucks cards) and she got really pissed off and threw a fit and ended up calling me a "stupid ass bitch." And then complained about it. And now I have a black mark on my record for something that's not even my fucking fault. I hate people sometimes.
Because the customers have the money that a company needs to survive, and they also have the ability to go complain to management if an employee pisses them off.... and if your management is stupid, like mine, then you'll get written up and face consequences, even if it's not your fault.

I work in a cafe inside a Barnes & Noble bookstore, and we sell Starbucks coffee, but since we're owned by B&N, we can't accept Starbucks cards. A girl about my age (maybe 20 or 21) got really pissed off at me the other day because I couldn't take her Starbucks card (even after I politely explained that even if I wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to use it since our computers can't even read Starbucks cards) and she got really pissed off and threw a fit and ended up calling me a "stupid ass bitch." And then complained about it. And now I have a black mark on my record for something that's not even my fucking fault. I hate people sometimes.

I meant why should Faggots and Flames be allowed to be a dumb piece of shit.
I don't even really care all that much, because at the end of the day, it's a fucking cup of coffee and I 'm not willing to sacrifice my job over getting back at people like that... but my point is that some people are complete fucking morons and I spent the rest of the day secretly hoping that someone would do me a favor and rear-end her car or something.
nuncheon you're forgetting that WAIF looks about 10 years older than he is.
Indeed. I can offer you all the pleasures of a 27 year old, with the extreme virility of a sweaty 17 year old boy.

hes jewish I think so he probably has a needle dick and not worth the flight cost
I believe the word "harpoon" would be more accurate.
Seriously, why do you assume jews have small dicks? Was your last boyfriend jewish?
And tbh I'm only part-Jewish.

I fucking hate being tired. And this girl who sits next to me in Chinese keeps reading what I'm typing. Its fucking annoying.
So...stop chatting on internet forums?

Not if the customer found out. I would do stuff like mix dandruff into the parmesan.
OH NO! YOU GOT ME! I ATE YOUR DANDRUFF AND DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT! I've learned my lesson and I'll never mess with you again!

Can you assist me in silent killing please? :D

Thats why I play WoW. But there are some real douches in the game. There were some idiots who have been saying "anal" in the general chat for the past 2 days.
oh noes they said anal!111

Yeah, I probably would have just discounted her purchase by 10% or something or negotiated something with her
Why? She should pay the same price for coffee as everyone else. She doesn't deserve a "bitch reward"

rear end her.
I'd love to :heh:

Recently, work has been pretty good, but I have a few complaints:

-Manager who tells me to do about 500 things at a time. But only when I pass him while in the middle of doing one of the earlier things he told me to do. I like him but it's annoying as hell...I end up with lots of jobs half done due to that kind of thing, and it's never very good for anyone.

-PEOPLE WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND LIMITATIONS ON COUPONS. We are having a RIDICULOUS fucking sale on back-to-school supplies, including five-packs of decent mechanical pencils for FIVE FUCKING CENTS. The coupons we use clearly state that there's a limit, because if you could just buy an infinite amount, you'd completely fuck every other customer, not to mention the store's inventory, over. Luckily, this madness ends the 26th, when I won't even be at work to laugh at people trying to use the coupons still. Goddamn people. Also, I hate to stereotype, but a lot of Indian people around here are Jewier than Jews...they constantly try to penny-pinch every last cent and return things or hold off on buying things if they're not exactly in line with what they originally thought. It's annoying as fuck. End slightly racist-seeming rant.

Why? She should pay the same price for coffee as everyone else. She doesn't deserve a "bitch reward"

You completely fail at business strategy. If someone is yelling at you and is not satisfied with what is going on, are you going to deny them service at all? That's just a bad way to do business. Word of mouth advertising is worth a lot more than anything you could put on TV. If she goes and bitches to 10 friends about it, they'll bitch to 10 more friends, etc. In which case, they'll lose business. If you satisfy the customer, they will give you repeat business, which is what you want.

I mean, she was bitching because they couldn't accept her card. How many people are going to have Starbucks cards that go in there? Probably a small percentage of people. When you tell most of the people what Charlie told her, the majority will not throw a fit and will pay with cash or credit or whatever and go on their way (I'd inquire about why the cards aren't accepted, but that's as far as I'd go). You have those few though that will bitch and moan and it's easier to appease those people in the end than it is to turn them away (it's a job for the managers really since they are in charge). If they are making a really huge fucking scene especially.
Trust me, I definitely want to rip some people in half, but Ozz is right. I feel that working in retail is degrading and demoralizing, but having a job is important and I'm not going to stick with retail forever. I hate it but I'm willing to put up with it because it pays the bills, and most of those assholes aren't worth my concern anyhow.
Exactly; they want you to commiserate with them and to pay them heed...if you don't you win, no matter what kind of discounts you give them to appease them in the short time you have to deal with them.
It's okay, while dealing with people like that, I mentally correct their grammar and think of all of the nasty, witty (of course) things I could have said to them, and it makes me feel better.