The Whining and Bitching Thread

i actually realized it's not the meth that's fucking up my memory
part of it is a compartmentalizing problem

instead of remembering the names of the girls that i've had sex with
i remember the names of the girls that peter benjamin parker has had sex with

instead of remembering how to make a bomb out of a kerosene-powered lamp
i remember that "uncopywritable" is the longest word in the english language that doesn't repeat a letter

i get lost every time i go into a store because instead of memorizing the layout of stores that still exist
my memory is full of the layouts of stores that don't actually exist anymore

i haven't actually done as much meth as everyone thinks i have
i did it for the first time when i was 12
but it was really just a Halloween-Christmas-4th-of-July kind of a thing until just a couple years ago
in fact, in the "crutchraped" video, i'm actually high-as-a-kite on downers

everyone genetically related to me has inheritable memory problems and i'm pretty sure i inherited one of those

really my memory would be fucked off even if i hadn't done any meth in my life
and that sentence is kinda freaking me out
so, fuck being sober, i'm gonna go get high

You do you, blurry. I'm not your parent.
Enough heat generation from the disc spinning at high speed. I've almost burned myself on metal pieces after grinding them because of it. May want to start wearing some work or mechanics gloves when grinding in the future. I typically do unless I only need to do a few seconds of grinding.

tbh we are supposed to be using welders gloves when grinding anyway. It’s just a pain in the ass to use power/hand tools and an extruder with those gloves on so I’d constantly be switching around. Tried to cut a screw head off and bumped another in the process causing the grinder to kick.

not sure why I’m even bothering as I’m the one supposed to be overseeing the repairs, not flat out doing them, but goddamn that’s boring for ten hours a day.
tbh we are supposed to be using welders gloves when grinding anyway.

Makes sense since there's enough material in those gloves where you probably wouldn't get injured if the grinder caught the glove for whatever reason. Mobility in those things does suck though. I use them for smithing on my off hand (ie: the hand holding steel/tongs) and they work well but I like to have more control so I usually will use a thick mechanic glove or sometimes no glove at all if I'm not holding the steel directly.

Almost a month ago some random I didn't know commented on a public post of mine about AntiFa protesting that Never Surrender Fest, spouting a bunch of shit about how the AntiFa protesters are equivalent to the men who fought the Nazis, so I replied with the above comment, he blocked me without responding and I forgot about it. Just now all of a sudden I get a 24 hour ban for bullying citing that comment as the violation lmfao.

Fecesbook is a fucking joke. Easily one of my tamest "violations" on that shitty site. :lol:
Recently concluded a month-long dispute with our downstairs neighbor who's been complaining that our cats have been making too much noise.

This entire thing has been surreal. First we get a notice from our property manager saying we need to remedy the noise situation (which made little sense to us, since we couldn't fit the neighbor's complaints together with what we hear in our apartment); but when we contact them to ask exactly what the problem is, we learn our neighbor refuses to meet with us (I knocked on his door multiple times to no avail--whether he was ignoring me or not home, I can't say). We speak with a property rep who tells us that apparently our neighbor has called a) the town, and b) a lawyer. He's told the property rep that he's been "advised against meeting" with us. Then out of the blue he contacts our property rep and tells her he'll agree to a meeting. This is after the whole ordeal has been going on for weeks. We can only assume the lawyer he met with told him he should agree to a meeting (fucking duh).

Anyway, we had a meeting that was a "listening session" so I could go down to his apartment and try to hear what he's hearing. The property rep was there too. Needless to say, there was no abnormal noise; he objected that what he'd been hearing wasn't happening while we were down there (go figure). The property rep (who by now is annoyed with this guy, as she told us afterward) said that when he does hear it, he should come get me and ask me to come down so I can hear what it sounds like. He proceeds to ask: "Would that be alright if I came to knock on your door?"

Motherfucker, that's what you should have done a month ago. Some people don't understand how to have a fucking conversation.
wtf, how much noise can a cat possibly make?

Occasionally they chase each other while playing, and I believe that it might sound loud downstairs; but this guy was complaining that it went on for hours, which isn't true. If anything, it's an occasional loud sound while they play--akin to dropping a book on the floor. Something else was going on in this guy's life, I think, and he directed his frustration at our cats.
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Sounds like an absolute passive-aggressive cunt. Fucking surreal, all that pissfarting around when he could have just knocked on your door and spoke with you. I really don't understand people like that, holy shit dude.
Yeah, the most frustrating thing was that he didn't come to us first. And he had some explanation for why he didn't knock on our door that I can't even recapitulate because it made no sense.
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Maybe a dunny budgie flew into your ear.
Maybe you could get Dr. Jimmy to check it out, I hear he's good at sticking things in small holes.
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