The Whining and Bitching Thread

The thing about me is I don't really care what the vocalist does for the most part & am not the type of person who over-analyses what they do or say. It's just when it starts affecting the actual music that I take notice.
that's actually perfect
find a vocalist whose singing you love
and start a band with that person
Ever find something out about family history that’s kind of interesting but still sucks?

my grandmother was diagnosed with dupuytren contracture (ie Viking’s Disease) today. It affirms our family’s lineage from before their Scottish roots but it also tells me I’ll potentially be afflicted, along with my sister, my father (his siblings) and any children I may father.
A few years ago i injured my hand again and was having trouble fully straightening out one of my fingers. Had a little knot that started forming on my palm after a few weeks and thought i might have had it too.

But yeah, I know a few people who have that but i think there's was from injuries not healing right or just overusing that hand for years. None of them have scandinavian heritage.
It apparently runs in our family,after a bit of conversation.

my grandmother is an immigrant directly from Scotland so it matches fairly well

Guess there’s a link between it and Japanese heritage too but not sure that’s the route my family tree took.
My grandmother is contemplating surgery at this point. Her hand is almost drawn in to where she can no longer open those fingers at all. She’s at that age the surgery has such a long heal time she may opt not to.
that's actually perfect
find a vocalist whose singing you love
and start a band with that person

waiting for @jimmy101 to respond to this^^

Fuck the labwork I'm currently doing. The road to results is an erratic one, a true mercurial serpentine. There's so many steps where errors can appear that even going back to find the errors is a job on its own where more mistakes can be made. Zephyrus would call my current course a downward spiral for sure.
sounds like you're describing the beginning of a post-apocalyptic movie where one of these "errors" ends up killing 97% of all the humans on earth
apparently my bones are unbreakable
which sounds awesome, right??
until i explain that it fucks off my ability to get adequate medical treatment
i experience the kind of blunt-force-trauma that would shatter a normal person's bones
then i go to Baylor's ER
then they do an X-Ray
then they insistently refuse to do any kind of scan that would show any of the specific types of tissue damage that would NOT be visible on an X-ray
just because my bones are intact

then i end up going to Parkland
it's only Baylor that does this shit
and it's only because i have no medical insurance
but it's really fucked up that i have to leave the ER and go to a whole different hospital just to make sure i don't have internal bleeding
meth has seriously fucked-off my memory
there's this huge amount of shit i used to know that's just gone from my memory
i can't remember how to kill someone with my bare hands
i can't remember how to make a bomb out of a kerosene-powered lamp
i can't remember the moves/holds from grecko-roman-style wrestling
i can't remember how to play poker
i can't remember how to make origami swans
dallas has a shit-ton of hospitals and i can't remember which ER i went to when my ex shredded my face with her teeth
can't remember the names of most of the women i've had sex with
can't remember how to spell my mother's maiden name
i remember that the first girl to suck my dick, the first girl to give me a hand-job, and the first time i had my dick in a pussy were 3 different girls
but i can't remember in which order these 3 things happened

i feel like i have alzheimer's' but i'm still under 40
Fucking thumb is hurting to fuck right now. Caught awkwardly while using a metal cutting grinder disc and it took a chunk of flesh out of my pointer finger then bore its way through the side of my thumbnail before stopping. Interestingly it was so hot from grinding (and or moving quickly) that it seemed to cauterize the wound. Didn’t bleed much but hurt like a bastard. Imagine cutting a pencil lead sized cut through the corner of your thumb nail and into your flesh with a grinder. That’s where I’m at.
it was so hot from grinding (and or moving quickly)

Enough heat generation from the disc spinning at high speed. I've almost burned myself on metal pieces after grinding them because of it. May want to start wearing some work or mechanics gloves when grinding in the future. I typically do unless I only need to do a few seconds of grinding.
I'd chill a bit on the substance abuse if you fear your memory further deteriorating
i actually realized it's not the meth that's fucking up my memory
part of it is a compartmentalizing problem

instead of remembering the names of the girls that i've had sex with
i remember the names of the girls that peter benjamin parker has had sex with

instead of remembering how to make a bomb out of a kerosene-powered lamp
i remember that "uncopywritable" is the longest word in the english language that doesn't repeat a letter

i get lost every time i go into a store because instead of memorizing the layout of stores that still exist
my memory is full of the layouts of stores that don't actually exist anymore

i haven't actually done as much meth as everyone thinks i have
i did it for the first time when i was 12
but it was really just a Halloween-Christmas-4th-of-July kind of a thing until just a couple years ago
in fact, in the "crutchraped" video, i'm actually high-as-a-kite on downers

everyone genetically related to me has inheritable memory problems and i'm pretty sure i inherited one of those

really my memory would be fucked off even if i hadn't done any meth in my life
and that sentence is kinda freaking me out
so, fuck being sober, i'm gonna go get high