The Whining and Bitching Thread

my boyfriend said that he was walking his friend to the bus stop and he did not come home till 6 in the morning and i was up all night worried sick and could not go to work,when i asked his friends what time they got home they said shortly after so that means my bf was out by himself! he won't tell me what he is doing I totally don't trust him anymore and I don't know what to do he has done this twice first time i bitched him out and said never do it again second time i have psychotic episode and beat the shit out of him.
getting wetter than you thought physically possible
Of course!

Well. I am there ;)

and highly fuckable sheep

Not highly. But beggars can't be choosers.

No doubt he knows if black sheep outdo white sheep too then ;)

It's generally a case of personal preference. What with my generally obscured morals, I relate white to pure, and love defiling the pure sheep.

And if he ever figures out that I am of mixed Jewish, Russian, Norweigian, and Irish descent and what stereotypes apply to those ethnicities, he's free to go for it.

In soviet russia, vikings burn and gas your relatives while getting drunk.

Work sucked.
And they now have jager at the place where I was going to go instead of work :(
Ach well. I now have £35 :D
In soviet russia, vikings burn and gas your relatives while getting drunk.
Something like that.
You could say something about drunken, potato-eating, money-grubbing, child-murdering, world-bank-controlling, church-burning snow my pals.

Yeah, i hate that too, it feels very tight when you wear it. Sometimes i wish my mom would never wash my pants.
Tight pants are more epic.
what about the jews that pulled the strings behind the allied war effort?
edit: what a shitty post to be my 8000th