The Whining and Bitching Thread

More bitching...just found out that Metal Maniacs are calling it quits.
Thats retarded considering that i finally decided to subscribe to a metal mag (only received 3 issues) and end up getting shafted.
I take it there is no refund.
The only metal magazine I actually enjoy reading. Cunts...
God damnit, my brother is such a fucking idiot. I have no more respect for him whatsoever. He keeps proving over and over again that he doesn't deserve it.
god damnit, my band got 4th place in battle of the bands last night because we called one of the judges (who has no legs) a sea turtle a few months back... :lol:

we were well within reason, the guy was our sound guy at Park Rock Fest and not only did he suck at sound, he was a prick. oh and one of the reason he sucked so bad at sound was because the mixer was too high so he was using a fucking stick to mix everything, WTF.
Every single fucking snow storm, the plow person who plows our driveway always comes way too fucking soon. I mean, after a couple hours since he came, there is another fucking two inches on the driveway. I don't mind shoveling that much besides the fact that we pay the guy to plow. And he does a shitty job. Also, he leaves a huge part in front of our garage, which I then have to shovel.