The Whining and Bitching Thread

I gave him advice on his feelings. He might end up getting over the girl and regret rejecting this one.

My whining and bitching: My parents keep annoying me about how much time I spend on the computer. Last time I checked it was not my decision to pull myself out of the new school in Taiwan and stay in this piece of shit town. And my Mom bitches at me because I don't wanna be friends with my soccer obsessed neighbor or any of the people in my pothead filled school. My mother and all her annoying criticisms of who I am is one of the reasons I went to Hong Kong in the first place. She apologized a month ago after basically telling me I was fucked up and everyone thought I was a fucked up piece of shit for as long as I can remember but still does it. My mother threatens to leave the family sometimes because she thinks I'm a freak show. She says to my Dad "fine you can raise the kids, I don't need this." She also told my dad last week that it was a waste of their money to send me to school (even though I have a fucking A average). She used to make me feel like a piece of shit who was an embarrassment to the family because I was the only child who wasn't "normal." She used to make feel like shit until I went to Hong Kong and realized I don't need her bullshit and now all it does is just bring up shitty memories of when she made me feel worthless.
meh, I stopped caring what my parents thought or what was going on at all there a long time ago, and it's felt great ever since. Not that everyone can just 'do' that like flipping off a lightswitch. I wish I could do that with some other stuff. But I was definitely able to with my parents, especially my mom.
I have to say, I think my parents are pretty cool. I mean sometimes they are annoying, and can get on my nerves, but are still pretty open minded about shit.
My dad and brother are gone for the weekend, so it's just my mom and me. It was going to be our "girls weekend" or whatever, but she's already gone out to dinner with her friends, came home, listened to me play bass for 15 minutes, then went to bed at 9:00. My mom and I don't really get along too well, she's really closed-minded and my dad and I don't have the best relationship because he's always chilling out with my bro.
My parents suck, I could go on and on about why my mom sucks and my dad, he was just a dick to me after not bothering to see me for the first 9 years of my life. As for my mom, there's too much, so much that I really wouldn't know where to start. She's not as bad as she used to be though.
I have to order many CDs from the US (I live in England) and it always takes a good week or two longer than stated for delivery to the UK. I mean the time they state for the UK, not standard US delivery time.
How does anyone enjoy living in big cities? Had to go to San Diego yesterday, traffic during peak hours causes a never ending face palm. I don't know how people deal with that on a daily basis.

Edit: Not to mention those locations that have on ramps but not off ramps or vice versa. dubya tee eff.
In Hong Kong the traffic isn't bad at all plus the metro system is good and it's not very hard to get where you need to go. I fucking love that place.
Cities are win, just don't be dumb enough to drive. Public transportation gets you where you need to go, or walking does. New York is a good example, even though Manhattan has a very well designed and executed traffic system.