The Whining and Bitching Thread

The week before spring break I applied for a French tutor, but then my computer broke. I didn't check my email at all over spring break and I fixed my computer when I got back, but didn't reinstall the internet until Monday and didn't get a chance to check my email until Monday night, around 10:30. To my surprise, the Office of Learning Services had already replied almost a week ago with a tutoring assignment, telling me that my first session with my tutor would be at 5:15 PM Monday evening... just the thing I need to be reading for the first time at 10:30 PM Monday night. I emailed them back to explain the situation, but they never replied.

This week was my "second" session with my tutor, but my class ran later than usual and I had to hurry back to my dorm to get my French books and grab some hot chocolate from the dining hall so that I wouldn't be distracted by hunger during my tutoring. Anyway, I arrived a couple minutes early but couldn't find my tutor, so I checked my email to make sure that I was in the right room at the time time, which I was, but my tutor still never showed up.

After waiting for like twenty minutes, I asked the girl at the help desk what form to fill out if my tutor didn't show up, because we're supposed to report no-shows. Well, it turns out there's a form for tutors to report their tutees as no-shows, but no form for the tutees to report their tutors, so I had to use the tutor form and explain everything and hope they get it right and don't penalize me instead.
I just had this really fucking painful cramp in some muscle inside of my throat. It hurt like fuck.
You know, genetically, bisexual men don't exist.

