The Whining and Bitching Thread

Ohh ffs Feather dusters and flamming faggots shut up. How can you be depressed when you're only 15 but you're getting laid.

I'm 18 in 3 days and I've never.... well I'm not going to say but it's pretty grim.

Yesterday sucked. Did full drafts of my senior paper, my major history paper (essentially another senior paper), and studied for this math test that constitutes 34% of my grade for the quarter (which I just took).
Posting from my engineering class, btw.
Okay guys, help me out here. Is it just me, or is it a little fucking absurd to raise an issue with an apartment mate over how clean their dish drying rack is?

I bought this thing in December, it seriously doesn't have a spot on it, and the chick I live with has asked me not to leave her dishes on it (i.e. if she's left them in the dishwasher after washing and I need to do a load myself, thus necessitating the removal of her dishes) because she "doesn't know how clean it is". So she expects me to either wait for her to get her dishes out of the dishwasher, or dry them and put them away for her.

Man I'm sick of living with this prissy cunt.
God damn, confront that bitch.

I'm just really not sure what to say. I guess I could ask her what evidence she has that there's actually something unclean about it, and if she has nothing then I can tell her to get off my back until she has an actual reason for concern. I'd tell her to lighten the fuck up, but it'd probably just set off a spree of passive-aggressive behavior from her.

I'll probably just start putting the dishes away, but forego the drying part. Seems like a compromise I can live with. This issue obviously isn't going to come up often enough for me to lose sleep over, it's just fucking irritating how many little stupid things like this she's brought up over the course of the year.
If only. Thing is, it's pretty common for all of us to leave clean laundry or dishes sitting in the corresponding machine for extended periods of time, and for the next person in line to have to move them at some point. Somehow I've managed to escape bitching from her for touching her precious clothing, but of course she dumps mine out on top of the washer/dryer all the time, often several times in a row. Sometimes I wonder if she purposefully does the laundry right after I do just so she can have the pleasure.
As amusing as that would be, I have no need to stoop to her level of pettiness. Considering how excruciatingly uninteresting her little life is, things like this are probably the highlights of it for her.
That sounds..really gay and kind of ridiculous.. :p

How come people don't just immediately wash the dish they use once they're done with it, though? Excluding huge things like casserole dishes and stuff. Because that way it wouldn't get that nasty in the first place tbh.
That sounds..really gay and kind of ridiculous.. :p

How come people don't just immediately wash the dish they use once they're done with it, though? Excluding huge things like casserole dishes and stuff. Because that way it wouldn't get that nasty in the first place tbh.

Well for one, there's kind of a lot of overhead work in washing a dish (i.e. wetting and soaping the sponge beforehand, then washing and drying your hands afterward), so it's nice to minimise that by doing a bunch at once. Also, doing work after you've just eaten is really shitty, and kinda ruins that post-meal afterglow feeling.