The Whining and Bitching Thread

Leaving your door open is good dorm / neighborhood etiquette, because it's welcoming to visitors and doesn't stigmatize you as the village hermit.

Um....:lol: no.

Not in New England, anyhow. Fuck that shit.

What do you mean by "outer door"? Do you mean, for example, that there would be a "regular" or "inner" door (the main door), followed by a screen door or glass pane door (i.e. the "outer" door)? If so, I've never seen an "outer" door, like a screen or glass door, open inwards. I've never even heard of it.

Also, some people have vestibules/coatrooms/w/e in their homes, where there's a screen door, then the main door, which opens into a small room where you can leave shoes and coats and stuff, and then a door which opens up into the house proper.
Coming from the guy who commutes, this is pretty hilarious.

I was referring more to the "leave your home door open to show people that you like visitors" as fucking retarded. I wasn't really commenting on the dorm thing, cuz, well, I obviously can't...I imagine it is quite discourteous to lock your door in like broad daylight because that's just douche-y, but that's a dorm...not all of us live in gated communities or rural New York :p
I was referring more to the "leave your home door open to show people that you like visitors" as fucking retarded. I wasn't really commenting on the dorm thing, cuz, well, I obviously can't...I imagine it is quite discourteous to lock your door in like broad daylight because that's just douche-y, but that's a dorm...not all of us live in gated communities or rural New York :p

I was agreeing more with the dorm part. I don't leave my apartment door wide open. I will leave it unlocked most of the time though (except when I leave obviously)
I'm not sure why you guys are conflating dorm room doors with apartment doors, because there is quite a difference between leaving either open. A dorm room is usually small enough that you're generally in eyeshot of the door while you're inside, so leaving it open while you're in the room is a common thing to do. I'm pretty sure most people still lock their dorms when they leave, though. It's not like people are going to perceive you as a "hermit" for closing your door when you're not even in your room (if they're not retards, anyway).
Yeah. There's also that since you're usually with people you have a fair amount in common with at a dorm, leaving the door open helps keep you "in the loop" in the event that you're trying to make friends with your floormates and keep up with what's going on in the hallway or whatever. In an apartment, you generally don't give a shit about what your neighbors are doing.
What is a door? What makes a door a door? Is it the fact that the door was intended as a door, or that we recognize it as a door? If a heap of scrap metal from the fuselage of a ruined aircraft is eventually scavenged and used as a door, does that make it a door? Or is it still part of a plane? Furthermore, if the door is left open is it still a door, since it's no longer performing its function? What is its function? What is a door?
This was the first summer in about ten years that I didn't have a summer job, which really surprised me. Two of my previous employers asked me to come back and I originally declined because I wanted to get a real job, but by the time I changed my mind they'd already filled my position and didn't have any others available. I even called them back repeated throughout the summer and they had nothing. I've also applied for nine jobs at the hospital and was so desperate for a job that I even applied to fucking Walmart and haven't heard a damn thing. I'm incredibly frustrated, because it's the first time since I was 15 that I didn't get the very first job that I applied for, or receive an offer without even looking for one. I actually gave up looking and just drove back to Oswego to hang out with my friends who are still in college and help out with the Aikido club for three weeks.

Seriously, being a job hunting college grad can just kiss my fucking ass right about now.

I even thought that some jobs would open back up when all the high schoolers and college students went back to school, but it didn't happen because all the student jobs have been taken over by old people.

Also, my first student loan payments are due in a couple months and I have no idea how I'm going to pay for them. I can't even postpone them because I have no grad school plans yet, and even if I did, this is the worst time in recent history to be a competitor for grad school because all the grad schools are full because none of the other recent grads found jobs either.

AND I'm stuck living with my parents again, along with 60% of all other 2008 and 2009 graduates.
all the student jobs have been taken over by old people.

Pretty much how it has been where I live for quite a while now.
My only source of income atm being birthdays/christmas.
Sucks competeing for jobs against people that have to raise a family.