Themed Mixtape Game

Deströyer 666 - From Genesis to Genocide
The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other
Bolt Thrower - All That Remains
Carnivore - World Wars III & IV
Metal Church - Badlands
Immolation - World Agony
Polluted Inheritance - Faces
Terrorizer - After World Obliteration
Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine
Order from Chaos - An Ending in Fire
Sodom - Burst Command 'til War
Artillery - Bombfood
Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass
Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man

Happy listening and rating!
D666 - 6/10 I wanted to like it more. The first 4 minutes were good, but it really started to drag for the next 2 minutes. I liked that pick up at 6 mins, but then it slowed down again, and I still have to downrate it for 2 minutes of boredom. I think a song's length can really work against it in this game. Overall a good band.

The Krixhjälters - 8/10 Well this is new at least! Fast paced, punk influenced (in a good way), and fun.

Bolt Thrower - 7/10 This is really average death at best. Those guitar riffs are super lame. "Let's just downtune as far as possible and never play higher than the 4th fret!" "The low register is the most brutal register" It's like those stupid lowriders who turn up the bass so loud that their car rattles. Why don't they all just play downtuned double basses or something? Anyway the last minute of the song when they played the same riffs, but faster and with a guitar solo, was cool.

Carnivore - 6/10 These guys again. Eh again.

Metal Church - 6/10 Song should have ended at like 4 mins. A bit repetitious.

Immolation - 5/10 See Bolt Thrower minus the cool last minute, plus "Look at me ma I'm so shocking!"

Polluted Inheritance - 9/10 Dude yes! Never heard of these guys before. This was fucking sick. Gonna look into buying this. Lots of riff variety, and some odd time signatures really used correctly at the end there.

Terrorizer - 8/10 High energy. Crazy blastbeat at 2:30 there for 1989. Tight drumming in general.

Witchaven - 9/10 I'm partial to this band because they're from my college town. Love the musical changes in this. The vocals are just ok, but the lyrics are definitely on theme.

Order from Chaos - 7/10 This was the name of my WoW guild back in the day. Not crazy about it, but it beats the 6/10s above.

Sodom - 4/10 Not a high point for them. The shitty kind of punk guitar riffs, posing as thrash imo. There's only like 2 riffs in the entire song and neither are exciting. Just focus on listening to the guitar and you'll see what I'm talking about..

Artillery - 10/10 Haha I love that this came on right after I just listened to the Sodom song twice. The juxtaposition of these two absolutely highlights my point about the Sodom guitar riffs sucking. Musically this is light years ahead of that previous track.

Nuclear Assault - 9/10 This and Game Over are their best albums imo. Wish I had thought of them, I probably would have gone with something from Game Over, but this is great.

Motorhead - 8/10 Solid closer. I still need to finish listening to Motorhead's newer stuff, this was cool.

Hexen's State of Insurgency would be another good album to draw from for this mixtape.

It'll be interesting to see who wins this time around.
Deströyer 666 - From Genesis To Genocide
Sounds apocalyptic in every way. 8/10

The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other
Didn't do much for me aside from some decent riffs. Funageddon? 5/10

Bolt Thrower - All That Remains
Death metal masterpiece. Theme-wise it especially conjures visions of the end for me, being a Warhammer nerd and all. 9/10

Carnivore - World Wars III & IV
God damn this band, son of a bitch. Good song though. Epic speed thrash! 7/10

Metal Church - Badlands
I don't have this album so this was a cool thing. Might get it soon, I liked this. 7/10

Immolation - World Agony
I am the graves of the 80's. This is the aids of the 00's. Points for theme. 4/10

Polluted Inheritance - Faces
Enjoyable in some parts. Brutal at about 1:27 with some cool riffs. 5/10

Terrorizer - After World Obliteration
Not one of my favourite grind albums, that aside it is fucking good and suits the playlist. Blastbeats at 1:30 made me want to kill something. 6/10

Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine
I should listen to this band more often. 7/10

Order From Chaos - An Ending In Fire
The sound of tanks rolling over skulls. 8/10

Sodom - Burst Command 'Til War
This wins in my head. Fuck the rest. 10/10

Artillery - Bombfood
Pretty cool and over-the-top. 7/10

Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass
Fuck this was heavy as shit and really awesome. 8/10

Motörhead - Brotherhood Of Man
This is foreboding as fuck. Hail Lemmy! 8/10

Cool list.
Surprised there wasn't more post-apocalyptic motorpunk, I almost submitted some Children Of Technology or Bastardator but figured I didn't want the list to be too samey. My mistake.
Especially surprised that nobody submitted Toxic Holocaust.

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Quick ratings with no words because I don't give a shit.

Destroyer 666 - From Genesis to Genocide

The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other

Bolt Thrower - All That Remains

Carnivore - World Wars III & IV

Metal Church - Badlands

Immolation - World Agony

Polluted Inheritance - Faces

Terrorizer - After World Obliteration

Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine
4.5/10 (what is this goofy ecowarrior lyric black thrash?)

Order from Chaos - An Ending in Fire

Sodom - Burst Command 'til War

Artillery - Bombfood

Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass

Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man
Deströyer 666 - From Genesis to Genocide – 0/10

Knew this was going to be boring the second that riff came in. And of course it has to be ten minutes long. Absolutely pathetic, I’ll give my first 0/10 now.

The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other – 6/10

Haven’t listened to this album in for fucking ever. Haven’t even listened to the Omnitron album in a long while actually. Solid, but I never got much into crossover and the way they try to fuse more melodic punk stuffs doesn’t really work.

Bolt Thrower - All That Remains – 4/10

Super boring riffs and songwriting, but at least it sounds cool.

Carnivore - World Wars III & IV – 8/10

This time it totally works. That voice. That outro. The riffs still aren’t the most original but everything else makes up for it.

Metal Church – Badlands – 10/10

Could be my favorite Metal Church song on a given day (although there are several that tend to rotate).

Immolation - World Agony – 5/10

Eh kinda boring and rigid.

Polluted Inheritance – Faces – 4/10

Finally, some death metal that isn’t sterile or riffless. Great sound. Unfortunately, the lyrics don’t seem on theme at all, so half points for that.

Terrorizer - After World Obliteration – 6/10

Can’t remember if this is one of the weaker songs on the album or if it just doesn’t do as much for me out of context. Still, solid.

Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine – 5/10

Second song this week I’ve heard of them with some surprisingly strong riffs. Minus three points for the libcuck song title and unrealistic theme. Might as well submit a song about gay marriage and the breakdown of the nuclear family or some shit.

Order from Chaos - An Ending in Fire – 8/10

Haven’t heard much outside of Stillbirth Machine, but this was really cool. Those riffs just sound so damn rusty and ugly. This is what war metal should sound like, not that Destroyer 666 atmoshit.

Sodom - Burst Command 'til War – 8/10

I’ll admit that from any other band or time period I’d rate this lower, but definitely has that primal uncaring quality that works for total nuclear destruction.

Artillery – Bombfood – 5/10

Awesome song, but way off target for this theme.

Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass – 2/10

Socially-conscious Anthrax-wannabe era Nuclear Assault. Fuck this. 1 point for Connelly’s vocals.

Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man – 7/10

Damn, this was actually really good. I wouldn’t have guessed that this was Motorhead if listening blind.
What is that Destroyer 666 song if not atmoshit? People have posted depressive stuff in this thread with more riff and pacing variety than that song. Destroyer 666 is one of the ultimate pandering acts. Completely useless band.
Deströyer 666 - From Genesis to Genocide



The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other

6/10 If it stayed with the gang vocals would be a few points higher but when the lead vocals kick in it drops it a bit (not simply due to the vocals, but because the tone of the song shifts towards a bit too happy of a mood)

Bolt Thrower - All That Remains


If this was World Eater I would have given it a 10/10 easily, but god everything from Realm of Chaos is top tier shit

Carnivore - World Wars III & IV


Solid, but has absolutely no business being 6 minutes long with 4 minutes of outro nonsense

Metal Church - Badlands


Good, but honestly found myself tuning out way too often - didn't do enough to keep my attention through the entire song

Immolation - World Agony


Man did immolation ever drop in quality

Polluted Inheritance - Faces



Terrorizer - After World Obliteration


Don't know why i don't listen to this more often, shit rules

Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine


I don't mind black thrash with thin guitar tone, but this could only benefit from a nastier guitar tone - sounds pretty weak otherwise

Order from Chaos - An Ending in Fire


Order from Chaos is killer, nothing more to say

Sodom - Burst Command 'til War


Artillery - Bombfood


killer track, but i agree that it doesn't really fit the theme since its focused on an individual rather than mass scale - in a more appropriate theme it'd be an 8/10 easily though

Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass

fuck hamburgerboy's analysis of this, shit just rules (blows anthrax out of the water fwiw) 8/10

Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man


Pretty good shit
Deströyer 666 - Genesis to Genocide

Classic. Full of huge desolate riffs. I've always thought it was ambitious of Deströyer 666 to open their debut with a song that would more conventionally end an album. The last couple of minutes are sublime. 9/10

The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other

When it thrashes it's decent, but it's otherwise too jolly and annoying. 4/10

Bolt Thrower - All That Remains

An unassailable, apocalyptic warmachine. GASP AT YOUR FINAL BREATH! 10/10

Carnivore - World Wars III and IV

Love the lyrics and vocals, don't care for much else. Worthless outro. 4/10

Metal Church - Badlands

One of the best songs from a super underrated Metal Church album. Lyrically it's more post apocalyptic, though, but I guess that's still kind of on theme. 8/10

Immolation - World Agony

Clearly past their prime here but still one of Immolation's better tracks from their later era. The last half rules. 7/10

Polluted Inheritance - Faces

I haven't listened to this album in about 10 years, so it was nice to hear it again. Not even nearly on theme, though. 4/10

Terrorizer - After World Obliteration

Urgent and violent and destructive. Perfect pick for this playlist. 9/10

Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine

Not at all what I expected after seeing the Moyen artwork, especially lyrically. Black/thrash needs to be filthy and violent, this is neither. 5/10

Order From Chaos - An Ending in Fire

Devastating. Another great pick. 9/10

Sodom - Burst Command 'til War

Seconding CIG. This wins, fuck off the rest. 10/10

Artillery - Bombfood

Good song, if not exactly on theme. At least it's about war. 7/10

Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass

Never cared much for Nuclear Assault. This doesn't help. 5/10

Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man

First studio recording of non-classic Motörhead I've ever heard. Somewhat surprising, still fairly average. 6/10