Themed Mixtape Game

But it even states that the soldier in question volunteered; it's more of a "You're stupid if you glorify war" kind of song, Disposable Heroes minus the empathy kinda. Soldiers die all the time and it doesn't mean things are any closer to total annihilation.

EDIT: I think the war/bombs stuff is only there to say as opposed to magical or divine destruction of humanity, e.g. no Sodom & Gomorrah (yes I realize that's only two cities) or anything like that. That's also why I don't think the Destroyer 666 song qualifies; if the song is about non-humans, then I'd have to surmise demons or similar which means it doesn't count. If it is about humans on humans, then it's like an anti-Bombfood, glorifying killing and death but never going as far as to say the entire world dies.
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Deströyer 666 - From Genesis to Genocide 10/10
The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other 0/10
Bolt Thrower - All That Remains 9/10
Carnivore - World Wars III & IV 2/10
Metal Church - Badlands 8/10
Immolation - World Agony 6/10
Polluted Inheritance - Faces 2/10
Terrorizer - After World Obliteration 6/10
Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine 6/10
Order from Chaos - An Ending in Fire 10/10
Sodom - Burst Command 'til War 9/10
Artillery - Bombfood 3/10
Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass 1/10
Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man 8/10

Just to piss everyone the fuck off.

Oh, and I was super close to submitting either Vitus "War is Our Destiny" or Pagan Altar's "Armageddon" but knew you fags would get all pissy.
I didn't like this playlist very much. Too much death/thrash which are my least favorite of the major subgenres. My ratings are probably super untrve but whatever.

Deströyer 666 - Genesis to Genocide

I like this album but this song drags a bit. Was gonna give it a 5 but the ending changed my mind.

The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other

In light of your complaints I made a sincere attempt at disliking this and at least lowering my rating to a 9 or something. It was a bust.
Second coolest band name ever (corruption of the Swedish word krigshjälte, meaning war-hero)

Bolt Thrower - All That Remains

Carnivore - World Wars III & IV

While you guys are getting fed up with this band making it into every round I'm just getting increasingly convinced I need to hear their albums. This is fun as hell and the sound is meaty and great.

Metal Church - Badlands

Immolation - World Agony

I don't even like classic Immolation.

Polluted Inheritance - Faces

Terrorizer - After World Obliteration

Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine

Finally some actual good riffs. Not loving the vocals but it's a decent song.

Order From Chaos - An Ending in Fire

Sodom - Burst Command 'til War

Artillery - Bombfood

It's only really world destruction-themed in the sense that basically any song about war is. I'm not sure that's what Omni intended when she selected this theme, but then I'm not sure it isn't either. I appreciate it bringing some actual melody to this playlist though.

Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass

Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man
Deströyer 666, Genesis To Genocide - 6/10, Nice, pounding, and epic. Could've done a lot more with that 10 minute run time though.
The Krixhjälters, Kill Each Other - 6.5/10, Some really kicking punk rock-ish melody intermingled with some more abrasive thrash metal parts, almost always vaguely upbeat though, which probably stems from the key it was written in. Decent.
Bolt Thrower, All That Remains - 6/10, Some decent death metal with some really cool Warhammer 40K looking cover art.
Carnivore, World Wars III and IV - 5.5/10, The disembodied, seemingly artificially low pitched vocals remind me of ZZ Top's Manic Mechanic for some reason. If they were more agressive and backed by slightly above average thrash metal. I can also hear some hardcore punk to this thing for sure. Also, the Star Spangled Banner at the end was kinda funny. Overall, just too damn long (stop taking songwriting lessons from 21st century Iron Maiden).
Metal Church, Badlands - 8.5/10, You may be legally deceased if this shit doesn't get you headbanging to kingdom come during its peaks. Bright, fiery, melodic guitar leads, thumping percussion which can do both standard 4/4 80's metal stuff in addition to jangling cymbal/high hat tapping, and epic soaring tenor vocals from the legendary Mike Howe.
Immolation, World Agony - 5.5/10, The guitar is, to have some candor, the only thing that really stands out on this song. Superb playing. Other than that, the vocals are the average cookie cutter death metal stuff, and the drummer is good, but not terribly inspired to say the least.
Polluted Inheritance, Faces - 4/10, Bleh.
Terrorizer, After World Obliteration - 5/10, Half decent but overall generic grindcore.
Witchaven, Monsanto Death Machine - 8.5/10, Love the janky melodies on those guitars man, reminds me of Tony Iommi's playing on early Sabbath stuff, and particularly Randy Rhoads' epic intro riff for the titular track of Ozzy's Diary of A Madman. Exceedingly punchy tempo and melody, even when it goes into the normal black metal swaying. Great, ultra guttural vocals, I feel like I'm in a room with a hellspawned animal frothing the word of Satan from his mouth. I have to buy a shirt and some albums from these guys ASAP.
Order From Chaos, An Ending In Fire - 6.5/10, Decent, but doesn't seem to go much of anywhere.
Sodom, Burst Command 'Til War - 7.5/10, Classic vocals from Tommy here, marvelous speedbag sounding drumming, some proto-black metal guitar. Hell, this whole thing is intensely proto-black metal. Too repetitious though. At least they probably understood that and maintained good brevity and all.
Artillery, Bombfood - 7/10, A melodious cyclone of a song complete with beautifully phrased, speed demon guitar and raging, quasi-operatic NWOBHM-esque howling. I would love to rate this much higher, but its thematic incongruousness bars me from slapping any more points on it.
Nuclear Assault, Critical Mass - 7/10, Punkish and thrashy with Mark Tornillo's higher strung little brother on vocals. Killer.
Motörhead, Brotherhood of Man - 8/10, March Ör Die's title track with some electricity and balls. Lemmy sounds like the voice of the grim reaper himself on this one.
Deströyer 666 - From Genesis to Genocide
Enjoyable enough blackishness with good riffs. 7/10.

The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other
Sounds decent and aggressive at times but almost Blink 182ish at other moments. 6/10.

Bolt Thrower - All That Remains
This is awesome. Keeps chugging along but those vox man! 8/10.

Carnivore - World Wars III & IV
Probably my favorite Carnivore song. There's a demo version of it on their other album that I like more which I should've recommended but WHATEVER. 10/10.

Metal Church - Badlands
A fun, rockin' tune. 6/10.

Immolation - World Agony
Pretty dang bland gang. 5/10.

Polluted Inheritance - Faces
Just like the song above but worse. 4/10.

Terrorizer - After World Obliteration
Solid old school aggression. 6/10.

Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine
Not much to dislike here folks. Loved them vocals. 8/10.

Order from Chaos - An Ending in Fire
I'm getting an Inquisition vibe from the vox which typically ain't a good thing. The rest ok the song is aight. 5/10.

Sodom - Burst Command 'til War
Oh Sodom, you are so great and evil. Lovely pick. 8/10.

Artillery - Bombfood
Man that section in the middle really saves this from being quite very really bad. But yeah it picks up for sure. Good melody throughout though. 6/10.

Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass
It's listenable. So there's that. Sounds very by-the-numbers. 4/10.

Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man
Very cool tune. Laid back but not really. 7/10.
Sorry, I have been seriously ill for the last few days. How many ratings do we have now?
Deströyer 666 - From Genesis to Genocide
Pretty meh and way too long 4/10

The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other
Good bits, shit bits 5/10

Bolt Thrower - All That Remains
Should have been World Eater but still pretty great 8/10

Carnivore - World Wars III & IV

Metal Church - Badlands
I never liked this band. This is the song I'm most familiar with of theirs. It's crap. 3/10

Immolation - World Agony
Not bad 7/10

Polluted Inheritance - Faces
Not on theme but I dig the music 6/10

Terrorizer - After World Obliteration
My kind of grind. This album is in my top 3 of the genre. Sandoval is an absolute beast. Raw and controlled at the same time. 10/10

Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine
Eh 4/10

Order from Chaos - An Ending in Fire
Ok 5.5/10

Sodom - Burst Command 'til War
Pretty shit 4/10

Artillery - Bombfood
Cheesefest 4.5/10

Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass
Liked this a lot. I've only got Survive and this sounds much better. 8/10

Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man
Pretty different for Motörhead. I liked it 7.5/10

I had high hopes for this list but most of it sucked.
I won't rate because I didn't play this round because I had a hard time finding a track on theme but I'm really curious about the second band on the list. Will have to listen to this playlist tonight.
Deströyer 666 - From Genesis to Genocide
10/10 i always skip the intro bullshit but this is one of my favorite d666 songs.

The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other
3/10 can't stand crossover. the clean vocals don't fit at all

Bolt Thrower - All That Remains
8/10 Bolt Thrower is cool

Carnivore - World Wars III & IV
4/10 i saw this band when they played at a local venue. didn't like them then and still don't now

Metal Church - Badlands
6/10 i like the vocals but found this pretty boring

Immolation - World Agony
5/10 pedestrian Immolation

Polluted Inheritance - Faces
4/10 doesn't fit the theme. very listenable for a technical band

Terrorizer - After World Obliteration
7/10 there's about 5 grind albums i listen to. this is one of them

Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine
4/10 bouncy thrash with harsh vocals. weak

Order from Chaos - An Ending in Fire
9/10 cleans the sour taste left by that Witchaven track

Sodom - Burst Command 'til War
8/10 classic EP

Artillery - Bombfood
6/10 never listened to this band before. not really my thing

Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass
2/10 pretty corny

Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man
5/10 i honestly never listened to Motorhead and wrote them off as VH1 metal