Themed Mixtape Game

Deströyer 666 - From Genesis to Genocide
i wouldn't say this one drags as such as none of the parts are boring - the issue is more that it feels like more than one song squished together, it doesn't build to a climax so much as just loses sight of where it started. that said, i absolutely love the first four minutes, the way it builds from the malevolent guitar coming in to the bass and the drums, that shit just oozes attitude and total fucking evil, it's exactly what i want out of the style. i do however strongly dislike the cheeseball keyboards, whenever they come in they kill the vibe for me. 8/10

The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other
well obviously this is right up my alley. unhinged crossover with jagged shards of swedish melody and a drunken sloppiness that sounds more russian to me. 9/10

Bolt Thrower - All That Remains
i'm not as much of a bolt thrower fanboy as a lot of people on this board, but this is one of the best songs on probably their best album. their control of mood is so tight here, and i love that half-happy half-discordant melody in the middle, reminds me of eucharist for some reason (always a good thing). this song is so utterly definitive of the theme in terms of the imagery it conveys. 8/10

Carnivore - World Wars III & IV
gonna start rushing through these before you cunts start whining again. i'm glad we're back to peak carnivore this time around (i'm not downrating it 'cause i'm amused by the gimmick), they fucking rule. this is arguably the best song on the s/t. 9/10

Metal Church – Badlands
this is unnecessarily drawn out too but i like it more than the majority of the s/t, i guess i better check this album out. 8/10

Immolation - World Agony

a bit basic, catchy and shiny compared to their prime, but their basic sound is always enjoyable. 6/10

Polluted Inheritance - Faces

cool but not on theme etc 6/10

Terrorizer - After World Obliteration

more than the sum of its parts. urgent is a good word for it, relentless and furious also. 8/10

Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine

not as good as the one in the extreme game but i still really like this sound and some of these melodies. a little *too* all over the map stylistically mayhaps. 7/10

Order from Chaos - An Ending in Fire

i shouldn't rate this high 'cause it might beat my pick but fuck it. i cba to work out how on theme it is lyrically but sonically it's the fucking essence of this playlist. i'd prefer clearer production though. 8/10

Sodom - Burst Command 'til War

this came out in may 1984. celtic frost wasn't formed yet. sepultura wasn't formed. sarcofago wasn't formed. HELL AWAITS wasn't out. bathory's debut wasn't out. and yet, that ambience it creates sounds closer to morbid angel and immortal than any of those bands. this is some of the most ahead of its time extreme metal ever. none of which affects my rating at all, but fortunately it's also probably the greatest of all first wave BM songs, haunted by absolute devastation and desolation. it's simplistic but overwhelming, brief but oh so huge. easily my favourite on the list, and one of the best ever. 10/10

Artillery - Bombfood

i'm dubious about it fitting the theme and i've never liked this song very much anyway. 4/10

Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass

basic but solid. 6/10

Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man

wtf this rules 8/10

sry i'll try to be quicker next time. i'll tally up the results and send to omni.
Bad clean vocals with bouncy rhythms is right up your alley? I don't think the song is terrible, mainly because of the metal sections, but a 9?! And better than everything on the list other than 1-2 songs? Can't agree there.
It's okay he gave "Burst Command 'Til War" a 10/10.

i cba to work out how on theme it is lyrically but sonically it's the fucking essence of this playlist.

Here you go.

Refrain from illusion of a world eternal
And on that last perfect day...
To fall and be forgotten...
(The) Lord of Worlds is exhaused
An absolution by fire begins

Elements of life consumed
Collapse recommences
(The) Volatile ash rends the core
A grotesque Phoenix distending...

Ever nearer...

Affirmation, An Ending in Fire
Atmosphere and oceans boiling: diffusion to space
Final ebb of life, to all tenements of clay
Provincial Earth and inferious immersed
The wellspring's reclamation by nuclear fire
The remnant of the paroxysm
A cenotaph of what has been
The doleful reminder - An Ending in Fire
reminder i gave the cross examination thing on the alcohol playlist a 9 or something too, those vocals were probably more annoying. crossover ist krieg!

i did read the ofc lyrics as i was listening, just was too tired to work out if it was specifically humans behind the destruction.
I think "Burst Command 'Til War" was the most polarising track here, with ratings ranging from 3 to 10.

Thanks for reminding me about that awful track in the alcohol playlist, eugh. Just checked back, you rated both of those tracks higher than The Chasm, Darkthrone and Primordial. I thought you were cool, man.
i don't think my scale's been very consistent from round to round haha. also none of those were anywhere near being my favourite songs by those bands. :p

i'm actually thinking of working out which users have rated my picks the highest and which users' picks i've rated the highest so far.
I can't remember all of your picks but I think you rated all of mine quite high. Oxiplegatz, Bewitched, Gehennah, Sacramentum, Iron Maiden, Morbid Angel, Destroyer 666 are the ones I can remember submitting.

It would definitely be something interesting to do, but no doubt you'll get called an autistic fucker or something.

I tried to be consistent between rounds but it's just too difficult, so I rate mostly in relation to the other songs on the playlist now.
1) Sodom - Burst Command 'til War 7.77 @no country for old wainds
2) Bolt Thrower - All That Remains 7.73 @Slayed Necros
3) Terrorizer - After World Obliteration 7.20 @Satanstoenail
4) Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man 7.13 @H.P. Lovecraft
5) Order from Chaos - An Ending in Fire 7.07 @CASSETTEISGOD
6) Deströyer 666 - From Genesis to Genocide 6.97 @Phylactery
7) Metal Church - Badlands 6.90 @HamburgerBoy
8) Artillery - Bombfood 6.30 @Caecius
9) Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine 6.13 @Baroque
=10) Immolation - World Agony 5.83 @arg
=10) Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass 5.83 @Mort Divine
12) Carnivore - World Wars III & IV 5.67 @dwellerINTHEdark
13) The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other 5.57 @Vegard Pompey
14) Polluted Inheritance - Faces 4.97 @RedStorm
i gave you an 8 tho

god damnit shouldve bumped Bolt Thrower a bit more to have our first DM win