oh yeah man there's plenty of songs you know from metal referencing films or overall genres - which could be acceptable
Movies are the most plebeian medium of art. I'm tempted to say fuck it this round and just make you guys suffer through some really horrible shit.
Movies are the most plebeian medium of art.
i don't get how people into metal could have this opinion, or any kind of intellectual snobbery really. most of it is lowbrow as fuck, even when it's trying not to be.
Let me guess, Amon Amarth/Behemoth/Nightwish/Arch Enemy were at least one of the bands?
I kinda want arg to win so he can choose "Whores" as his category and I can enter "Endless Slut"
Let me guess, Amon Amarth/Behemoth/Nightwish/Arch Enemy were at least one of the bands?
Horror movies are generally a good place to start if you want to find a good cinema-related metal song. Just avoid Iron Maiden though, they're too damn obvious when it comes to this, particularly on the Somewhere In Time album which is heavily inspired by Blade Runner.
Yeah, sure, they only opened every show of the ensuing tour with the main theme to the movie, wrote an assload of cyberpunk lyrics, and did the promo photography for the album with paraphernalia from the movie...The only thing Blade Runner about that album is the cover art.