Themed Mixtape Game

Lamewads. This theme is cool.
How the fuck do you not know songs by bands that fit the theme? Jesus aren't you all like nearly 30 and have been into metal for a long time?

That Sodom guitar riff is such garbage. Polluted Inheritance should have been much higher

Movies are the most plebeian medium of art. I'm tempted to say fuck it this round and just make you guys suffer through some really horrible shit.
I would have said something similar because he's downrated the fuck out of pretty much everything I've submitted except Iron Maiden iirc. But actually I think I've enjoyed most of his picks, can't remember them all though but I definitely liked the Metal Church and Slauter Xstroyes.
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i don't get how people into metal could have this opinion, or any kind of intellectual snobbery really. most of it is lowbrow as fuck, even when it's trying not to be.

I dunno, like sure I love all the classic Schwarzenegger stuff but I can't think of any songs literally written about Conan the Barbarian, even if there is a lot of great stuff in the general barbarian vein of things (probably based more on fiction or D&D or basic history shit). I'm sure if I entered "conan" to search for songs on M-A I'd find all sorts of terrible retro-metal, but I don't listen to that. Maybe when the list is posted I'll be surprised and see a lot of songs that I had no idea were based on a movie.
I love this theme but I'm having another mental block. I watch tons of movies, but that's just it. Most of the movies I watch aren't very popular or are foreign films. This would work interestingly as a non-metal theme as well. There I could think of a bunch.

I submitted a track, just crossing my fingers its not taken because I can't think of a backup.
Horror movies are generally a good place to start if you want to find a good cinema-related metal song. Just avoid Iron Maiden though, they're too damn obvious when it comes to this, particularly on the Somewhere In Time album which is heavily inspired by Blade Runner.