Themed Mixtape Game

I think a lot of people are going to downrate that Reverend Bizarre song. I wonder if people will be harsh on Possessed, Death and Deicide for being "obvious" picks this round.
I'm going to devastate that Possessed song tbh because with obvious shit like that winning very round it makes the game goddamn boring. Faggots will low rate the Death song so it won't have to be done there. Deicide not very obvious and probably won't do that well imo.

Edit: also I only down rated Demons because I genuinely don't like it at all and it was long as fuck.

Double edit: Blood on Satan's Claw by THe Lamp of Thoth would have been too.
I downrated Demons because it was boring and went on forever. I have no intentions of downrating this one though, assuming someone can tell me how it relates to cinema?
I think a lot of people are going to downrate that Reverend Bizarre song. I wonder if people will be harsh on Possessed, Death and Deicide for being "obvious" picks this round.

those were 3 of my picks plus dragon's child by iced earth lol. gonna upvote deicide and death because i like them but possessed will get a meh score. i liked my IE pick better but this will get an ok one. gonna be pissed if any of these win though.
I'm probably not going to rate according to theme or obviousness at all because the song I picked was the only movie I've actually watched afaik, so it's hard to judge how well a song fits a given movie without seeing it.
Surprised at the complete absence of Maiden. HBB, were you unaware that Where Eagles Dare is based on a movie?

I actually remembered Where Eagles Dare shortly before my actual pick, but I figured someone else would have picked them by then, and I didn't know how closely it was based on the movie since I never saw it, and it's my favorite Maiden song of all time so if I'm gonna nominate it I'll do it for a different theme.

At first all I could think of was shitty Blaze-era songs (Man on the Edge, The Clansman, When Two Worlds Collide...)