Vegard Pompey
Fuck, if I had known Witchfinder General were named after a movie I'd have picked that.
I downrated Demons because it was boring and went on forever. I have no intentions of downrating this one though, assuming someone can tell me how it relates to cinema?
I downrated Demons because it was boring and went on forever. I have no intentions of downrating this one though, assuming someone can tell me how it relates to cinema?
Was it one of Arg's 4 duplicate picks?
I think a lot of people are going to downrate that Reverend Bizarre song. I wonder if people will be harsh on Possessed, Death and Deicide for being "obvious" picks this round.
It's one of Reverend Bizarre's faster songs so it should go down fine.
Surprised at the complete absence of Maiden. HBB, were you unaware that Where Eagles Dare is based on a movie?