Themed Mixtape Game

Possessed, The Exorcist - 8.5/10, One of the most ferocious death metal songs ever recorded to this day. Classic with a frantic, angry tempo and beat, it seethes with primordial staples of what would become death metal. It even sounds a little black metal at points with some great tremolo picked guitar. The solo thrashes and tears, and Jeff Becerra shows off why he's one of the finest extreme metal vocalists period. Doesn't match the intensity of the actual movie sadly. So close.
Zombie Holocaust, Boba Fett - 4/10, Sounds a little more hardcore punk than metal at certain points. Love the bends on the soloing. Very mundane and generic though. A pathetic attempt at saluting a legendary film franchise.
Dokken, Dream Warriors - 8/10, One of the legendary metal hits of the 80's. Don Dokken's soulful R&B/glam metal tenor rockets and sears like an expertly thrown javelin while George Lynch demonstrates his virtuosic, ultra-melodic prowess as an axe man and Jeff Pilson and Mick Brown hold down the funk. Plus Dokken dueling Freddy Krueger is the most epic shit ever. One of the greatest cinematic and musical match ups ever.
Reverend Bizarre, Blood On Satan's Claw - 6.5/10, The bass has some serious tone and groove, so do the drums. Rhythmically smooth number with decent vocals. If the guitar were more prominent in some parts this would be even cooler. It would be improved by cutting some excess fat lengthwise too. Never seen the movie.
Hexx, Sardonicus - 8/10, Thunderous maelstrom of guitar opening on this one, awesome, the undulating riff is great too. Feral, animalistic vocals and crashy, blasting drums seal the deal in addition to a monster solo. Matches the film.
Crydebris, Mononoke Picture - 2/10, Garbage inhaled screeching transitioning in and out of bad, pitchy emo metal moaning while mindless, antiseptic screamo metal guitar, drum, and bass lines clamor along aimlessly and inchoately. Veritable anus bleed inducing trash. Only succeeds in receiving a two due to the shittiness of the song probably matching the shittiness of the useless animu crap it's based on.
Death, Evil Dead - 9/10, Dear sweet, buttery, chocolate-covered, titty-fucking Jesus H. Christ of Nazareth, yes. Chuck unequivocally rips on both vocals and guitar on this song, backed by a jittery, raging rhythm section, perfect tune for Ash to waste some undead shitbags to.
Godflesh, Dream Long Dead - 2/10, Ambling, tuneless zombie noise completely bereft of intriguing musicality in even one solitary fucking crevice. Never seen or heard of the most likely AIDS-tastic heap of festering carbuncles and cow shit it's based off of.
Satan's Host, Strongest of The Night - 7/10, Low-fi, fuzzy, and hectic riffing and vocals with a power metal twist. Badass, but I haven't seen the movie, so I have no clue of its thematic fidelity. That vocal crescendo at the end is unbelievable too.
Blood Freak, Gobble Up Your Guts Part 2: Revenge of The Turkey Monster - 5/10, Holy cow, my first thought on the sonic aesthetic, especially concerning the guitars is "death metal Ramones". Vocals are acceptable, and manage to stay away from total C is for cookie territory. Is sufficiently congruent with the film.
Blood Farmers, Headless Eyes - 7.5/10, Some genuinely fascinating doom metal, opening with skull crunching riffs and proceeding on to this laid back quasi-Black Sabbath, quasi-Jazz thing which I really love. Then back to the doom riffage. Strikes up a superb and direct connectivity with the film, even using voice samples from it. Changes itself up just enough to maintain itself as a convincing and attention-grabbing number. Goes full Sabbath 8 minutes in or so, and does it well.
Blind Guardian, Time What Is Time - 6.5/10, Far above average acoustic intro into a monstrous power metal gallop, which then slows down then accelerates again a little after the vocals kick in again. Growly yet tonally bright vocal performance from Kürsch, it impressed me. Sadly, I must confess the song overall is a little repetitive and aimless. Good track otherwise. Never seen the movie.
Deicide, Dead By Dawn - 7.5/10, Exquisite death metal, pure fucking musical lethality all channelled into one singular, ass-reaming barrage of badassery. Fits the movie to a tee.
Witchfinder General, Witchfinder General - 6.5/10, Top-notch doomy NWOBHM with swaggering, melodically awesome vocals and guitar. Never seen the movie, but it's presumably as gloriously campy as this song. Better in some parts than others, the guitars are mostly what carries it to a state of actual qualitative value.
Iced Earth, Damien - 9/10, Matt Barlow's a little goofy during the downpaced segments, but when that motherfucker lets loose? The very bowels of hell shit their drawers. Guitar work is epic, and pristinely phrased, same goes for the drumming and bass playing. Choral/piano combo at the end is serene. Entirely in sync with its filmic muse.

I feel sorry for people counting the ratings, holy fuck mate.
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Dokken's early material is some of the finest 80's metal out there. And Don Dokken the least talented member? Next you'll be telling me Randy Rhoads was the least musically proficient member of Ozzy's solo band. Don is one of the most accomplished vocalists of 80's metal with effortless mastery of intense high singing (particularly in the mid to upper fifth octave), a wholly impressive infusement of funk and classic R&B into his timbre (extremely unique in metal, and especially hair metal), an enormous nearly four octave vocal range, a crystal clear sense of phrasing, and a razor sharp variance of tonal dynamism. Breaking The Chains is a psychotic fusion of glam and funk metal with great soloing and vocals, plus some intensely funky rhythms. Tooth and Nail is a similar venture but with less funk and more attitude. And then you've got Under Lock and Key. On almost no other album in 80's glam will you find a more perfectly restrained hurricane of rich, exceedingly well-calculated melody. George Lynch soars like an absolute demon across the neckboard and Don's scorching hot tenor has almost never been better. If you're complaining about lack of sheen or hookiness on this album of all albums? You're most likely literally deaf.
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Possessed - The Exorcist 9/10

100% rules. Fuck off and die if you disagree.

Zombie Holocaust - Boba Fett 6/10

Average. Killer lyrics.

Dokken - Dream Warriors 7/10

The sound of date rape.

Reverend Bizarre - Blood On Satan's Claw 9/10

Reverendfinder General.

Hexx - Sardonicus 6/10

It was okay.

Crydebris - Mononoke Picture 1/10

Emo screamfagcore mathematics boo hoo music is suddenly metal now? Brutally downrating this for not even being the correct genre. Uprating because I love the film.

Death - Evil Dead 10/10

Masterpiece music to go with a masterpiece film.

Godflesh - Dream Long Dead 7/10

Heavier than Neil deGrasse Tyson's ego.

Satan's Host - Strongest of the Night 9/10

Love this shit. Loses a point for gutless production.

Blood Freak - Gobble Up Your Guts Part 2 Revenge Of The Turkey Monster 7/10

If you don't enjoy this, you're straight edge.

Blood Farmers - Headless Eyes 8/10


Blind Guardian - Time What Is Time 8/10

I love this, life is always better with some cheese on top.

Deicide - Dead By Dawn 7.5/10

As much as I despise the drums, this shit still rules. [clickclickclickclick rawr clickclickclick satan clickclickclick]

Witchfinder General - Witchfinder General 10/10

From the vocal sound to the riffs to the pounding drums and the film that is it's topic. GOLD FOREVER.

Iced Earth - Damien 5/10

Reminded why I only listen to old Iced Earth. 9 minutes of gigantic meh, spoken word section was the best part. Points for theme.

This round was...

Possessed - The Exorcist
Added a point for featuring Tubular Bells in the intro. Awesome track. 9/10.

Boba Fett - Zombie Holocaust
Entertaining enough to listen to. 7/10.

Dokken - Dream Warriors
Man this song would normally not do much for me but the video was ace and I fucking love The Dream Warrior. The end of the video totally adds a point. 9/10.

Reverend Bizarre - Blood on Satan's Claw
People enjoy throwing these guys in here almost as much as I do Carnivore. The song wasn't without its merits. 6/10.

Hexx - Sardonicus
It was good but didn't go anywhere spectacular. 6/10.

Crydebris - Mononoke Picture
The contrast between cleans and harsh was great. I enjoyed this. 8/10.

Death - Evil Dead
Evil Dead is amazing, but this tune is just solid. 6/10.

Godflesh - Dream Long Dead
I barely even realized there was a song going on here. 4/10.

Satan's Host - Strongest of the Night
I dunno. Another Evil Dead song. None too exciting. 5/10.

Blood Freak - Gobble Up Your Guts Part 2, Revenge Of The Turkey Monster
A pretty rocking tune. 7/10.

Blood Farmers - Headless Eyes
Pretty doomy but not all that impressive. 6/10.

Blind Guardian - Time What Is Time
Enjoyable melodic number. 7/10.

Deicide - Dead By Dawn
This Evil Dead tune piqued my interest. 8/10.

Witchfinder General - Witchfinder General
Yeah this was a little blah. 5/10.

Iced Earth - Damien
I wanted to like this, but meh. 5/10.
Possessed - The Exorcist
For not putting an ounce of thought into your submission whatsoever, for being whats wrong with this game... I'd be surprised if this wasnt the very first submission.

Zombie Holocaust - Boba Fett
Why does this exist?

Dokken - Dream Warriors
This is great.

Reverend Bizarre - Blood on Satan's Claw
Good. I would have preferred TLoT's Blood on Satan's Claw

Hexx - Sardonicus

Crydebris - Mononoke Picture
Sound and imagery disconnect here.

Death - Evil Dead
Good song but it doesnt really feel like my all time favorite movie...

Godflesh - Dream Long Dead

Satan's Host - Strongest of the Night
Had no clue this was even about a movie. Sad thing is I actually own the cd. Guess I never give the booklet the proper attention.

Blood Freak - Gobble Up Your Guts Part 2 Revenge Of The Turkey Monster
Do drugs. Get fucking murdered by a dude with a stupid turkey head.

Blood Farmers - Headless Eyes

Blind Guardian - Time What Is Time
Not my favorite BG.

Deicide - Dead By Dawn
The one song of the three on the list about Evil Dead that truly sounds like it should be. Evil and cheesy and the distorted vocals fit perfectly.

Witchfinder General - Witchfinder General
Their second best song.

Iced Earth - Damien
Can be kinda long but actually has the feel of the movie, most songs on this list failed terribly at this.

Suck it.
Possessed - The Exorcist 9/10
Possessed fucking rule. Definitely better than early Death and just as good as stuff like Master. Something about this is just more endearing than most bands of this proto-death sound. Oh and Larry Lalonde from Primus on guitar LOL

Boba Fett - Zombie Holocaust 6/10
Typical retro-thrash. Boba Fett rules and this is fine.

Dokken - Dream Warriors 8/10
Lol is that Patricia Arquette? I'd hit it. And this just fucking rules.

Reverend Bizarre - Blood on Satan's Claw 7/10
They still have better songs we haven't heard but damn that intro chug is fucking fun. The production on this one is strange, but it's fucking Reverend Bizarre

Hexx - Sardonicus 5/10
This does literally nothing for me.

Crydebris - Mononoke Picture 0/10
Literally nothing redeeming about this shitfest. This is fucking awful. Also, not metal so this should be a 0 for everyone. Seriously, if you fucks dig this you might like this one band called Iwrestledabearonce. Literally the same fucking thing.

Death - Evil Dead 7/10
So fucking refreshing after that Crybabygettingabris. Early Death is great, I just wish they could have maintained this shit longer.

Godflesh - Dream Long Dead 7/10
Godflesh are SO FUCKING CRUSHING. I prefer their first EP with "Avalanche Master Song" but this song contains that typical Godflesh atmosphere. Good shit.

Satan's Host - Strongest of the Night 6/10
Seeing these guys next month at a metal fest in Chicago. This is my first time hearing and I'm glad someone reminded me to check them out. Unfortunately this isn't spectacular.

Blood Freak - Gobble Up Your Guts Part 2, Revenge Of The Turkey Monster 7/10
Just reading that title and I can imagine that this is going to fucking suck but I was pleasently surprised. Stupid fucking horror-themed death metal from Razorback Records probably. Yeah, it's the guy from Frightmare after he left the band after their first album. I actually quite like this. Those riffs are fucking fun.

Blood Farmers - Headless Eyes 10/10
Of course I am twisted, because I want to find out something because I am sick. Extremely cult film reference from an equally obscure doom metal band. My favorite release of 2014 for sure.

Blind Guardian - Time What Is Time 10/10
Yep, this is my favorite Blind Guardian song from my favorite Blind Guardian album. Wonderful.

Deicide - Dead By Dawn 8/10
Damn, those first 2 Deicide albums are fucking amazing. I wouldn't listen to this much anymore except on certain occasions but fuck, thanks for reminding me. This destroys.

Witchfinder General - Witchfinder General 9/10
Burning a Sinner and R.I.P are their best songs but I fucking love this as well. This is fucking classic and true as fuck heavy/doom. If you don't like Witchfinder General, just go fuck yourself.

Iced Earth - Damien 5/10
Christ does this need to be this fucking long? ugh. Barlow is an amazing vocalist but this kinda sucks. Too much tough-guy chugging going on here. Chugs are fine and dandy, but this just screams core. Whatever, I've heard worse.
Satan's Host - Strongest of the Night 6/10
Seeing these guys next month at a metal fest in Chicago. This is my first time hearing and I'm glad someone reminded me to check them out. Unfortunately this isn't spectacular.

that isn't one of the better songs on that album, and it's not a great youtube either. i doubt they'll be all that great live nowadays (although seeing the tyrant sing in the flesh is surely a goddamned privilege), but you should check out the debut anyway, it's fucking godly. maybe too uptempo for your tastes i guess lol
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Crydebris - Mononoke Picture 0/10
Literally nothing redeeming about this shitfest. This is fucking awful. Also, not metal so this should be a 0 for everyone. Seriously, if you fucks dig this you might like this one band called Iwrestledabearonce. Literally the same fucking thing.

You massive faggots largely gave that Branikald song positive ratings. Suck it up.
Possessed - The Exorcist - 5
doesn't sound evil enough, lame babbling vocals, boring riffs

Boba Fett - Zombie Holocaust - 6
pretty average new thrash

Dokken - Dream Warriors - 7
not bad for this genre

Reverend Bizarre - Blood on Satan's Claw - 3
yech. nice picture of nuns though

Hexx - Sardonicus (no youtube of the song, only the EP - click the timestamp in the video info) - 7
quite thrashtastic but vocals could be better

Crydebris - Mononoke Picture - 6
ive heard worse

Death - Evil Dead - 9
love that melodic intro. screamo vocals are not my favorite thing for death metal but Chuck's work here. blazing riffage, drumming and dat bass.

Godflesh - Dream Long Dead - 3
what are they trying to do

Satan's Host - Strongest of the Night - 3
did not enjoy this

Blood Freak - Gobble Up Your Guts Part 2 Revenge Of The Turkey Monster - 4
annoying happy riffs

Blood Farmers - Headless Eyes - 2

Blind Guardian - Time What Is Time - 8.5

Deicide - Dead By Dawn - 9.5
zombie sounds are a bit cheesy and overused but this fuckin slays

Witchfinder General - Witchfinder General - 4
not my music but nice tits on the cover

Iced Earth - Damien - 8
did not care for choir intro or speaking part but awesome song anyway. could've used a stronger climax