I was disappointed that they didn't play Symptom of the Universe, Killing Yourself to Live or A National Acrobat but apart from that the set list ruled. The drummer was a bit Tommy Lee but he definitely gave them more energy. I noticed Ozzy had two screens in front of him with the lyrics scrolling for each song. Pretty funny.It's just that Sabbath are the Godfathers of Metal, not even The Beatles can say they invented an entire genre of music for Christ's sake. To me that and the fact that it's 75% of the original, classic lineup alone justifies the cost. And they played so many old classics too. We got almost all of Paranoid, including Hand of Doom (my favorite from the album along with Electric Funeral, which, sadly, wasn't played) which they haven't played on tour since '78. That and Ozzy was pretty vibrant for his condition these days, he only had issues singing in key on a couple songs and waltzed around the stage well enough (plenty of good humor and f bombs too). Tony and Geezer were epic and virtusoic as per usual. Tommy Clufetos launched an impressive drum solo, he's no Bill Ward, but the man's got extreme chops.
Speaking of things I can hardly wait for, I'm amped up to help vote in the next class for the Hall of Fame whenever you feel the time is right Baroque.
That was too bad, especially because Sabotage is my favorite Sabbath album. But I'm half glad they didn't do those songs too, because those feature some of Ozzy's most intense vocals ever, he would've simply embarrassed himself trying for those high power fifth octave notes these days. I agree on Clufetos' drumming, but he's impressive (I guess Ted Nugent, Ozzy, and Alice Cooper hired him for a reason). Yeah, Ozzy's always had a tough time with remebering lyrics for whatever reason, I didn't catch the screens when I saw them, our venue must've hidden them better or something.I was disappointed that they didn't play Symptom of the Universe, Killing Yourself to Live or A National Acrobat but apart from that the set list ruled. The drummer was a bit Tommy Lee but he definitely gave them more energy. I noticed Ozzy had two screens in front of him with the lyrics scrolling for each song. Pretty funny.
Ha!I just posted it 2 minutes before you said this, funnily enough.