Themed Mixtape Game

I'm giving every song a 0/10 except mine so I can win this round and get the next topic: whores.

you should of submitted The Lamp of Thoth "Blood on Satan's Claw" ya cunt

Possessed - The Exorcist
7/10 awesome song but deducted points because this was a best selling novel before it was a film. great book though and so is Legion

Zombie Holocaust - Boba Fett
3/10 star wars kinda sucks. zombie holocaust sucks. the music sucks. fuck this

Dokken - Dream Warriors
4/10 trve vh1 metal. not my thing at all. i once went to a gig that Dokken were playing but that was because Metal Church opened. i left after Metal Church

Reverend Bizarre - Blood on Satan's Claw
6/10 decent but Rev Biz made much better music than this. cool film too btw

Hexx - Sardonicus
5/10 haven't seen the film this song is based on. not bad but this stuff is "in one ear, out the other" for me

Crydebris - Mononoke Picture
0.5/10 i don't masturbate to anime so i have no idea what this is based on. if "emos" are still a thing in high schools this is what i picture that they listen to. i had to turn it off after 3 minutes

Death - Evil Dead
7/10 good song before Death became pretentious douche metal. only the first Evil Dead is real

Godflesh - Dream Long Dead
2/10 don't care for this at all. i guess the film is Deathdream (Dead of Night)? if so that's a killer overlooked film

Satan's Host - Strongest of the Night
6/10 more Evil Dead music. fits the theme but seems pedestrian Heavy Metal to me.

Blood Freak - Gobble Up Your Guts Part 2 Revenge Of The Turkey Monster
3/10 haven't seen Blood Freak. at least this song is short but it's completely forgettable

Blood Farmers - Headless Eyes
8/10 haven't seen this film either. Invasion of the Blood Farmers is fucking terrible. the cover art from their first album is a screenshot from the film Deranged which is a biopic of Ed Gein. anyways this album is the best "comeback" album i've ever heard

Blind Guardian - Time What Is Time
5/10 Blade Runner is cool. Blind Guardian is not.

Deicide - Dead By Dawn
6.5/10 caveman death metal but pretty effective for what it is. Evil Dead 2 is too goofy for me.

Witchfinder General - Witchfinder General
9/10 Vincent Price metal. this song is fucking catchy.

Iced Earth – Damien
4/10 this is so cheesy. The Omen is pretty stupid but has entertaining kills
Poison is hair metal. Dokken is full-on glam metal, which has far more edge to it than simple hair or pop metal. Bands like W.A.S.P., Dokken, Twisted Sister and Mötley Crüe all fit the bill for glam metal, and have plenty of edge to even their sound out. Sure, they're not extreme metal by any means, but they're far from wussy.
Possessed - The Exorcist 8/10
Awesome. Obvious choice but cool nonetheless.

Boba Fett - Zombie Holocaust - 6/10
This is fun. It's not anything special but I can see myself getting drunk to this and thinking its way better than it is

Dokken - Dream Warriors 7/10
I actually really like Dokken. The music video is so 80s. World's coolest skull guitar. :lol: These guys almost have better hair than me. Almost. Also, this is what I needed. I just watched a really intense serial killer movie and this totally gave me all the cheese i needed to feel like a normal person again.

Reverend Bizzarre - Blood on Satan's Claw 5/10
Not their best.

Hexx - Quest for Sanity 6/10
Not bad.

Crydebris - Mononoke Picture 1/10
Hey look I know this movie. That Princess Mononoke Movie was one of my favorites as a kid. What... that came out of nowhere (some random ass scream when i thought this was a chill track). I don't think this metal. Not my cup of tea. A point for the movie though. I love that movie.

Death - Scream Bloody Gore 7/10

Godflesh - Dream Long Dead 7/10
This is interesting. I've never really given Godflesh much of a chance. Didnt think I'd like the techno metal thing. But this isn't bad

Satan's Host - Strongest of the Night 9/10
This rules.

Blood Freak - Gobble Up Your Guts 4/10
Sorta whatever.

Blood Farmers - Headless Eyes 10/10
I thought this might have been influenced by a movie but I was too lazy to check. Anyways, I really love this band and this song. Awww yiss.

Blind Guardian - Time What Is Time 6/10
I'm not a huge fan of this band. I can see that they are good at what they do, but it's just not my style.

Deicide - Dead by Dawn 6/10
I havent had the inclination to listen to Deicide in years. Idk why. Maybe I played them out when I was younger. Just not my thing anymore.

Witchfinder General - Witchfinder General 9/10
I really love this song. Fun time music.

Iced Earth - Damien 5/10
I can't get into this.
Possessed - The Exorcist 8.5/10

Awesome classic song.

Boba Fett - Zombie Holocaust 3/10

This is not for me.

Dokken - Dream Warriors 4/10

@H.P. Lovecraft probably submitted this. Boring.

Reverend Bizarre - Blood on Satan's Claw 9/10

My personal favorite Reverend Bizarre song.

Hexx - Sardonicus 5/10


Crydebris - Mononoke Picture 1/10

I like the movie but this song is bad.

Death - Evil Dead 7/10


Godflesh - Dream Long Dead 8/10


Satan's Host - Strongest of the Night 9/10

@no country for old wainds would probably submit this if he wasn't hosting.

Blood Freak - Gobble Up Your Guts Part 2 Revenge Of The Turkey Monster 3/10


Blood Farmers - Headless Eyes 9/10


Blind Guardian - Time What Is Time 6/10


Deicide - Dead By Dawn 7/10


Witchfinder General - Witchfinder General 8/10

I love these dudes.

Iced Earth - Damien 2/10


Short reviews because I'm at work.
I would seriously call into question anyone who was sucked in by the Godflesh song enough to give it a near perfect rating, and then deem something like a good Dokken song "boring".
Sorry about my delayed ratings, I've been ill. Will try to rate the rest of these, as well as the non-metal mixtape game, within the next day. This was a really fun theme that forced participants to dig a little deeper, much like the previous extraterrestrial or guest artists themes. And I'd say you did well because I enjoyed this playlist a lot.

Possessed - The Exorcist
Sorry about the lukewarm rating, I understand that this is pretty great but I'm just not that into OSDM. This is actually one of the songs I like the most on this album, that tremolo riff is especially sweet. I also don't know how you can deduct points from this for being based on a book when it opens with the THEME FROM THE FUCKING MOVIE.

Boba Fett - Zombie Holocaust

Dokken - Dream Warriors

Pretty cheesy, but I'll give it a bonus point because Elm Street 3 is the BEST SLASHER MOVIE EVER.

Reverend Bizarre - Blood on Satan's Claw
This fucking owns, nice to hear some uptempo Rev Biz for a change.

Hexx - Sardonicus
Maybe if I had more time with this it would start to sound like something more than fairly unremarkable thrash, but right now it's not doing all that much for me.

Crydebris - Mononoke Picture
This song addresses its own downraters; TRY JUST ONCE TO SEE LIFE, UNCLOUDED BY HATE... and genre definitions. (Marginally metal but what's the big deal, we've had hard rock and ambient tracks in this game previously. I think people are just especially ticked off because it's -core) Admittedly, I can totally see how the wimpy vocals especially would offend trve metalheads, and I'm not a huge fan of them either, but the riffing is too fucking gorgeous and jubilant for me to care much. Oh and btw... I feel like I've been giving out 10s too easily so I'm rating a bit more harshly than I have in the past. Meaning this song would've been a *9* if I was being consistent with my previous ratings... And so would that Rev Biz song have been.

Death - Evil Dead
I love Scream Bloody Gore (even though I mentioned above that I'm not a huge fan of OSDM, I just really love the sound of this album) but I'm not sure this is one of the better songs, it kind of peaks with that sinister intro and then the rest of the song is just kinda cool. I'd have picked Zombie Ritual over this since it's inspired by Zombi 2.

Godflesh - Dream Long Dead
Not really my thing. Too unfamiliar with the genre to really say if it's doing its thing right. I don't really have much of an opinion on this. EDIT: I use the word really too much.

I got interrupted and will rate the second half later.
I would seriously call into question anyone who was sucked in by the Godflesh song enough to give it a near perfect rating, and then deem something like a good Dokken song "boring".

How can I continue living while your opinion of my music preferences hangs in the balance?
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Oh shit! The sky is falling, the sky falling! Run, the opinions are coming! Will Omni succumb to H.P.'s pretentious glam metal supremacism, or will H.P. die of cancer at the thought of someone not worshipping Dokken? Find out next time on UMZ!