Themed Mixtape Game

Deströyer 666 - From Genesis to Genocide - 5
this song went from boring, ok get on with it, pretty good, boring again

The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other - 4
punk sucks. saved by the metal riffs

Bolt Thrower - All That Remains - 8
bit of a slow start but ends up kicking ass as expected cuz it's fucking bolt thrower

Carnivore - World Wars III & IV - 3
lost interest at 2 mins why are there 8 more

Metal Church - Badlands - 5
im just not an old school guy

Immolation - World Agony - 10
you faglords need to listen to this again; there's tons of complex dissonant riffs and speed changes and evil melody sublayered beneath the crushing intensity, no other song in this playlist comes close. drums fucking obliterate. rate based on individual song's merit, not what year it came out or what they sounded like before (which is awesome and probably better but this wrecks face as well)

Polluted Inheritance - Faces - 8
not as interesting as immolation but very fucking solid

Terrorizer - After World Obliteration - 8
somewhat monotonous and 0 atmosphere but the aggression is enough for me

Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine - 5
mediocre black-ish metal

Order from Chaos - An Ending in Fire - 2
sounds like crap

Sodom - Burst Command 'til War - 3
nothing really hooks me in and what are those dumbass sound effects wee-oo-wee-oo

Artillery - Bombfood - 7
i like the energetic riffs a lot but the singer is kinda shrill. im a nitpicky asshole when it comes to vocals

Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass - 6
see above

Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man - 6
i respect this band but they're just ok
Deströyer 666 - Genesis to Genocide 9/10
My favourite D666 album. Warslut's vocals are full of venom and hate. The ending is glorious, the world has been rid of human filth. "And the fate of the world is burning in fire!"

The Krixhjälters - Kill Each Other 6/10

Not generally something I like but the metal riffs in this were pretty decent. Enjoyable if not something I'd ever find myself normally reaching for.

Bolt Thrower - All That Remains 9/10

This band absolutely had to be featured in this theme. Classic crushing death metal.

Carnivore - World Wars III & IV 6.5/10

Goddammit Dweller, this band again and this time it's fucking 10 minutes of them. This might be my favourite of the songs from them we've had so far, but I don't think I'll be listening to a full album.

Metal Church - Badlands 9/10

Never heard this song before. This was totally awesome.

Immolation - World Agony 6/10

This sounds tired and dull compared to the best material from this band. From 2:10 onward bumped this up to a 6.

Polluted Inheritance - Faces 5/10

A Shame that the lyrics here aren't related to this theme (unless someone wants to explain how they are?), because I quite enjoyed it. Can't rate it any higher though because it's not on theme.

Terrorizer - After World Obliteration 8/10

I'm not really big on grind but I've always enjoyed this album and Repulsion's Horrified from the genre. Maybe because they both still sound somewhat death metalish? This is a high energy violent assault with some sick blasts.

Witchaven - Monsanto Death Machine 7/10

I enjoyed the song from this band in the extreme version of this game. I didn't like this song as much, but it was still good.

Order from Chaos - An Ending in Fire 8/10

Awesome song/album title! This is fucking vicious and apocalyptic. Need to check out this album as I've only heard the debut.

Sodom - Burst Command 'til War 9/10

Probably Sodom's best material on this EP. Disgusting and filthy, love it.

Artillery - Bombfood 8.5/10

I'm not downrating this for being slightly off theme because it's much closer than the Polluted Inheritance song. This is completely over-the-top and awesome thrash. Vocals are a highlight.

Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass 7.5/10

I'm not much of a headbanger but this got me moving. Cool and rifftastic.

Motörhead - Brotherhood of Man 7.5/10

This was surprisingly pretty good and a nice ending to this playlist.
every other song in the list sounds tired and dull compared to that immo track, you people are fucked in the ears
If that Immolation track is a 10/10 then what the Hell rating would you give their best stuff? 15/10?
would if i could but since there is a limit in the game id also give it a 10 and then jack off to it and splooge on your avatars

songs should be compared to other songs in the list, not past songs of the band, that's dumb
it's subjective but immo sounds 150%-200% more earth shattering than all those bands and Dolan rips all their singers to shreds
I do compare and rate songs in relation to other songs in the list and also how well they fit the theme. I have rated things higher in the past for fitting the theme extremely well, like the Alice Cooper track in the non-metal round recently. I can't ignore that Immolation have made music much better than that song, though.
Giving a song a 0 when it's themed correctly is definitely lame.

Nope. I give points for song quality. I give bonus points for being particularly well-suited to a theme. I take points for being off-theme. I wouldn't give a student points simply for showing up to the right class if all his work was shit.

I don't get any kind of musical apocalyptic vibes from that D666 song, so I can't even say that it feels like it fits the theme. If anything it's a retarded ten minute slog for what should be the most intense and kickass theme in the entire game. Maybe if it was in the middle of the mixtape I would have not reacted as negatively and given it a 1.

EDIT: Actually tbh I didn't even read the lyrics for the song because I found it so musically offensive. Reading them, I don't see anything about the end of the world. Genocide =/= the end of the world. This appears to be a song about a group of people (whether humans or not seems irrelevant) that live for war and killing. A hypothetical song about zombie Hitler conquering the world would not be about the end of the world, it would simply be about wartime victory for the Aryan race at the expense of the rest of it. The world itself is not ending in this song. Off-theme. Zero points.
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World Destruction Brought About by Mankind
War, bombs, man-made disaster and the like. No magic or stuff like that.

I don't understand Artillery not fitting the theme.

War - check
Bombs - check
Man-made - check
World Destruction brought about by mankind - check

I don't think the song references a specific individual but rather any armed service member fighting for their country.
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