Themed Mixtape Game

Black Sabbath - Eternal Idol

Never heard this. It was super deadskinmasky, or vice versa, whatever. Alright. Not getting much greed feel. Where's the corporate vileness?

"You and I are victims of their word,
As the master of powers try to poison our world.
Greed, money taken over their souls,
Just mechanical brains, politicians don't know.
They just don't know, know, know, know, just don't know."

Grave Digger - Rheingold

Really unexpected vocals here. Idk why. This was alright but again I'm judging harshly this round and he doesn't talk cash money once.

"An ugly dwarf,
Greedy with pleasure.
Desires of the gold,
Tries to steal the treasure.

Guardians of the holy treasure,
No cheat should steal it from the river.
Gleaming glow in the water's depth,
Shines brightly, bravely through the waves."

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I'm on The Eternal Idol right now, and greed seems secondary at best here. Someone probably Googled 'black sabbath lyrics greed' and picked this one.
Motörhead - Just Cos You've got the Power – 6/10 - good, but a little too long

Terrorizer - Corporation Pull In – 5/10 - alright

Argus - A Curse On the World – 7/10 - I liked their first album but remember HATING this one. I’m actually liking this song this time; seems a little borderline wrt the theme, but whatevs. Good stuff

Bastardator - Pillars of Oppression – 3/10 - this hardly could have been more generic

Toxik – Greed – 7/10 - great flashy stuff

Black Sabbath - Eternal Idol – 6/10 - not big on this album, but a good song

Satan - Broken Treaties – 10/10 – considered subtracting a point or two, but the song really emphasizes the aspect of betrayal and greed so that’s good enough for me, one of my favorite Satan songs

Mercyful Fate - Nuns Have no Fun – 4/10 - first time actually hearing this song, great stuff but half points for being off-theme

All Shall Perish - Black Gold Reign – 6/10 - lol’d at the beginning, but I actually like where it went afterwards

Grave Digger – Rheingold – 5/10 – don’t like this album, but an ok song

Tygers of Pan Tang - Silver & Gold – 4/10 – boring overrated band

Havok - Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death – 2/10 – I swear I’ve heard that exact intro riff, not any more interesting later, and not on theme, oh and the slap bass is dumb, actually I’m taking away one more point for that spoken bit at the end

Panopticon - Black Soot and Red Blood – 0/10 – not metal and painful to listen to, I generally try to listen to the songs all the way through but the “Aaaaaaaaaah” parts 2.5 minutes in were enough, bye bye

Rage - Down by Law – 7/10 – early Rage has such a manic intensity to them

Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks – 3/10 – sloppy in a bad way, and still not as intense as most actual hardcore, crossover is a waste

Graveyard - Industry of Murder – 8/10 – really good, especially for retro shit
CIG you have proven nothing except that (ctrl+s)+{[greed]lyrics}=result

I'm a bit rusty on my formulas and my back hurts but I'm sure @Baroque could be an asshole properly about this.
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Motörhead - Just Cos You've got the Power 7/10

Deaf Forever! There are better motorhead songs but this is a fun way to start.

Terrorizer - Corporation Pull In 6/10

Kinda dull but at least it's short.

Argus - A Curse On the World 9/10

This album and song are simply wonderful. Argus are definitely one of the best heavy/doom bands around and they continue to go strong. Butch's vocals are fucking killer as always and those Iron Maiden-esque riffs are just a blast to hear.

Bastardator - Pillars of Oppression 7/10

Not fucking bad. I was pleasantly surprised at how catchy and roaring those fucking riffs are.

Toxik – Greed 5/10


Black Sabbath - Eternal Idol 8/10

I've never listened to this Sabbath album. I've heard good things. Definitely going to check out more of the Tony Martin era Sabbath. This is fucking awesome. Martin is a monster on vocals. I wish he could still sing, I'd rather see Sabbath with him on vocals.

Satan - Broken Treaties 8.5/10

Yeah, this is classic for a reason. Satan are amazing. I prefer some of the other songs on the album but this is great.

Mercyful Fate - Nuns Have no Fun 10/10

One of my favorite MF songs. Fuck the haters. You are all a bunch of C. U. N. Ts. THAT'S WHAT YOU AAAAAAARRRRRRRRREEEEEEE

All Shall Perish - Black Gold Reign 0/10

Arg's pick I'm assuming. Turned it off after 30 seconds. No.

Grave Digger – Rheingold 8/10

Just saw Grave Digger open for Blind Guardian. They were great and damn this song destroys.

Tygers of Pan Tang - Silver & Gold 9/10

A total classic. This album is damn near perfect from front to back.

Havok - Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death 5/10

More boring tech thrash.

Panopticon - Black Soot and Red Blood 6/10

This is definitely metal. I've just never been a big fan of Panopticon. The dude runs a badass fucking brewery though. This style of atmospheric black/folk or whatever is really hit and miss for me. This kinda hits and then misses. I don't I really dig the acoustic break towards the middle. But, eh.

Rage - Down by Law 7.5/10

I expected more boring thrash but this has enough traditional elements in it to keep me entertained. Definitely going to check these guys out.

Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks 6/10


Graveyard - Industry of Murder 7/10

Honestly, these guys aren't labeled on Metal-Archives so we should all downrate them to oblivion but I find that silly. This is pretty cool actually if a bit typical. I'd rather listen to The Devil's Blood or something though.
Motörhead - Just Cos You've got the Power - 2
so poor and unrefined

Terrorizer - Corporation Pull In - 4
sound like banana eating apes

Argus - A Curse On the World - 5
inoffensive but boring

Bastardator - Pillars of Oppression - 5
all the same shit throughout

Toxik - Greed - 1
singer sucks dick

Black Sabbath - Eternal Idol - 0
don't have time for this shit

Satan - Broken Treaties - 5
don't hate it but would not listen again

Mercyful Fate - Nuns Have no Fun - 0
off topic and i would give it a 0 even if it were on topic

All Shall Perish - Black Gold Reign - 10
if you don't like this it's your loss.

Grave Digger - Rheingold - 8
this was a fun listen for the most part. dumb chanting

Tygers of Pan Tang - Silver & Gold - 2
too classic and traditional sounding

Havok - Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death - 8
fuck yeah modern thrash. great production and guitar tone

Panopticon - Black Soot and Red Blood - 0
clicked a few spots along the time bar and hated all of it

Rage - Down by Law - 3

Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks - 3

Graveyard - Industry of Murder - 3

most of the songs here had shit production, shit tone, simple structures / composition devoid of variation, vocalists just wailing with no technique... your old music can fuck off and die :)
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I've never listened to this Sabbath album. I've heard good things. Definitely going to check out more of the Tony Martin era Sabbath. This is fucking awesome. Martin is a monster on vocals. I wish he could still sing, I'd rather see Sabbath with him on vocals.

Martin era Sabbath is my second favorite behind Dio. Tony still has chops and has recorded recently with Violet Janine and there is rumor he's teaming back up with Iommi for a future project.
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Motörhead - Just Cos You've got the Power - 8/10
Motorhead eats poseurs for breakfast.

Terrorizer - Corporation Pull In - 5/10
It's good. But I was surprised at how ambivalent it left me. I used to really dig this album and now, hearing it is just... eh.

Argus - A Curse On the World - 7.5/10

Bastardator - Pillars of Oppression - 6.5/10
A rip-roaring good time.

Toxik - Greed - 4/10
Not big on most thrash. But this has its moments.

Black Sabbath - Eternal Idol - 9/10
Arg is fucked for giving this a 0 and All Shall Perish a 10. Too many shit particles collected in his brain from all the rimming.
Fuck off overproduced, clinical sterile bullshit, bring on the heavy doom, motherfuckers.

Satan - Broken Treaties - 7/10
A Satan classic.

Mercyful Fate - Nuns Have no Fun - 5/10
I've never been really big on any Mercyful Fate that isn't Melissa or Don't Break the Oath. But it's alright.

All Shall Perish - Black Gold Reign - 0/10
See my comment for Eternal Idol.

Grave Digger - Rheingold - 6/10
Pretty decent.

Tygers of Pan Tang - Silver & Gold - 8/10

Havok - Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death - 3/10
Havok can suck a dick imo tbqh.

Panopticon - Black Soot and Red Blood - 8/10
Not my favorite black metal band (and yes, they are metal) but one of my favorites on the list regardless.

Rage - Down by Law - 6.5/10
Basic but that's the charm. Good stuff.

Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks - 5/10
Didn't connect with me. Again, not the biggest thrashhead but at least it's not the worst thrash song here.

Graveyard - Industry of Murder - 6/10
Pretty dandy.
Just a heads up to all that I have updated the original post to include each theme, the highest rated song, youtube URL to the playlist, and um... nudge nudge.... some original 'album covers'. I didn't include winner's usernames because people change that shit.

If anyone else artsy would like to hit me up with alternate 'album covers' just PM me a direct link to the image. I'd be glad to include.
Thanks dudes. I strongly encourage others to take a stab at it. Some actual drawings would be sweet.