Themed Mixtape Game

Sounds like lust / perversion more than greed, there's even separate 7 deadly sins for them
I can't seem to understand the seeming predetermination of you people to confine themes with your own pedantry rather an actual issue with overstepping thematic bounds.
Motörhead - Just Cos You've got the Power 8/10
This rules. Makes me want to kick a politician's teeth out.

Terrorizer - Corporation Pull In 6/10

Can't help but laugh that a McDonalds advert ran before this song.

Argus - A Curse On the World 9/10

Cool choice, this band deserves more attention.

Bastardator - Pillars of Oppression 8/10

Killer post-apocalytpic thrashing metalpunk. Hail Canada.

Toxik - Greed 7/10

Pretty cool, damn what a fucking vocalist.

Black Sabbath - Eternal Idol 8/10

So god damn epic.

Satan - Broken Treaties 8/10

Terrible sound quality aside, this is a great tune.

Mercyful Fate - Nuns Have no Fun 9/10

I like the not-so-obvious take on the theme, plus this is from the band's best release in my opinion. Gold.

All Shall Perish - Black Gold Reign 1/10

Pure trash. Points for theme.

Grave Digger - Rheingold 8/10

Not the 100% brilliant Grave Digger I'm familiar with but evidently I need this cd. This was damn good. "An ugly dwarf, greedy with pleasure." That's me! Hail the dwarfs!

Tygers of Pan Tang - Silver & Gold 10/10

Heavy metal magic! I live for this sound.

Havok - Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death 4/10

Didn't do much of anything for me sonically, I'm an old man that prefers old man thrash. Points for theme.

Panopticon - Black Soot and Red Blood 5/10

Why is it that these poncy bands always insist on writing such drawn out songs? Not terrible, but not my thing. Maybe better suited as background music, as I do appreciate it's simplicity and repetitiveness. That audio sample part was cool.

Rage - Down by Law 6/10

Wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as I did. Quite cool.

Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks 8/10

In my world this is a classic album and classic song, one of the first heavy songs I clung to as a youth. SPASTIC BASS!

Graveyard - Industry of Murder 6.5/10

Much better for it's subtlety compared with their debut, it's funny that by this point the band had become both overrated and underrated. Strange paradox there. But this sounds in many places like a lost 1970's acid rock/blues/progressive gem. If the Kings Of Leon had balls they could almost sound like this.

That was a decent playlist, I'm still hoping people choose less obvious stuff in the future, much of this shit is staple stuff. I want to discover new bands personally or at least new material by bands I know. Really grateful to whoever submitted that Grave Digger track. Bring it on!


Motörhead - Just 'Cos You Got the Power
Mid-career Motörhead b-side that no one gives a shit about. I love it. I don't know if the live recording was specifically asked for but it sounds great, I don't get the complaints.

Terrorizer - Corporation Pull-In
I don't remember the last Terrorizer song and I already don't remember this one. But I don't really get grind so I won't rate too harshly.

Argus - A Curse on the World
Menacing verses, monstrous chorus, gorgeous outro, fantastic song.

Bastardator - Pillars of Oppression

Toxik - Greed

Black Sabbath - Eternal Idol
This is my first exposure to Martin-era Sabbath and I like what I'm hearing.

Satan - Broken Treaties

I'm supposed to love this album but for whatever reason Brian Ross' vocals just don't click with me. I like this song, though.

Mercyful Fate - Nuns Have No Fun
Good song, bad pick.

Arg Shall Perish - Black Gold Reign

Grave Digger - Rheingold

Tygers of Pan Tang - Silver and Gold

Havok - Give Me Liberty... Or Give Me Death
I like thrash metal and I like libertarianism, but this is too musically and lyrically unimaginative to do either any justice.

Panopticon - Black Sooth and Red Blood
You'll never leave Harlan alive...
Black metal about coal mining is the best idea ever. Or should I say coal-black metal? That said, I don't think this is very good. It drags more than a workday in a coal mine.

Rage - Down By Law

Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks
Now THIS is good sociopolitical thrash! Angry as fuck. I want to take away more points from the Havok song and give them to this one.

Graveyard - An Industry of Murder
Damn, I had more verbose thoughts on this but they escaped. For now I'll say this; this exceeded any expectations I'd ever have of 00s stoner rock.
i assume the motorhead studio version was intended but a) i take no responsibility for these assholes who upload live recordings in HD and don't put 'live' in the title, b) satanstoenail didn't pass on any video links and c) change it yourselves it's fucking easy you retarded gay faggots

it's hard to find good quality rips of satan anywhere on the internet in my experience, maybe i should upload one.
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