Themed Mixtape Game

Motörhead - Just Cos You've got the Power
Standard Motörhead fare. It's a good live recording for sure. 6/10.

Terrorizer -
Corporation Pull In
I appreciate the urgency, just not feeling this one. Those vox kinda suck, yes? 4/10.

Argus -
A Curse On the World
Some decent melodic stuff here. Ain't getting my panties wet though. 6/10.

Bastardator -
Pillars of Oppression
I guess it's improved with not having to look at the singer looking like a tool for four minutes. Bonus point granted! 6/10.

Toxik -
Yeah this doesn't speak to me at all. Musically competent tho. 5/10.

Black Sabbath -
Eternal Idol
I appreciate the change of pace here. Doomy tunes always welcome, even if they contain falsetto. 7/10.

Satan -
Broken Treaties
I'm feeling this one. That badass opening riff is ably backed up by the rest of the song. 8/10.

Mercyful Fate -
Nuns Have no Fun
Umm... this song completely misses the mark in terms of theme. 1/10.

All Shall Perish -
Black Gold Reign
I don't need this in my life. Thanks tho. 4/10.

Grave Digger -
Yeah baby, now we're cooking! That chorus is epic as shit. The sound is all-encompassing. I'm a fan. 9/10.

Tygers of Pan Tang -
Silver & Gold
It's musically good. I just don't get impressed at any point. 5/10.

Havok -
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
Whiny vocals with a background of blah. 4/10.

Panopticon -
Black Soot and Red Blood
Coal companies have a pretty good hold on the greed/corruption market. Love that monologue. 9/10.

Rage -
Down by Law
Not doing a whole lot for me here. 5/10.

Cryptic Slaughter -
Money Talks
Feeling the intensity on this one! I like the changes of pacing. 8/10.

Graveyard -
An Industry of Murder
Cool opening. The rest of the song is pretty damn groovy. 8/10.

Edit for reassessment of Bastardator as someone screwed the pooch on that one. It wasn't me I tell ya.
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Motörhead - Just Cos You've got the Power
I've listened to a LOT of Motorhead since Lemmy's death. This isnt that great. Is it meant to be a live version? would bump the studio version up a few points 6.5/10

Terrorizer - Corporation Pull In
Solid pick.

Argus - A Curse On the World
Love Argus, this is one of my favorite songs by the band too.

Bastardator - Pillars of Oppression
Pretty fucking badass thrash.

Toxik - Greed
Solid clean vocal thrash.

Black Sabbath - Eternal Idol
Hats off for this one, great late sabbath choice.

Satan - Broken Treaties
Well shit, I'm disappointed here. I guess I hadnt heard this album for a while but I dont like this song much at all. maybe just a weak track...

Mercyful Fate - Nuns Have no Fun
Easily my favorite from the list. I GET IT UP, I GET IT UP IN THE DARK! Corrupt that nun King D, you beautiful motherfucker.

All Shall Perish - Black Gold Reign
This isnt really that bad but it doesnt compare to the rest of the list very well.

Grave Digger - Rheingold
Fuckin medieval cheese.

Tygers of Pan Tang - Silver & Gold
Love this band and this song. Wish an american label would reissue some of their stuff.

Havok - Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
Subpar output by a band capable of better.

Panopticon - Black Soot and Red Blood
Fuck this gimmicky bullshit. I've tried to listen to this band several times and I've came to this conclusion every time. This song isnt changing that one goddamn bit.

Rage - Down by Law
I remember liking this more. Maybe its been stifled a bit by the high power traditional metal on this list...

Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks

Graveyard - Industry of Murder
I personally have loved Graveyard since their debut.
I'm with dweller on that one. I get the intention behind the pick (it's about "corrupting" nuns) but that connection is rather tenuous and it's not exactly corruption in the sense implied by the phrase "corruption & greed". If you're gonna pick something obvious like MF it better be a perfect fit for the theme and that song is far from it.
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I almost submitted another Blind Guardian song. I though that the prospect of having BG keep appearing in every round like Carnivore used to was kind of funny. Ultimately, however, I decided on my other choice, as it was a band that had yet to make an appearance in this game.
Yeah, that MF song is gonna get a 10 from me when I rate because it's basically perfect.

C U N T! THAT'S WHAT YOU ARRRRRRRRRRREEEEE! And yes, that is what you are dweller you cunt.
Motörhead, Just 'Cos You Got The Power - 7/10, An exceptionally punchy live version of the 1987 classic. Searing, sundering, and bluesy as hell with classic protest lyrics. Solos, solos everywhere. Could've been better if the studio version was used. Thematically apt.
Terrorizer, Corporation Pull-In - 5.5/10, Decent grindcore, could be just a smidgen more varied, but hey, it's only 2 minutes long, so I can't kvetch too much. Thematically apt.
Argus, A Curse On The World - 6.5/10, Bouncy, mid-tempo and melodic. Unprecedented groove to it is an immense bonus. Vocals are quality, but not exceptional. The guitar is, to me, inarguably the best part of the whole song. Thematically apt.
Bastardator, Pillars of Oppression - 8/10, Balls to the anal fucking walls, motherfucker, this is the testosterone train. Last stop? The first breakneck repetition of the skyrending main riff you can't handle, pussy. Love the frigging vocals. Thematically apt.
Toxik, Greed - 7/10, Unique percussion approach here, accompanied with Charles' eagle-soaring tenor, and Donnelly and Christian's frenzied guitars. Thematically apt down to its namesake.
Black Sabbath, The Eternal Idol - 8.5/10, Feloniously underrated Sabbath, and yet another true masterstroke of many in the band's catalogue. From Martin's vocals (the whole album is one of my favorite vocalist debuts), to Tony's uncharacteristically subdued guitar and the gated drums, this savages everything in a ten mile radius.
Satan, Broken Treaties - 7/10, Legendary NWOBHM monstrousness, melodious, yet cuts like a razor and hits like Earnie Shavers. Somewhat thematically apt.
Mercyful Fate, Nuns Have No Fun - 8.5/10, Softer, but nonetheless killer riff, great little lick the first time round too. This whole thing is proof positive King's vocals are still virtuosic and supreme even without his trademark ghostly falsetto. Plays with the conceptual parameters of the theme quite nicely. Solo rips.
All Shall Perish, Black Gold Reign - 4/10, This was a wonderful tumor. I like my tumor with poor screeching technique and extra clicky over-produced blast beats, that chug almost as much as the band and the mix chugs STD-infested chode, don't you? Oh, and don't you dare commit the unpardonable, cardinal sin of leaving out that fantastic breakdown needed to sends it straight to stage 4. Thematically apt.
Grave Digger, Rheingold - 7.5/10, Teutonic power metal at its finest. Guitars cut like broken glass in the night circa 1938, vocals roar like a rabies-afflicted lion holding a key, spooky choral bits, and a pissed off attitude. Thematically apt.
Tygers of Pan Tang, Silver and Gold - 8.5/10, Fuck, and I thought the Bastardator track was the testosterone train? Wrong junction I guess. Because this shit hits it, and hits it like Superman on 50,000 metric liters of industrial strength adrenaline. There's a reason these guys are one of the best NWOBHM bands ever. It's so manly it even steals a line from AC/DC's Sin City for its lyrics. Thematically apt.
Havok, Give Me Liberty... or Give Me Death - 6.5/10, An accurate summation of my feelings about this country right about now. One of the better Havok tracks I've heard. Thematic to its heaving balls.
Panopticon, Black Soot and Red Blood - 2.5/10, Platinum grade irradiated syphilis. I can't decide what's more abominable, the pathetic spoken word and anemic acoustic guitar duo or the senseless cacophony of electric guitar and amateur vocals. The whole thing drags on like a boxing match between Porky Pig and a paraplegic, glaucomic, Parkinson's patient while Porky sings Sleep's Dopesmoker. Thematically apt. P.S., I'm going ham on the next faggoty little homunculus who submits something from this phylum of unadulterated sewage.
Rage, Down By Law - 7.5/10, Methamphetamine level tempo, great tenor vocals, and thrashy, cannon-esque drums. Unexpected, brief drop in vocal pitch towards the end. Impressive. Thematically apt.
Cryptic Slaughter, Money Talks - 6/10, Vocals are a little dissonant, but good overall. Good, pumping groove, and thematically apt.
Graveyard, Industry of Murder - 7/10, Air siren makes the start feel like an alt version of War Pigs along with the guitar. Like the swanky, jazzy, smooth jaunt the vocals and everything have. Reminds of Ghost B.C. like that. Rocks pretty hard too. Vocals almost go full Robert Plant in the last 40-50 seconds. Thematically apt.
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Grave Digger, Rheingold - 7.5/10, Teutonic power metal at its finest. Guitars cut like long knives in the night circa 1938, vocals roar like a rabies-afflicted lion holding a key, spooky choral bits, and a pissed off attitude. Thematically apt.

Night of the Long Knives was in '34, brah. You've got it confused with Kristallnacht.
Shit. My bad. Yeah, Kristallnacht was the night of the broken glass. I was too tired to notice "Kristall" has nothing to do with knives or length in German.
Because some words have multiple definitions, and when used in conjunction with "greed", it strongly implies a particular definition of "corruption".
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