Themed Mixtape Game

For some reason I always get Spawn of Possession mixed up with Crimson Massacre. I've seen The Luster of Pandemonium from CM get high praise in places and compared to early At the Gates but on the few listens I've given the album I just don't get it.
it's not that much like ATG nor on the same level but i like it plenty. spawn of possession are alright, one of the best bands of that unique leader boom but that's not saying much.
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I'm with dweller on that one. I get the intention behind the pick (it's about "corrupting" nuns) but that connection is rather tenuous and it's not exactly corruption in the sense implied by the phrase "corruption & greed". If you're gonna pick something obvious like MF it better be a perfect fit for the theme and that song is far from it.

Agreed. Total cop out.
i assume the motorhead studio version was intended but a) i take no responsibility for these assholes who upload live recordings in HD and don't put 'live' in the title, b) satanstoenail didn't pass on any video links and c) change it yourselves it's fucking easy you retarded gay faggots.
A couple of people provided video links but i didn't get one with the Motörhead submission.
This downrating due to "obviousness" is just so subjective. I can't see how in that last round Possessed was a super obvious pick but the most well known song from one of the biggest selling death metal bands (Deicide) wasn't, and it ended up winning. And now I'm seeing that a Mercyful Fate track from their first EP of all things is too obvious, but in the past staples of thrash like Sepultura, Destruction, Sodom and Vio-lence were given a free pass.
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Motorhead - Same old riffs, same old bum note leads, same old Lemmy. Its mega Besides they come into their own Live 8/10

Terrorizer - One of my fav grind albums ever, love the tone, the Pintado riffs, the fucking drumming. Killer 9/10

Argus - This started off plodding swing-the-cat metal but picked up riff wise a bit, don't trust the vocals too much. They are using some DMish riffs in this without the tones. it's ok but l wouldn't go out of my way to find it. 6/10

Bastardator - l could happily blast this while driving or cooking dinner. cool thick ass tones with mucky production. l like it 7/10

Toxik - This and World Circus fucking rule.. Josh Christian has gotta be one of those totally unappreciated geetarists of the 80's thrash scene
Kick-ass band with a new album this year? 8/10

Black Sabbath - ld love to hear this album with Bill Ward's older tones. Need to spin this again soon. 8/10

Satan - Seen the cover so many times and i've always wondered..Love the homemade feel to this and the geetarist. Classic 8/10

Mercyful Fate - lm with Cassette on this, totally applicable. Doesn't mean l like it. Always had a boner for Shermann and Denner tho. It's just never been one of my favourite MF tunes. 6/10

All Shall Perish - When bands first started appearing with this production back in the day, (think Fear Factory), it was exciting times in DM. Then it got real cold real quick to me. Too precise and measured and clinical and shouty. Shred geetars tho 4/10

Grave Digger - Never heard this band, hearing priest, kinda embarrassing inunison vox and loads of testies. Hey l don't mind it! 7/10

Tygers of Pan Tang - l curse myself when l hear tunes like this, as a vinyl fan ld seen this one loads in the past and never bothered checking out the fucking thing. It wasn't worth my 5 bucks. What a fool 8/10

Havok - Yeeeaah fucking Liberty or Death!! Havok slay. And that lead....Scruggs is King 8/10

Panopticon - Alright to hear the bass so prominent on this. Dig the background vocals but that's about it - apart from the old tv/acoustic thingy in the middle. That was cool. l swear l know that voice. Actually this aint bad at all. 7/10

Rage - Rage were one of those bands that l knew l really should explore more but never heard anything that impressive to be arsed about. l don't mind this but l still feel much the same now as then. Competent could-be-great-but-just-good metal 7/10

Cryptic Slaughter - Crossover bliss. This rules. Ugly unpretentious madness. The chorus is Mr Memorable too 9/10

Graveyard - oow l haven't really heard much newer stuff like this that i've enjoyed this much for a while. i'm kinda wishing they'd go real heavy but then again they don't need to. cool psychy tune 8/10

possibly the best list i've been involved in folks, that was a pleasure..
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This downrating due to "obviousness" is just so subjective. I can't see how in that last round Possessed was a super obvious pick but the most well known song from one of the biggest selling death metal bands (Deicide) wasn't, and it ended up winning. And now I'm seeing that a Mercyful Fate track from their first EP of all things is too obvious, but in the past staples of thrash like Sepultura, Destruction, Sodom and Vio-lence were given a free pass.
I didn't downrate due to obviousness. I downrated because it didn't fit my idea of what the theme should be at all. Agreed that it's totally subjective. People need to stop being so sensitive. In regards to Possession, I only discovered that band a month or two ago so I had no idea I was submitting an obvious pick. Just a kickass song. Whatevs.
Yeah I know you didn't rate it low based on obviousness, but someone said it was too obvious a pick anyway. You rated it low because you didn't think it fit your interpretation of the theme, which I think is a totally valid reason. I didn't participate this round so it wasn't my pick anyway.

Because it's so subjective it lacks consistency which is frustrating. What is really obvious to some posters isn't to others. I understand that things like Metallica, Slayer, Judas Priest etc winning all the time wouldn't be much fun and that's the reason people downrate, but there's just no consistency in what does and doesn't count right now.
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Bands that have never won getting downrated for being submitted more than one time is definitely a thing that I think is dumb. People do that a lot.

I legitimately wasn't impressed by Carnivore but people kept downrating multiple bands for being submitted in more than one round. I don't think that it's fair to other fans of a band to downrate them because someone else submitted them earlier.

Interestingly, I am pretty sure Carnivore has always been submitted by the same person.
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there's obviously a grey area when it comes to 'obviousness' but i think generally speaking it's been applied correctly. i'm similarly dubious about the deicide vs. possessed - i mean yeah, possessed probably have a higher standing among the old schooler types that mostly populate these games, but there isn't much difference in their status. i couldn't rate but if i could i wouldn't have downrated either of them. mercyful fate are very clearly a part of the canon too, but since they haven't appeared even once before and the EP is probably less known than the LPs, i don't have an issue with this pick being too obvious - i'm not sure anyone else would've downrated it either if they'd considered it to be on theme. i totally get the attitude of 'if it's only gonna be vaguely on theme then it better be reasonably obscure'.

i maintain that repetition of the same bands is the main thing that's gonna make the game stale. i really don't understand the idea of it "not being fair to other fans of a band" - i love when other people cover some of my favourite bands so i don't have to, it means more of my favourite music makes it into the game. i don't think aw shit someone else picked a band i love first so now i can't have them, who cares so long as someone picked them and people listened to them? there's so much good music out there that there's really no need to keep repeating the same bands, particularly if they're widely known and canonised.

maybe if you're just looking for the perfect playlist rather than discovering new music and testing people's creativity then i get you feeling differently, but not everyone is gonna feel that way and nobody has any grounds for deciding what other people find boring or not. you can argue your case of course, i'd consider changing a rating if someone gave me a compelling argument for doing so.
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What I mean is, it isn't really cool if someone picks a band in one round and people downrate them several rounds later when someone else submits them because they were in a different playlist. I'm not talking about winning bands either and I'm also not talking about them both submitting it in the same round.
how often have people done that though? it's usually been for bands that have been persistently picked and are widely known on this board--or in a few cases it's been because the song was one that would instantly come to just about everyone's mind for a particular theme so it's just lazy. there are levels to this, if someone wants to pick another voivod or bathory song now i don't think anyone would be too bothered as long as they were on theme, but if we got the 90th carnivore song or 4th/5th/whatever vitus song or one of the more famous metallica/maiden/sabbath songs then it's fair game imo
It's happened a few times. That particular type of downrating is kind of ridiculous when a band has been picked twice ever and has never won.
you were complaining about obvious picks only a few days ago dude! downrating seems like a reasonable solution to me. i'm being pretty restrained about it though, there's stuff that's fairly well known and then there's stuff that's so headclunkingly obvious that you know it was given five seconds of thought.
I would have downrated "The Call of Ktulu" if I didn't host the round that it was in. That might have been the laziest and most obvious pick ever. A ton of people tried submitting it, which proves that it was obvious. It's also less thematically relevant than "The Thing That Should Not Be" from my perspective and the title is spelled wrong for no real reason.
It's also less thematically relevant than "The Thing That Should Not Be" from my perspective and the title is spelled wrong for no real reason.


In the book, the story says that mentioning the name Cthulhu (Verbally or written) will bring him closer. That's why Metallica used the name "Ktulu" and not "Cthulhu" - for fear of the beast.

Kind of corny.

you were complaining about obvious picks only a few days ago dude! downrating seems like a reasonable solution to me. i'm being pretty restrained about it though, there's stuff that's fairly well known and then there's stuff that's so headclunkingly obvious that you know it was given five seconds of thought.

Herp derp much?

I never pretended that I didn't complain about it, I'm against people choosing obvious songs/bands but if they do I'm still going to rate honestly, I'd just rather people change how they choose naturally.
Motörhead - Just Cos You've got the Power

One of the dullest motorheads ever. A good bar tune I guess.

Terrorizer - Corporation Pull In

Major meh. Utterly forgettable and gay. But it fits.

Argus - A Curse On the World

Avarice deified... never heard that line before. Enjoyable track if not repetetive as shit.

Bastardator - Pillars of Oppression

Another terrorizer but not as bad.

Toxik - Greed

Pretty cool. It managed to keep my attention. Very fitting, he like talks about greed a lot.

Black Sabbath - Eternal Idol

Never heard this. It was super deadskinmasky, or vice versa, whatever. Alright. Not getting much greed feel. Where's the corporate vileness?

Satan - Broken Treaties

Satan's always cool and it's thematically ok.

Mercyful Fate - Nuns Have no Fun

Fit the theme better. Try harder to make your track a personification of the subject, undebatable, instead of taking a vague interpretation to post canon bands.

All Shall Perish - Black Gold Reign

Awful and terrible and bad.

Grave Digger - Rheingold

Really unexpected vocals here. Idk why. This was alright but again I'm judging harshly this round and he doesn't talk cash money once.

Tygers of Pan Tang - Silver & Gold

I need to listen to this band more. Good choice.

Havok - Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

This definitely had that whole 'anti-corp' thing but a little too anarchy punkish, more a focus on anti-establishment than greed and corruption. Decent pick.

Panopticon - Black Soot and Red Blood

Oh, a sad take on this theme? That's fucking weird. Cool but weird.

Rage - Down by Law

Angry and vaguely relevant I guess. Bored.

Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks

Pure money hatred. MONEY HATRED.

Graveyard - Industry of Murder