Themed Mixtape Game

Malice - Against the Empire

Bloodbath - Like Fire

D.B.C. - Rise of Man
The vocals are kind of cool, but they don't get enough use to make the song. It's alright, but I found it rather unremarkable.

Drewcifer - Game of Thrones Theme
Way more processed than black metal ought to be; the end product is a rather tepid, sterile cover of the show's theme music. Points for adding original content.

Visigoth - The Revenant King
This is the best example of ambition thus far. Proper anthemic heavy metal underscored with a galloping triplet rhythm. Galloping triplets never get old, contrary to what HamburgerBoy thinks. The i-VI-III-VII chord progression does get old, but the chorus uses a variation subbing out the VII for V, thereby incorporating the harmonic minor, which is more exciting.

Rage - Death in the Afternoon

Dawnbringer - II (Silence in Waves)

Sacriphyx - Wells of Beersheba

Coroner - Semtex Revolution

High Spirits - Going Up

The Gates of Slumber - To Kill and Be King
This track is steeped in ambition, right in the very title. None shall wield Excalibur - none but me. That's what it means to rule a kingdom.

Crimson Glory - War of the Worlds
I liked the opening riff, but the way the singer would abruptly slip into falsetto wails felt a bit naff. And there was the way the chorus was garbled into WAAAH-a-WaAAH! I like intense falsettos of this sort, like the singer in Witchking uses, but this takes it a bit too far.

At the Gates - The Break of Autumn
i'm english, i descend from a family of islay whisky drinkers though. i'm generally a pussy with alcohol, whiskys the only thing i really like anymore.
Despite the best efforts of Yoda, no country and dweller, the winner is indeed @Satanstoenail with Coroner - Semtex Revolution!

1. Coroner - 7.65 ( @Satanstoenail )
2. Sacriphyx - 7.04 ( @CASSETTEISGOD )
3. At the Gates - 6.96 ( @Phylactery )
4. Malice - 6.75 ( @Psychonaut )
5. High Spirits - 6.71 ( @Master_Yoda77 )
6. Dawnbringer - 6.58 ( @Baroque )
7. The Gates of Slumber - 6.33 ( @Serjeant Grumbles )
8. Visigoth - 6.25 ( @EspaDa )
9. D.B.C. - 6.21 ( @HamburgerBoy )
10. Rage - 6.17 ( @no country for old wainds )
11. Crimson Glory - 6.08 ( @Carpe Mortem )
12. Bloodbath - 5.58 ( @arg )
13. Drewcifer - 3.04 ( @dwellerINTHEdark )

As before, here are my own ratings as host, which were not counted:

Malice - Against the Empire
Kickass traditional metal by a band I've never even heard of before. I appreciated this submission a lot.

Bloodbath - Like Fire
Fairly generic but spot-on for the theme lyrically.

D.B.C. - Rise of Man

Drewcifer - Game of Thrones
I don't really mind this cover so much as some of the other raters but it bugs me that you saw the word 'ambition' and the first thing you thought of was this overhyped soap opera.

Visigoth - The Revenant King
You know it's real metal when the bassist is wearing a triforce t-shirt. Pretty epic modern traditional metal with this mixtape's best chorus but it feels a bit padded at 8 minutes. The video makes it feel a bit unambitious as all he had to do to get his crown back was kill two guys.

Rage - Death in the Afternoon

Not my favorite no country pick.

Dawnbringer - II (Silence in Waves)
Baroque submitted the song under the name "Silence in Waves" and the first youtube result for that was "I" from the same album. I was disappointed to find out he was actually referring to this track because the opener was way better.

Sacriphyx - Wells of Beersheba
Fucking savage. Would it be sacreligious to say that I like this more than most of what I've heard by Deströyer 666? Because I do.

Coroner - Semtex Revolution
Eh, this doesn't do much for me. I also don't like Watchtower so maybe tech-thrash isn't my thing.

High Spirits - Going Up

The Gates of Slumber - To Kill and Be King
The band name is fitting because this is putting me to sleep. I like epic doom but jesus fuck this is boring.

Crimson Glory - War of the Worlds
Peaked with that opening.

At the Gates - The Break of Autumn
Sad to say, but AtG is a band I respect more than I appreciate. I recognize that this is pretty fucking fantastic but I just can't feel as strongly about this as no country and Phylactery and Necros and you other zealots. A lot of the lyrics on the first two albums really resonate with my worldview too so I'm not sure why it isn't clicking.
I placed this last as a reminder of the futility of all the preceding ambition.
Because they're both fierce war-minded metal bands from Australia I guess. I didn't realize anyone else made that comparison.
I knew I shouldn't have submitted the At the Gates track, I can't handle the criticism. I'm not quite as much of a fanboy as Old Wainds seems to be, but early AtG is some of the most evocative and spine chilling death metal I've ever heard.
That Sacriphyx song wasn't nearly repetitive enough to be a D666 song, nor faggy enough to be an Arghoslent song.