Themed Mixtape Game

I mean, doesn't it make sense that the submission that you turned in will more than likely get the highest rating from yourself? Otherwise, why would you submit a song you didn't like unless it was for the lulz or something?
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I mean, doesn't it make sense that the submission that you turned in will more than likely get the highest rating from yourself? Otherwise, why would you submit a song you didn't like unless it was for the lulz or something?

I gotta disagree with this. My song choices are rarely winners, and I frequently rate other songs higher than my own. My choices are usually a band that hasn't been represented yet or a genre we aren't seeing enough of. I'm curious how other members will like it, even if I know a few will hate it.

Plus... I don't know every single band ever and neither does basically anyone else. Sometimes a lesser known gem is gonna blow your own shit right over.
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Malice - Against The Empire 9.5/10
Great, old school metal. Listened to these guys a lot growing up.

Bloodbath - Like Fire 8/10
I'm a sucker for this guitar tone and enjoy this band anyway.

D.B.C. - Rise Of Man 7/10
Never heard this band. Pretty interesting stuff!

Game of Thrones Theme 2/10


Visigoth - The Revenant King 6/10
Not overly familiar with these guys. It's good. It's solid. But not entirely memorable.

Rage - Death In The Afternoon 5/10
Not feeling this today.

Dawnbringer - II 7.5/10
Enjoyed this quite a bit. Nice pick!

Sacriphyx - Wells Of Beersheba 7.5/10

Another nice choice!

Coroner - Sentex Revolution 8.5/10
Awesome song by an awesome band.

High Spirits - Going Up 7/10
More solid heavy metal!

The Gates Of Slumber - To Kill And Be King 6.5/10
Liked the second half way more.

Crimson Glory - War Of The Worlds 7/10
The songwriting on this album is very good but it's a wail-fest for Wade Black. I wish they had gone back and re-recorded with Midnight before he passed. Black is a decent enough vocalist, but has none of the emotion or gravity Midnight did.

At The Gates - The Break Of Autumn 4/10

I've tried for years to get into this band but ultimately find them generic.

Excellent list guys! Cheers!!
Malice - Against the Empire

I found this charming. Quaint little song, reminiscent of other great bands. This is both its appeal and its downfall because there's little variety. The riffing is uninspired and tired, the vocals are acceptable but better suited for a spontaneous bar night. I don't even get ambition from this because no risks were taken whatsoever, either with the lyrics or the music itself. Still, charming little track.

Bloodbath - Like Fire

This got me following it. There were some downright tasty bits... and there were some try-hard boring bits, in addition to some sections that had me double checking I hadn't switched to midi somehow. Lyrics were cool, they'd make an excellent graduation speech. Great ambition. Would not mind seeing it live, if someone else paid.

D.B.C. - Rise of Man

Yawnx1000000. Nothing to say.

Drewcifer - Game of Thrones Theme

Fucking christ. First of all, I'm totally open to stupid shit like this. I love alternate genre covers. I'm even open to computerized metal, if its done correctly, utilizing dampening fields of ambient sound to overpower that MORONIC AGGRAVATING CLICKING GOOD GOD SCRATCHING SCRATCHING AT MY EARS LIKE SO MANY MINIATURE TICKERS FUCK THIS. 0/10.

Visigoth - The Revenant King

Excellent and epic. I was utterly entranced watching the video. I would buy them beers, all of them, so many beers, for so many reasons. Betrayal is one of the great epitomes of ambition, IMO. I will say I got a little annoyed with the singsongy scheme after awhile, but it still stands above the other track of this list thus far.

Rage - Death in the Afternoon

Really cool chorus, I'd love to be drunk shouting this right now. Reminds me of Barracuda, I've always been a big fan of that tone. Will definitely look into more. But I don't really get ambition here. This loses points for that. It'd be one thing if Larry killed Harry to take his money and his woman, but there's just greed and the irrelevance of possessions. Way to be a fucking downer!

Dawnbringer - II (Silence in Waves)

A little overbearing. Good concept and its fitting, but overbearing and simple. Forgettable.

Sacriphyx - Wells of Beersheba

I enjoy oversaturated storytelling.

Coroner - Semtex Revolution

I can feel the inert testosterone coursing through me, shriveling my ovaries and shrinking my mammaries. This song was fucking awesome. A proud marksman with balls the size of suns.

High Spirits - Going Up

This should be in a children's cartoon, fuck what a feel good song! Beautiful. Not thematically accurate IMO, but honestly a good song, just in time for summer.

The Gates of Slumber - To Kill and Be King

Relevant and excellent. You get the feeling of a slow creeping killer, plotting ever so carefully. Foreboding, crafting, slithering.... winning. Fucking excellent.

Crimson Glory - War of the Worlds


At the Gates - The Break of Autumn

Meh. Never got the hype. And honestly Bloodbath did the whole 'I'm so powerful and evil!' thing a lot better. I know they're pioneers but this doesn't appeal.
Similar lyrical content. I'm all powerful, I'm gonna destroy, yadda yadda yadda. In the ambition context.
Malice - Against the Empire - 6
cool song i like it

Bloodbath - Like Fire - 10
crunchy tone, beastly growl, maximum headbangability

D.B.C. - Rise of Man - 5
is this supposed to be thrash why there so much slowing down and pointless wanking

Drewcifer - Game of Thrones Theme - 6.5
why are you all shitting on this, sound fine to me

Visigoth - The Revenant King - 7
cheesy and gay but nothing wrong with that. didnt need to be 8+ mins

Rage - Death in the Afternoon - 5
what is this, some left wing communist anti-rich pro-loser bullshit?

Dawnbringer - II (Silence in Waves) - 6
i was excited with the opening and the instruments are strong throughout but the vocals were rather flaccid

Sacriphyx - Wells of Beersheba - 7-2=5
wow another band that sounds like d666. more like telling a story about war than ambition

Coroner - Semtex Revolution - 9-2=7
the music does rule but it's more about being butthurt about oppression by the system and rebellion than ambition

High Spirits - Going Up - 8
very fun

The Gates of Slumber - To Kill and Be King - 3

Crimson Glory - War of the Worlds - 8
pretty ass-kicking

At the Gates - The Break of Autumn - 9-4=5
9 for the music and -4 for the vocals i fucking hate so much god damn
Similar lyrical content. I'm all powerful, I'm gonna destroy, yadda yadda yadda. In the ambition context.

there is nothing remotely relevant to "i'm all powerful, i'm gonna destroy" in those lyrics though so, again, what

calling them 'generic' is factually incorrect also btw. dislike them by all means but c'mon guys it's about as far from generic as OSDM gets
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there is nothing remotely relevant to "i'm all powerful, i'm gonna destroy" in those lyrics though so, again, what

Oh my, you're right, there isn't. It would appear I've done this track a disservice. The lyrics are actually about NOT AMBITION and I should have rated it lower. Hope you're glad you opened your big mouth.
Yeah that seems like one of the most blatantly ambitious-themed songs here. It sets up a scenario, provides a character, gives us the character's goal, tells us the massive odds he faces, tells us how he goes ahead anyways, and by the end he totally achieved his goal. Like, you could use those lyrics to academically define the concept of ambition to a person that has no understanding of it. It's a case study of an ambitious man and act.
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it reads to me as soldiers doing what they gotta do in a war

maybe there was some ambition in their hearts, it just wasn't clear enough. a line to the effect of "for glory! for victory!" etc would've helped