Themed Mixtape Game

It's not too far behind for me. It has its own individual perks like similar but expanded riffs in the first couple of tracks showing up later in the album, for example. I also feel like I hear something new each time I listen to it. It almost feels like an RPG with a lot of side quests.
I'll be at 10 once I get Carpe's resubmission. I'd like to hear other people's opinions on whether or not a shorter mixtape is preferred. I personally think 10 sounds pretty low considering the rating period is like two weeks at the current pace of the game. I was actually thinking of explicitly calling out some people (like @TechnicalBarbarity seeing as you're back) to get more submissions.

My bad man but i've been pretty busy lately, i barely get enough time to sit down and listen to the stuff i want to.
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Will rate probably.... saturday.

Also if anyone cares I've updated the original post with newest album art and winners. Arg is officially immortalized as the poster child of whores and sluts.
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Malice - Against the Empire

One of the better songs on the album, I’m actually enjoying this outside of that context, but the blatant Priest-derivation is still a little too much. 6/10.

Bloodbath - Like Fire

A lot more boring than the previous Bloodbath song, uber basic chugfest. Doesn’t seem ambitious when this is apparently about a guy already quite successful with killing things; “I am on a quest to see the heavens die” is the only line that hints at ambition, otherwise this is more about boasting. 3/10.

D.B.C. - Rise of Man

A song about the gain of human sentience on a concept album chronicling the evolution of all life written with the most twisty and busy arrangements I’m aware of from an 80s metal song. 10/10.

Drewcifer - Game of Thrones Theme

MyYoungerBrotherThatListensTo14YearOldsPlayStarWarsSongsOnMidiKeyboards-tier. More evidence that prefixed black metal is not metal. 2/10.

Visigoth - The Revenant King

This was alright until I was getting a little bored and realized I was halfway through. Negligible riffs, but decent atmosphere admittedly. 3/10.

Rage - Death in the Afternoon

Unexpected pick, even though some Rage has grown on me a lot recently, this would be one of the lesser songs on the album for me. But it fits the theme well and it’s still got some neat parts. 7/10.

Dawnbringer - II (Silence in Waves)

Has Dawnbringer been posted before, or was that Ares Kingdom? I always confuse the two for some reason, prolly cuz both are contemporary in-crowd stuffs. Regardless I’m actually liking this a lot, definitely some Motorhead vibes but the atmosphere is totally different, like they distilled that attitude without the dirty street sound and setting, like what I'd expect Motorhead to sound like in a some kind of noir underworld or something. I’ll probably check this album out at some point. 7/10.

Sacriphyx - Wells of Beersheba

These lyrics are fucking awesome, and definitely some strong riffing in here. Need to check this album out. 8/10.

Coroner - Semtex Revolution

One thing that I think really stands out about this song is how cool and smug it sounds. Like, not the lyrics alone even, but all those cool head-nodding grooves that somehow paint the story. Coroner on this album and No More Color is the only band that creates such vivid riffs. Lyrically more fit for a revenge theme though imo. 9/10.

High Spirits - Going Up

Initial impulse was to hate but it grew a little. Riffs are generic but whatevs, the performance is alright. Probably the purest ambition song in the playlist. 5/10.

The Gates of Slumber - To Kill and Be King

Literally yawned twice during this. Sometimes I wonder if doom metal is one of those things that I only enjoy when it has a strong emotional attachment formed during my introduction to the genre with Candlemass and Trouble and therefore I’ll never be able to fairly judge later artists, but then after thinking about it a bit I realize most bands in this style are lazy as fuck. Still had a couple decent moments, but it was more the transition from one part to the next that offended most. If this song was submitted in the songs-with-bells contest, I’d have rated it the worst bell section of the bunch. King Arthur is boring too. 2/10.

Crimson Glory - War of the Worlds

I thought people said that was supposed to be nothing like their 80s material? On first impression yeah the quality doesn’t seem up to that par, but hardly bad. Eh, that marching bit or whatever in the middle was kinda lame. And actually the main drum pattern is definitely just copied from something from Transcendence. Eh. Not quite feeling the ambition versus mere love for destruction. 5/10.

At the Gates - The Break of Autumn

My second favorite on the album behind Primal Breath, amazing riffage and melodies all the way through. And damn, these are the floweriest lyrics I think I’ve enjoyed from a metal band, excellent fit to the theme. Another album where I need to actually try reading them. 9/10.
Summary of half the ratings ITT:

A - B
One of my favorite bands! This is really not the best song by them, I like A - C better. That probably would have fit the theme better too. Still I love that someone shoehorned one of my favorite bands into the game yet again. 9/10 or 10/10.

X - Y
Great fucking song! Fits the theme perfectly too. I need to check out more of these guys ASAP. But it's my first time giving this band a chance so 6/10 or 7/10 (8/10 absolute max).

how about "this is a good song but im gonna give it a 4 for in-crowd dick-wagging points"
I think it's ludicrous to criticise someone for not giving a song a 10 if it's the first time they've ever heard that song, even more so if it's also by a band they've never heard before.

I'm all for giving 8-9 ratings for songs I've never heard before that I really like and fit the theme very well, but a 10 after 1-2 listens? 10s are reserved for all-time favourite tracks.

how about "this is a good song but im gonna give it a 4 for in-crowd dick-wagging points"

Are you talking about Bloodbath again? I've said before that I actually like their Breeding Death EP. It's not amazing or anything, but it's fun and I'll give it the occasional spin. The first full length is a step down, and then it just gets worse from there.
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im talking about how, in many cases over the course of this game, people suppress their natural initial positive impression of a song and downrate it for in-crowd dick-wagging points
Summary of half the ratings ITT:

A - B
One of my favorite bands! This is really not the best song by them, I like A - C better. That probably would have fit the theme better too. Still I love that someone shoehorned one of my favorite bands into the game yet again. 9/10 or 10/10.

X - Y
Great fucking song! Fits the theme perfectly too. I need to check out more of these guys ASAP. But it's my first time giving this band a chance so 6/10 or 7/10 (8/10 absolute max).


If 'A-B' is supposed to fit my rating for Coroner, I wouldn't say it was shoe-horned. It could definitely be viewed as being about ambition, I just don't think that's the primary vibe I get from it. For this game, none of the picks are completely off-topic, so nothing in this round is deserving of more than a 1 point change based on theme imo, so it's a 10 I ding down to a 9.
If 'A-B' is supposed to fit my rating for Coroner, I wouldn't say it was shoe-horned. It could definitely be viewed as being about ambition, I just don't think that's the primary vibe I get from it. For this game, none of the picks are completely off-topic, so nothing in this round is deserving of more than a 1 point change based on theme imo, so it's a 10 I ding down to a 9.

Nah it's more noticing a general trend, while also subtly complaining about how people are rating the song I submitted.
Malice - Against the Empire 7/10
This is some cool heavy metal. Nice energetic opener to the playlist.

Bloodbath - Like Fire 5/10

As I've said before, I like their Breeding Death EP but I've never got into anything after it. I actually like Akerfeldt's growls and they work quite well here, but the song is quite boring and uninspiring.

D.B.C. - Rise of Man 6/10
Comes off a bit disjointed to me, but that might be my unfamiliarity with it so maybe I am underrating this. Some great riffs scattered throughout, however, I don't really like the vocals despite them being quite unique. Last 30 seconds or so was great.

Drewcifer - Game of Thrones Theme 3/10
This is really fucking bad, but it was quite amusing so I've given it an extra point. I never thought I'd hear blast beats over this theme song! Carpe Mortem is my guess for this submission.

Visigoth - The Revenant King 6/10
This drags quite a bit at points but it was fun overall. The video was funny.

Rage - Death in the Afternoon 6.5/10
Parts of this were really interesting but other parts didn't grab me as much. I think I'll look into the full length and see how it works in context.

Dawnbringer - II (Silence in Waves) 8/10
Killer fucking riff fest.

Sacriphyx - Wells of Beersheba 8.5/10

I'm a big fan of this album, the atmosphere and lyrics are great. One of the most interesting newer metal bands that I've heard. That middle section is totally glorious.

Coroner - Semtex Revolution 9/10

Pretty much all Coroner is great imo and this is no exception. Killer thrash with amazing riffs and fitting vocals.

High Spirits - Going Up 5/10
Yeah, no. I don't like much of anything about this.

The Gates of Slumber - To Kill and Be King 8/10
The only Gates of Slumber album I'm familiar with and I like it plenty. Some crushing riffs contained in this song. Parts of it could definitely be condensed but it still entertained me for the full duration.

Crimson Glory - War of the Worlds 6/10
Crimson Glory have been one of the biggest discoveries for me from this game. I like their first 2 albums quite a bit. This definitely isn't as good, but some of these wails are awesome and it's all just all so over the top so bonus points.

At the Gates - The Break of Autumn 10/10

This was the first song I really loved off With Fear... but these days I think "Primal Breath" is slightly better. Amazing lyrics and vocal delivery, and god these melodies are spine chilling. It's such a shame that the rest of the album doesn't match tracks 2 through 5 or else this could almost challenge the debut. I also love this being the outro to the playlist. "Appease my hunger, defeat my solitude
and let me follow where daydreams go, when ambitions fall!"
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He's only being coy out of necessity. We can't be outright revealing our song choices until the rankings are posted. That would be like telling everybody what Xmas gifts you gave them before they open them.
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