Themed Mixtape Game

i have no plan to stop playing the game, i am liking the slower pace though. i think 12 is about the perfect amount of songs, i always start flagging when i get toward the end of 15/16 song playlists. kinda depends on song length a lot though.
Got my new pick in since my first apparently wasn't on YouTube. But for the record Ymir's Blood - High and Mighty is a great track and hella relevant.

Malice - Against the Empire
Bloodbath - Like Fire
D.B.C. - Rise of Man
Drewcifer - Game of Thrones Theme
Visigoth - The Revenant King
Rage - Death in the Afternoon
Dawnbringer - II (Silence in Waves)
Sacriphyx - Wells of Beersheba
Coroner - Semtex Revolution
High Spirits - Going Up
The Gates of Slumber - To Kill and Be King
Crimson Glory - War of the Worlds
At the Gates - The Break of Autumn

Very unpredictable playlist. Can't say I expected a single one of these. Many bands that have not previously been featured in this game as well. Definitely made a few discoveries from these submissions.

once the list is published you should tell us the ones you thought of that aren't there, i'll probably be kicking myself

Dark Quarterer - Gates of Hell (my top pick)
Galneryus - Hunting for Your Dream (not that there's anyone participating I'd ever expect to pick this)
Heavy Load - Stronger than Evil
Iron Maiden - To Tame a Land/Alexander the Great/Flight of Icarus/etc.
Rainbow - Stargazer
Megadeth - Five Magics
The Chasm - Return of the Banished
Diamond Head - It's Electric (maybe Lightning to the Nations also would've fit? idk)
Legend - The Wizard's Vengeance/The Golden Bell
Dark Moor - Quest for the Eternal Fame (no country, how could you miss a chance to subject people to your beloved Dark Moor?)
The Chasm - Return of the Banished
Legend - The Wizard's Vengeance/The Golden Bell

Can't believe I didn't think of these! Great songs.

I'm happy with my pick, though, and it's also nice to see Sacriphyx finally make it into the game.

Edit: Wtf, I just gave that metal version of the Game of Thrones theme a listen. It's horrible (but kinda fun and silly as well). Never thought I'd hear blastbeats over that intro.
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Malice - Against the Empire
Bloodbath - Like Fire
D.B.C. - Rise of Man
Drewcifer - Game of Thrones Theme
Visigoth - The Revenant King
Rage - Death in the Afternoon
Dawnbringer - II (Silence in Waves)
Sacriphyx - Wells of Beersheba
Coroner - Semtex Revolution
High Spirits - Going Up
The Gates of Slumber - To Kill and Be King
Crimson Glory - War of the Worlds
At the Gates - The Break of Autumn

Very unpredictable playlist. Can't say I expected a single one of these. Many bands that have not previously been featured in this game as well. Definitely made a few discoveries from these submissions.

Dark Quarterer - Gates of Hell (my top pick)
Galneryus - Hunting for Your Dream (not that there's anyone participating I'd ever expect to pick this)
Heavy Load - Stronger than Evil
Iron Maiden - To Tame a Land/Alexander the Great/Flight of Icarus/etc.
Rainbow - Stargazer
Megadeth - Five Magics
The Chasm - Return of the Banished
Diamond Head - It's Electric (maybe Lightning to the Nations also would've fit? idk)
Legend - The Wizard's Vengeance/The Golden Bell
Dark Moor - Quest for the Eternal Fame (no country, how could you miss a chance to subject people to your beloved Dark Moor?)

fuckkkk, that legend song would've been a perfect pick. heavy load is a good one too. most of the others i'd have rejected for various reasons though - either the bands are too obvious/overused for me, or i'm saving them for when a better song is suitable, or, as is the case with that dark moor (which i considered and discounted btw), i just find the relation to theme a bit tenuous/boring.

Malice - Against the Empire
Bloodbath - Like Fire
D.B.C. - Rise of Man
Drewcifer - Game of Thrones Theme
Visigoth - The Revenant King
Rage - Death in the Afternoon
Dawnbringer - II (Silence in Waves)
Sacriphyx - Wells of Beersheba
Coroner - Semtex Revolution
High Spirits - Going Up
The Gates of Slumber - To Kill and Be King
Crimson Glory - War of the Worlds
At the Gates - The Break of Autumn

Very unpredictable playlist. Can't say I expected a single one of these. Many bands that have not previously been featured in this game as well. Definitely made a few discoveries from these submissions.

Dark Quarterer - Gates of Hell (my top pick)
Galneryus - Hunting for Your Dream (not that there's anyone participating I'd ever expect to pick this)
Heavy Load - Stronger than Evil
Iron Maiden - To Tame a Land/Alexander the Great/Flight of Icarus/etc.
Rainbow - Stargazer
Megadeth - Five Magics
The Chasm - Return of the Banished
Diamond Head - It's Electric (maybe Lightning to the Nations also would've fit? idk)
Legend - The Wizard's Vengeance/The Golden Bell
Dark Moor - Quest for the Eternal Fame (no country, how could you miss a chance to subject people to your beloved Dark Moor?)

Return of the Banished is probably my favorite song by The Chasm. The lead work in the middle of the song is among the most powerful I've ever heard, and I don't usually care all that much about (or even notice) solos.
Malice - Against the Empire 8/10

Fuck, this is wonderful. Never heard of these guys but I dig it a lot. Nothing too special but really solid heavy metal.

Bloodbath - Like Fire 5/10

Chugs out the ass. I've always foun Bloodbath to be a boring copy of already boring Swedish death metal bands. I kinda like those solos but otherwise this doesn't do a thing for it.

D.B.C. - Rise of Man 6/10

Another band I haven't hear of. I kinda like those vocals. Definitely gives it character, but otherwise this kinda dull. It does hit the atmosphere quit well with all the different little phrases and leads and stuff. But, perhaps a little too much for my tastes. The ending keys are rad though.

Drewcifer - Game of Thrones Theme 3/10

Sounds like something you'd hear in Guitar Hero. I give it credit for having lyrics, but otherwise I'd rather hear the original.

Visigoth - The Revenant King 8/10

I love this band and this song. Not my favorite of theirs, but it's pretty fun. Jake, the vocalist, is a friend of mine and I'm glad to see that they are getting the attention that they deserve. Perhaps a hair too long but whatever, this rules. Also, tidbit: that is Jason Tarpey of Eternal Champion playing the Revenant King.

Rage - Death in the Afternoon 7/10

Haven't we had a Rage song before? Damn, those vocals are insane. This is pretty cool but suffers from the same problems as that DBC song where it's just not that memorable. Still, though, this is solid.

Dawnbringer - II (Silence in Waves) 8/10

Oh, cool, two bands featuring Chicago's great Chris Black. High Spirits is better simply because, but that weird mix of black metal and heavy metal just fucking works for Dawnbringer where other bands would fail. It's blended so well together. This is a great fucking song. Damn, I need to get more into these guys.

Sacriphyx - Wells of Beersheba 7/10

This is another one of those bands that are basically universally loved by those in the "in-crowd" that I never really got into. They are certainly unique and talented, but I never grew into them. I think I have one of their splits or something lying around. This song is good and those lyrics are great but, I don't know. That part where it slows down, though, is beautiful.

Coroner - Semtex Revolution 5/10

Coroner are too tight an technical for my thrash metal tastes. They were exceptionally boring when I saw them at MDF too. I just don't get the appeal. Whatever.

High Spirits - Going Up 9/10

Fuck yeah! High Spirits can do no wrong in my book. I especially love their love songs that remind me of Thin Lizzy. This whole album is damn good. Dem leads.

The Gates of Slumber - To Kill and Be King 9/10

Who da fuck submitted the Gates of Slumber? Damn, I, obviously, worship this fucking band. I never even considered them. This song destroys. I bet most people are going to hate it though. Fuck em.

Crimson Glory - War of the Worlds 6/10

Jesus fucking christ that beginning scream! Excellent. The first two Crimson Glory albums are downright amazing and Wade's vocals are incredible here, but I miss Midnight. This seems to rely way too heavily on the vocalist's ability to wail like a madmen and lacks anything interesting to do or say. Cool solo and I dig the cheesy synths and stuff, but I need some killer riffs in there. Not bad, though.

At the Gates - The Break of Autumn 7/10

Early At the Gates are fucking amazing. TRitSiO is well deserved of being one of the best death metal albums of all time, and this album is pretty split in quality. Raped by the Light of Christ is amazing but this song isn't quite as good. It has some delicious riffs thrown in there, but that is the problem with this song, they just seem thrown together. Definitely will take this over anything on Slaughter of the Soul though.
Malice - Against the Empire

I have Malice's debut on tape. I can't tell if I like this more on the whole. Seems to be less Priest this time around. This song is no Air Attack anyway. 5/10

Bloodbath - Like Fire

Awful and pointless band. 3/10

D.B.C - Rise of Man

Really solid tech thrash. Better vocals would help this a lot but it's still a fine listen. 7/10

Drewcifer - Game of Thrones theme

Hideous. 1/10

Visigoth - The Revenant King

Decent. Doesn't really reach the epic heights they're obviously going for. Isen Torr this is not. 6/10

Rage - Death in the Afternoon

I own Perfect Man but I'm still not entirely familiar with it. Clearly need to listen to it more. 7/10

Dawnbringer - II (Silence in Waves)

Definitely some cool riffs here. May warrant further investigation. 6.5/10

Sacriphyx - Wells of Beersheba

I strongly prefer Sacriphyx's earlier material. Undeniable riffs, it's just missing that murky oldschool Hellenic production. 7.5/10

Coroner - Semtex Revolution

Coroner rules. Not my favourite by them, still kills. 9/10

High Spirits - Going Up

I have no idea how but this cheesy fucking bullshit is oddly appealing at the moment. I can't imagine a full album of this working. 6/10

The Gates of Slumber - To Kill and Be King

Absolutely nothing about this grabs me. Not bad, just not particularly engaging. 5/10

Crimson Glory - War of the Worlds

No Midnight, no Crimson Glory. 4/10

At the Gates - The Break of Autumn

Saved the best for last. Appreciate that. 10/10
Jake from Visigoth is indeed a great vocalist. He seems to have lost lots of weight, especially when comparing his build from the video with live concerts from 2016.
Malice - Against The Empire 7/10
Okay, this fukking rules! Never heard it before but I hailed with my fist in the air the whole time.

Bloodbath - Like Fire 4.5/10

The definition of a death metal gimmick, but not terrible! They do go steeply downhill after this, their debut EP being their best material.

D.B.C. - Rise Of Man 5.5/10

Comes across as meandering and aimless or something.

Drewcifer - Game Of Thrones Theme 1/10

Fukking embarrassing. I love theme music and if this was good I might like it regardless of my views on the show, but those drums sound like a kid with ADHD banging his braces against the triangle, the rest was limp-wristed black metal that would make Lucifer himself puke, surrender his firearms and vote against the Brexit.

Visigoth - The Revenant King 6.5/10

I can't help but feel like they're trying to be an epic Grand Magus. I do like this album though, great to see heavy metal in this vein able to make it big.

Rage - Death In The Afternoon 4/10

What is this? Monty Python's Thrash Metal Circus? Sounds kinda shitty and goofy.

Dawnbringer - II (Silence In Waves) 7/10

Love this band, Christ Black rules and he's always doing something original and creative even though he's not exactly reinventing the wheel.

Sacriphyx - Wells Of Beersheba 7.5/10

For me the lyrics really take this album to the next level.

Coroner - Semtex Revolution 8/10

For me this is their masterpiece, I fukking worship this album!

High Spirits - Going Up 7.5/10

Two Chris Black's in one playlist, what a treat! This band fukking rules man, so catchy. If this doesn't get the pussies wet, nothing will!

The Gates Of Slumber - To Kill And Be King 6.5/10

Definitely not a Gates Of Slumber highlight for me, especially not considering the album it's from. That said, really gets going around the halfway mark and that killer solo. They are one of the best of the modern genre.
This cannot be denied! R.I.P. Jason McCash!

Crimson Glory - War Of The Worlds 5/10

They have awesome ideas but something just isn't clicking for me.

At The Gates - The Break Of Autumn 5.5/10

"The Red In The Sky Is Our Only Good Album" no but seriously, not a huge fan but by no means does this suck. I just don't give a shit about it.
Malice - Against the Empire
Impressive heavy metals. Would headbang. 8.5/10

Bloodbath - Like Fire
I know everyone hates this band, it's nothing original but this isn't too bad. 6/10

D.B.C. - Rise of Man

Cool interesting musical ideas but lacking energy and the vocals are meh. 6/10

Drewcifer - Game of Thrones Theme

Comedy! Cringe. 1/10

Visigoth - The Revenant King

This metal needs more heavy. Guitars are weak. Chorus is so gay. 4/10

Rage - Death in the Afternoon

Some cool shit in here but pretty annoying overall. 5.5/10

Dawnbringer - II (Silence in Waves)

Didn't like the chorus but the rest was pretty good. Cool guitar harmonies. 6.5/10

Sacriphyx - Wells of Beersheba

Pretty boring for the most part and the vocals are atrocious. Some ok riffage towards the end before it cuts off abruptly. 4/10

Coroner - Semtex Revolution

This whole album is such a riff fest. Tommy was just on fire at this point. 10/10

High Spirits - Going Up

Rocking as all get out. Would definitely like to check out some more of these guys. 8/10

The Gates of Slumber - To Kill and Be King

Pretty boring but I enjoyed where it went after a while. 6/10

Crimson Glory - War of the Worlds

Fucking wailing knobend needs to shut up. Music isn't bad though. But fuck me the vocals. 5.5/10

At the Gates - The Break of Autumn

Inconsistent mess. 4/10
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Return of the Banished is probably my favorite song by The Chasm. The lead work in the middle of the song is among the most powerful I've ever heard, and I don't usually care all that much about (or even notice) solos.

I'm kinda the same when it comes to solos, especially in extreme metal, but the one in "Cosmic Landscapes of Sorrow" is everything. That song and "Storm of Revelations" are my favourites off Procession to the Infraworld.
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Procession to the Infraworld is a perfect album and my favorite by the band. I like that it's well-written but not long-winded like most of their albums. Not that I mind that either but I feel like they're able to achieve much more focus in the album's 40 minute length.
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I had it tied with Deathcult for the longest time and couldn't make a decision, but I've settled on Deathcult being slightly better now. I had to think about where they rank in an all-time favourite list to do this, and Deathcult is a top 3 for me. Procession is a rare example of a band managing to streamline their songwriting without losing anything imo. It's also their most aggressive release so should appeal to those who look for that.
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