Themed Mixtape Game

What I mean by indie, and I may come across as ignorant here, which I probably am because I'm not enough of a hipster to listen to this shit, is stuff that emerged in the UK in the early 2000s. Shit like Bloc Party, The Kooks, Franz Ferdinand, etc. A lot of my friends listened to that shit when I was in my mid teens and they referred to it as "indie".
Mekong Delta - Heroes' Grief: Good but gets overshadowed by a lot of other stuff on this list. 6/10

Skelator - The Dragon Prince: I really liked this. Grew on me quite a bit. 8.5/10

Crypt of Kerebos - Stormbringer: This was pretty average, to be honest. 5.5/10

Wolfbane - Elric of Melnibone: I really liked some parts of this but I still feel it gets overshadowed by a lot of the other picks and a lot of other NWOBHM material. 7/10

Stormbringer - Tales of the White Wolf: This was fucking incredible. Never heard of this band either so it was a good discovery. 9.5/10

At the Gates - City of Screaming Statues: From a band that I feel is really set in its ways now, I really appreciated this song back then and still do. It is exceptional and a truly memorable track. 9/10

Diamond Head - Borrowed Time: This is an awesome song and I actually was listening to it a bit before the list was shown so I was pleased with it. 8/10

Sacramentum - Overlord: I agree with Vegard. In a Moorcock round, this was a perfect track. 10/10

Domine - Freedom Flight: This song was OK but compared to the rest of Champion Eternal? No, man. Just no. 6.5/10

Apollo Ra - Bane of the Black Sword: This is a song I heard back when I was a kid when my uncle bought the album for my birthday. Ra Pariah was a really great album and this song was its crown jewel. Especially with that chorus. Reading the lyrics as a someone who was just discovering Moorcock with Elric was a badass experience. Hell, I still can't help but mouth the lyrics while I'm listening to it. Absolute classic metal song in my book. The rest of the song is great as well. 10/10

@Elric of Melniboné Sorry, I didn't rate sooner. I was pretty busy as of late and didn't get the chance. :p
What I mean by indie, and I may come across as ignorant here, which I probably am because I'm not enough of a hipster to listen to this shit, is stuff that emerged in the UK in the early 2000s. Shit like Bloc Party, The Kooks, Franz Ferdinand, etc. A lot of my friends listened to that shit when I was in my mid teens and they referred to it as "indie".

i doubt even mort likes that shite.

i think the general consensus is that while it had precursors here and there beforehand, 'indie' really kicked off in the '80s with bands like the pixies, sonic youth, dinosaur jr. etc. it's been applied to all kinds of movements since then though (inc. the one you mention), and become more and more divorced from the independent/DIY sensibility it originally stood for. these days it's kind of a vague catch-all genre tag for anything vaguely alternative+hipster-friendly.
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i doubt even mort likes that shite.

i think the general consensus is that while it had precursors here and there beforehand, 'indie' really kicked off in the '80s with bands like the pixies, sonic youth, dinosaur jr. etc. it's been applied to all kinds of movements since then though (inc. the one you mention), and become more and more divorced from the independent/DIY sensibility it originally stood for. these days it's kind of a vague catch-all genre tag for anything vaguely alternative+hipster-friendly.

Well that Polyrock example reminds of that stuff, just an earlier version and less bad. It has those fucking annoying vocals and the bouncy rhythms that I hate. Now you've clarified this I can't just write off the entire genre, though.
I haven't heard the Summoning album Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame but I remember reading that some of the lyrics for that album were inspired by Michael Moorcock too.
i doubt even mort likes that shite.

i think the general consensus is that while it had precursors here and there beforehand, 'indie' really kicked off in the '80s with bands like the pixies, sonic youth, dinosaur jr. etc. it's been applied to all kinds of movements since then though (inc. the one you mention), and become more and more divorced from the independent/DIY sensibility it originally stood for. these days it's kind of a vague catch-all genre tag for anything vaguely alternative+hipster-friendly.

To be honest, the only bands I've come close to liking from that movement has been Sonic Youth and the Pixies. Other than that, nothing. Honestly, its creation isn't really anything I particularly care for. I mean, it spawned Nirvana for goodness' sake. One of the most overrated bands on the planet when compared to their contemporaries. It's ridiculous. Alice in Chains, The Melvins, Soundgarden, Faith No More and Type O Negative were making better albums during the 90's anyway and they are only some of the bigger names.

Also, I never got the saying that grunge "killed" metal. Seriously? A lot of my favorite bands and albums originated (or got bigger) in the '90's (Edge of Sanity, Opeth, Death, Solstice, Darkthrone, Solitude Aeturnus, Blind Guardian, Dark Moor, Iced Earth, Dark Tranquillity, etc.). Just because a genre goes underground and has a renaissance of its own with the invention of new forms and styles doesn't mean it's "dead".
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Polyrock rules you wankers.l submitted that and from memory only had a few negative reactions. And it was released in 1980! years before indie gods Pixies, Dinosaur Jr and Sonic Youth. For whoever heard them then they were an influence and rightly so
I bought a few albums by them a couple of years ago. They're decent enough but maybe I don't quite get their music sometimes because most of their fans praise them above almost any other band.
Well that Polyrock example reminds of that stuff, just an earlier version and less bad. It has those fucking annoying vocals and the bouncy rhythms that I hate. Now you've clarified this I can't just write off the entire genre, though.

the polyrock thing wasn't my cup of tea either but it seemed pretty good for what it was IIRC

To be honest, the only bands I've come close to liking from that movement has been Sonic Youth and the Pixies. Other than that, nothing. Honestly, its creation isn't really anything I particularly care for.

i think it's been responsible for shitloads of great music but, as with most genres, you have to dig under the mainstream surface to find most of it. the nirvana argument isn't really a good one: i mean, heavy metal spawned trivium.
Alright fags, I'm taking some time out of my Sadistik Exekution and Ted Nugent binging to rate this, hope you enjoy.

Mekong Delta, Hero's Grief - 6/10, Cacophonous intro, with slick, groove-laden drum transition, thrashy and funky riffing, and clean, tenor powerhouse vocals, great sustains and vibrato, even if he is markedly subdued to an extent. Spoken word over the riffing and drums is interesting, but I feel it ultimately detracts from the song's full musical potential, and perhaps the whole arrangement is sparse for my tastes. Semi-classicism is nice. Thematic.

Skelator, Elric: The Dragon Prince - 6/10, Beauteous strains of acoustic guitar mixed with a wondrous, bright timbre singing voice. Vocalist gets sort of goofy with his enunciation and diction, but retains a measurably good level of quality to his performance. Bombastic and fantastical, so it'd be perfect for its topic if it weren't so damn cheesy. Enjoyable solo from the guitarist who gets bonus points for that greasy yet whimsical tone. Plus the rhythmic break on the "He's, ELRIC..." refrains was very clanky and awkward. Thematic.

Crypt of Kerberos, Stormbringer - 6/10, Eerie, bent, Iommi-esque, wasted guitar licks and riffage, passable death vocalist on the mic, needs to lay off the "c" is for cookie shit, tempo pickup before the two-minute mark was a pleasantly unprecedented move, leading right into a really tasty guitar solo. Thematic.

Wolfbane, Elric of Melniborné - 7/10, Guitarist leaves the place in fucking flames, blazing pentatonic licks like a motherfucker for like half a minute straight from the moment the track gears up. Passable riff and decent vocalist, sweet, almost jazzy kick to the drums and overall rhythm, above average NWOBHM/traditional metal for sure. Groove is downright freaking vicious too. Axeman goes on to shred two more awesome solos. Thematic.

Stormbringer, Tales of The White Wolf - 7.5/10, Holy mother of melodious riffage, talk about a ripe riff-centric melodic dropkick to the nuts. The guitar solo is a mammoth of a shred assault, call and response chorus kicks the door off the house, vocalist is your standard classic power metal wailer. Thematic.

At The Gates, City of Screaming Statues - 8.5/10, Stormy, enraged, foul, juggling a jagged razor-blade dangerous, and guttural. With a little pinch of sweet melody. Just the way I like it. Vocals sound like they're being given by a ring wraith undergoing throat surgery, and damn do I love it. Fast, dirty drumming and good bass. Classic death metal in every sense. Thematic.

Diamond Head, Borrowed Time - 8/10, Glover-esque bass, matched with light, melodic strums of guitar, and vocals which postively explode with that pained opening note. Hazy, synth-souped atmosphere driven forward in energy by the vocals. Phrasing on the first solo is like some half way between a traditional Arabic or Indian folk tune, an occult siren call, and 80's shred guitar. Superb and tasteful dynamics, oh, and some those vocal wails sound very Plant-esque, love it. Thematic.

Sacramentum, Overlord - 6.5/10, Fascinating gallop to the drum beat, despondent, infuriated guitar playing, like the guitarist is planing on sailing Odysseus' journey across the Mediterranean some time soon. Admirable vocal performance, very distinct nature to them which helps make them a distinguishable and easily-recognized presence. Solo is absolutely malevolent, just a real sour, vile aura emanating from it. I'll admit it, as more of black metal traditionalist who prefers his black metal be congruous with sonic template of the first and second waves, this was surprisingly good. Thematic.

Domine, The Freedom Flight - 7.5/10, Eerie screeching auditory to throw you in, which is then complimented by a kick flesh to the nuts power metal riff. The thing I enjoy about this is how grimy it is for a power metal song, it almost being as though they prize the speed metal influences of power metal over the traditional metal influences. The vocals vacillate between a classic power metal wail and this sinister borderline hardcore punk sneering, which kicks ass. Guitarist is more than capable, running through fleet-fingered, melody-driven solos with fluidity and ease. Synths make the more grandiose, operatic segments even better. Thematic.

Apollo Ra, Bane of The Black Sword - 8.5/10, Holy smokes, it's Uncle Ted shredding a NWOBHM riff. Really, it sounds like that, particularly with the gallop and slight use of pinch harmonics. Drums have a nigh Bonham-esque punch to them, which is great. The sense of melody and phrasing these guys have is exemplary, they have this weird way of making things sound badass yet lugubrious all at once, particularly the guitarist and singer. Solo is a veritable James Brown-level sex machine gone shredster. The way the singer almost matches the guitar in pitch at the end? Kickass. Thematic.
Mekong Delta - Heroes Grief 6.5/10
Nice intro to the playlist. Not one of the better Mekong Delta songs that I've heard. Still, it's decent.

Skelator - Elric the Dragon Prince 7.5/10

Yeah, this is pretty good. Really like the vocals especially, but I feel that it tries to be more epic than it ends up being. I'm going to check out the full album after this I think.

Crypt of Kerberos - Stormbringer 7.5/10

Cult band, awesome pick. From what I remember, the compilation albums contain their best material but I haven't listened to these guys in ages. Disappointing ratings for it so far!

Wolfbane - Elric of Melniboné 7/10

I liked this more on second listen, probably 'cos I really enjoy this sort of production a lot. It is a bit repetitive yet manages to be entertaining throughout.

Stormbringer - Tales of the White Wolf 8.5/10

Okay this is fucking awesome and the best song so far. Raging and energetic heavy metal rhythms throughout. Love the intro and verse riffs especially.

At the Gates - City of Screaming Statues 10/10

Obviously the best thing on the list. Full of weird and disturbing riffs and seemingly jarring transitions that all make sense on repeated listens. That part starting around 4 minutes, christ, it's so fucking dizzying. More death metal should attempt to be this intelligent.

Diamond Head - Borrowed Time 7.5/10

I'd probably rate this a point or so higher if it was shorter because I do enjoy pretty much everything about it

Sacramentum - Overlord 7/10

But Pompey, this is bad Sacramentum compared to FaFtS. It's not bad, it's just nowhere near as emotive or as melodically interesting as the aforementioned album. It does have a nice atmosphere to it and some decent riffing. I'm going to relisten to later Sacramentum and try to judge it without FaFtS in mind.

Domine - The Freedom Flight 7.5/10

Lol, the chorus is definitely quite bad and rather overblown. The rest of it kicks arse. Wish I could rate this higher.

Apollo Ra - Bane of the Black Sword 9/10
This is fucking amazing and a great closer for the list. Love the wailing vocals. Never even heard of them so thanks whoever submitted it!

I'd never heard nearly half of this playlist so it was a good one for me. Nothing that was completely awful for once either.
Apollo Ra - Bane of the Black Sword 9/10
This is fucking amazing and a great closer for the list. Love the wailing vocals. Never even heard of them so thanks whoever submitted it!

I'd never heard nearly half of this playlist so it was a good one for me. Nothing that was completely awful for once either.

You're welcome. ;)
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You're not supposed to reveal what you picked until the end! Also, why the fuck does it say Slayed Necros when you quoted my message?!

Sorry, I did it last time and it didn't exactly affect the results. Won't happen again. As for why it says his username...I have no idea. I could have sworn I quoted your message.