Themed Mixtape Game


No vids. Find them on your own.

Manowar - Mountains
Bathory - Enter Your Mountain
Death - Crystal Mountain
Summoning - Caradhras
Agalloch - Falling Snow
Eluveite - Call of the Mountains
Alda - In the Wake of an Iron Wind
(Abbath's) I - Mountains
Deaf Dealer - Escape from the Witch Mountain
Sort Vokter - Fjellstev

Rate and review by next Thursday. Contestants will be revealed and winner gets to be next game master.

No vids. Find them on your own.

Manowar - Mountains
Bathory - Enter Your Mountain
Death - Crystal Mountain
Summoning - Caradhras
Agalloch - Falling Snow
Eluveite - Call of the Mountains
Alda - In the Wake of an Iron Wind
(Abbath's) I - Mountains
Deaf Dealer - Escape from the Witch Mountain
Sort Vokter - Fjellstev

Rate and review by next Thursday. Contestants will be revealed and winner gets to be next game master.

Make a playlist in the future.
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Reactions: Carpe Mortem
Find it yourself? Meh. Don't be lazy. Why don't you post single playlist instead of making dozens of other people find their own. It's your thread.

Remember that time I posted playlists of like 50 thrash songs for every year thrash existed? You can't post 10 songs?
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Reactions: NinjaSweater
1. Not all the songs can be found on YouTube
2. Not everyone has the free time to sit on YouTube for an hour, I know personally my phone's streaming for that blows
3. No need to choke up this thread with bullshit

Next GM is free to do an actual playlist if they have more free time, obviously it would be cool if possible. I'd probably say no individual vids though, just a playlist.

Baroque you're a pain in my balls. First you over analyze the rating system then try to send me like five entries and now you're demanding a playlist. Shiiiit, man. Leave my balls alone.
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Reactions: Baroque and CiG
I reckon 15 songs is too many. Have it capped at 10 or something. Actually that's too many to listen to as well. Please only include songs I already know. Thanks.
Alright I'm going through the playlist. I think people might crucify me for some of my opinions but who cares.

First is the Manowar song. I only really listen to the first Manowar album because it simply kicks metal ass without the cheap keyboard shit and Hammerfallish ballad sound. This Mountain song is already too cheesy for my liking. Sometimes it's kinda off tune too which happens often in heavy metal ballads and I really can't stand it. I just wouldn't listen to this on my own and if I had to rate it I would go 3-4/10.

Second is the Bathory one. Bathory is very hit or miss for me tbh. I can see why it appeals to a lot of people with the epic sound and everything, I also understand the band's influence on the genre. However, most of the times I can't even finish a Bathory album tbh, and this album wouldn't unfortunately be an exception. I would say it's better than that Manowar song because it's less cliché and there's more ideas but not something I would listen to on my own either. 6/10 I suppose.

Death - Symbolic. I'm not a big fan of Death in general. I think it's one of the more boring bands out there and I don't like Chick Schudliner fanboyism. I don't really think Death riffs are anything original or spectacular but this song is one of the better ones I've heard and is actually pretty solid death metal. I would say 6-7/10 again.

Summoning is a fun band, and pretty cool all in all. I've listened to some of the albums many times, like Lugburz and Stronghold, and some I probably heard only once or stopped halfway the first listen. If I used words "cheap keyboard shit" and "cheesy" in the previous instances then here I would have to say "fun". It's like a basement fantasy of some LOTR nerds. This is one of the better Summoning songs too, I suppose, so 7/10. I will have to retry this whole album.

I don't listen to Agalloch. I tried to get into their music multiple times. I don't find this particular song offensive or anything. I just don't think it contains what I look for in metal. I shouldn't really rate this, but 5/10 I guess.

Eluveitie is the first band on the list I have never heard and I pretty much immediately realize why. Simple four chord Evanescence chorus (or any disco band-like, really) and who am I kidding, the four chords go on throughout the entire song and the chorus is only different because the guitars go all punky skater boy shit. I can imagine this playing on the radio and even there I would turn it off immediately because I think it's really cheap. Her voice is pretty nice in the calmer passages, I admit. 2/10. ...Holy shit there's a modulation before the final chorus repeat. Don't ever go full pop on me please. 1.5/10.

Never heard Alda either. Hmm. This is something for American hipsters I guess. I immediately knew this was american and that at least one of the dudes is wearing a flannel shirt. And yes. M-A agrees. 3/10. Luckily I will forget about this in 2 minutes.

Deaf Dealer. This sounds pretty fucking fresh what is this. I'd be interested in hearing the singer too unfortunately this one is instrumental. Sounds pretty kick-ass and will probably make me listen to the album. Old school sounds like this to my ears equals at least 8/10.

I listened to the Sort Vokter Necro Metal album several days back and it's still pretty clear in my mind. I like most Ildjarn but this album seems to be even harsher and it takes a specific mood to enjoy it. Most things that border on noise like this require me to be in a special mood and that is not now, however I really liked it several days back so I'm not giving it any rating so far. I will spend more time with this album soon anyway. And it's Omni choice right? :) EDIT: Oh and this one is just the outro song. Oh well.

EDIT: I didn't rate two tracks but I will do it now to keep the flow of the game moving so I = 6/10, Sort Vokter = 6/10.
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My brain won't allow me to create words right now. Just total blankness, so I'll just rate each track.

- Mountains 9/10
Bathory - Enter Your Mountain 10/10
Death - Crystal Mountain 4/10
Summoning - Caradhras 7/10
Agalloch - Falling Snow 3/10
Eluveite - Call of the Mountains 2/10
Alda - In the Wake of an Iron Wind 4/10
(Abbath's) I - Mountains 4/10
Deaf Dealer - Escape from the Witch Mountain 7/10
Sort Vokter - Fjellstev 6/10

Fuck, that was a lot of listening. So many pointlessly long songs.
Manowar - Mountains 10/10
absolutely spinetingling. adams always goes so hard his voice seems on the verge of cracking, guitars are played so loud they pop dangerously at times, if it sounds out of tune on occasion it's only because they're breaking the space-time continuum. and this is a fucking ballad! huge chords hanging in the air, high notes plucked with the tenderness of a harp, leads gliding across the sky. passionate, gargantuan music which sounds genuinely mountainous, and nothing like anything else from the period.

Bathory - Enter Your Mountain 8/10
incidentally, manowar were the primary influence on viking-era bathory. if only 'viking metal' had continued in this rough, earthy, authentic direction instead of devolving into a gimmickfest, i wouldn't have to actively avoid bands dubbed with the tag. this is a really weird song, lots of unintuitive chord progressions, and it creates more vivid imagery than you ever can through the normal channels. there are spiritual and primordial forces at work here.

Death - Crystal Mountain 5/10

one of the better later death tunes in that it's pretty catchy and doesn't have too much in the way of wanky digression, but it's still that shallow mixture of bouncy melodeath clichés, juvenile aggression and unearned pretentiousness. it also doesn't earn access to a mountains playlist solely on the back of using the word mountain as a metaphor, sorry.

Summoning - Caradhras 7/10

well this one sure fits the theme, aesthetically speaking, as do most summoning songs. setting epic narratives against a backdrop of vast natural wonder is kind of their stock in trade. this song isn't one of summoning's more memorable to me (one of the best on that album though fo sho) but that's kind of by design, as it's one of their more laid back, lush and meditative tunes. slight but lovely.

Agalloch - Falling Snow 5/10

i always find agalloch pretty wishy-washy and obvious, and this is no exception, but i like it more than most agalloch i've heard aside from the wah pedal nonsense or whatever the fuck that is. reminds me of early katatonia a bit in that it's borrowing pretty liberally from '80s goth rock (not necessarily a bad thing but they're not exactly very creative about it), which is nostalgic at least, and i quite like the slowdive-y clean vox. i'd never go out of my way to listen to this though, it's just (mostly) pleasant background music, and while it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb on this playlist, it also feels a little too... 'man-made' to fit the theme.

Eluveite - Call of the Mountains 3/10

i liked the last 35 seconds, so that's something. the chorus is pretty catchy i suppose, aside from when that awful abysmal modulation happens. otherwise this is generic sub-lacuna coil level pop 'metal' with what is the definition of a folk gimmick. it did make me wanna listen to loreena mckennitt though which, again, is something.

Alda - In the Wake of an Iron Wind 4/10

pretty textbook example of why the recent atmospheric/cascadian/whatever BM movement is something to be avoided--it's just americans ripping off europeans with little of the same spirit and pretending like they've invented something new. shit like this is a dime a dozen, and it makes mountains seem boring.

(Abbath's) I - Mountains 6/10

the above vid is unavailable for me but i found it here. love that riff in the verse, love abbath's voice (always), dig the guitar tone plenty too. song itself is as formulaic and stubbornly obvious a 'black metal' anthem as everything else abbath's done in recent years, and similarly pretty entertaining if you don't go in looking for depth.

Deaf Dealer - Escape from the Witch Mountain 7/10

this is nice. reminiscent of early maiden and brocas helm in places. curious to know who picked this!

Sort Vokter - Fjellstev 7/10

man, this is a blast from the past! i used to spin this regularly but it's been years. it's nice that this is the outro for the playlist as it's very much a come-down kinda tune, and it makes me wish i'd picked the popol vuh tune that accompanies the descent down the mountain in AGUIRRE now haha, that would've made for an amazing playlist intro. anyways, i've run out of words now but while i like this plenty, i'd probably bump this up a mark if it was in the context of the album, as that's where it really fits in.

jesus christ pick shorter fucking songs next time
Yeah winner might want to cut it at like 5. I forgot pretty much everyone here is an asshole whose idea of one track is highly skewed from reality.
Yeah winner might want to cut it at like 5. I forgot pretty much everyone here is an asshole whose idea of one track is highly skewed from reality.

And then again mountains is a pretty common theme in metal. If we do fish or taxes there won't be as many. ;)
Manowar - Mountains 6/10

Unfortunately, not one of my favorite Manowar songs. Still more than decent and it fits the theme.

Bathory - Enter Your Mountain 8/10

Awesome song. I was expecting someone to include this or another Bathory track from the Viking era.

Death - Crystal Mountain 4/10

This song is not one of Death's best. I knew that it would wind up on this playlist. I have always found it to be mediocre at best.

Summoning - Caradhras 9/10

This is the first song that I've heard from this album. Lovely song that has that Summoning magic. I will be purchasing this at some point.

Agalloch - Falling Snow 5/10

I used to really like Agalloch, but this is one of their weaker tracks.

Eluveite - Call of the Mountains 2/10

This band is terrible and so is this track. Whoever picked this needs to listen to better music.

Alda - In the Wake of an Iron Wind 3/10

I don't think that this is good. I like the track title.

(Abbath's) I - Mountains

Similarly bland to later Immortal, which doesn't surprise me. I guess this is a little better than a lot of other music made by Norwegians after the early 1990s.

Deaf Dealer - Escape from the Witch Mountain

This is better than I thought. I was expecting some extremely stupid stoner doom band based on the band name and song title. Very cool.

Sort Vokter - Fjellstev

I'm biased because I picked this track. I requested that it be the last song on the playlist because it's such a cool outro. I just like it too much. Next time, I will pick a vicious album cut from an awesome band.
Listening now. I'll edit this once I listen to enough tracks. Fortunately I've heard about half of these songs before so I can skip some of them.

Manowar - Mountains 8/10

It's fucking Manowar. My favorites are Bridge of Death and Gloves of Metal, but this shit rules.

Bathory - Enter Your Mountain 8/10

I worship Bathory and Quorthon's first six albums hold a very special place in my heart. Twilight of the Gods might be my least favorite of those though. That main riff in this song is crushing, but it's not the best song on the album.

Death - Crystal Mountain 4/10

I remember trying to learn the solo in this song when I cared about technique and learning to sweep and shit. This song takes me back to when I was 16 and my friend and I were cruise around in his shitty Ford F-150 just blasting Death, Dream Theater, Necrophagist, and shit while we waited for pizza to get ready. Good times, but I'd rather do that with some Judas Priest instead of this average song. The jazz parts piss me off, Chuck's vocals are awful.

Summoning - Caradhras 10/10

This was the song on Old Mourning's Dawn that changed the way I perceived the album. I heart the title track when it was officially released by Napalm Records and the other songs that come before it on the album (while excellent) weren't what I was expecting. And then this fucker hits. It pretty much solidified this album as my new favorite Summoning record and the culmination of their entire career. I've been meaning to actually write a review for this album, but I've never found the words.

Agalloch - Falling Snow 8/10

The combination of this song and "Limbs" that begin Ashes Against the Grain are pretty tough to beat. I never really "got" The Mantle, but this shit I still blast almost every time there is a snowfall. I just wish the rest of the album was quite as good. Hipster band or whatever, this is just wonderful.

Eluveitie - The Call of the Mountains 3/10

This doesn't suck as much as I was expecting, but it's still not good. Parts of it sound too much like a nu-metal Evanescence or Seether with their start and stop guitar riffs and that fucking guitar tone. Fuck.

Alda - In the Wake of an Iron Wind 6/10

I'm pretty sure I've listened to this before but forgot about it. I guess that should explain it enough. I usually dig this sort of thing but Alda doesn't really do anything for me. It's fine I guess, but I'd rather put on SIG:AR:TYR or Agalloch or something.

Deaf Dealer - Escape From a Mountain (or Escape from the Witch Mountain) 7/10

Well fuck! This is a nice little find. Checked out the band on MA while listening and fuck, that is some awesome artwork. This is right up my alley. Perfect to blast while questing in a dungeon with your friends or to crush a few PBRs and bang your head with. Might be a little too video gamey for my tastes, but whatever.

Sort Vokter - Fjellalkdjjdfnadfan 7/10

In true Norwegian style, SV end their album with a long ambient piece. Tomhet clearly shits all over this, but this is nice. I can definitely tell that Ildjarn and Nidhogg are here as this sounds nearly exactly the same as the Hardangervidda LPs. I never really got into Sort Vokter though.

I - Mountains 5/10

Yep, exactly how I expected it to sound. Abbath seems like a super rad guy to grab a beer with and talk music, but man his stuff is boring. Pure Holocaust is such an amazing album. Definitely one of Black Metal's finest moments. What happened? This is pretty forgettable.
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