Themed Mixtape Game

I understand how someone would rate the Sort Vokter outro low when it's taken out of context like this tbh. Doesn't mean he has a bad taste in music tbh.
Wasn't the context mountain themed music/music you associate with the theme?

With the theme in mind, the fact that someone was just skipping through a track trying to find something they assumed should be there (metal) for no reason rather than listening with the theme in mind (regardless of what genre the track was) is worthy of some criticism.

If we're talking about context and all.
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Even I accept the fact that it's a risky, inaccessible track that I took a chance on, and I'm probably the biggest supporter of Sort Vokter and anything that Ildjarn did out of everyone on this site. I specifically asked for it to be the outro, but I think the length of everyone else's songs did me no favors. That isn't anyone's fault.
I'm going to rate these even though I didn't submit a track. I was going to post Zemial - Battle on the Norse Mountains but I couldn't find it on youtube. I'll play properly next time.

Manowar - Mountains 9/10

Epic. First time hearing this and I like it a lot.

Bathory - Enter Your Mountain 7/10

It's Bathory. Main riff kills for days.

Death - Crystal Mountain 5/10

First time I've listened to anything from Symbolic in about 12 years. Not as bad as I remember but still kind of annoying.

Summoning - Caradhras 6/10

I haven't kept up with Summoning since Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame. It sounds exactly as I expected. Pleasant although not something I'm particularly interested in. Kortirion Among the Trees this is not.

Agalloch - Falling Snow 2/10

Piss weak. Jesus Christ this goes on for 9 fucking minutes?

Eluveite - Call of the Mountains 1/10

Fuck you.

Alda - In the Wake of an Iron Wind 3/10

11 minutes of my life that I want back. Better than Agalloch though. Fuck Agalloch.

(Abbath's) I - Mountains 4/10

Sons of Northern Darkness extra-lite. Abbath doesn't even sound like he's trying.

Deaf Dealer - Escape from the Witch Mountain 8/10

Killer! Actual metal! Thanks HBB. The last wretched half hour was almost worth it to get to this.

Sort Vokter - Fjellstev 7/10

Another one I haven't heard in years. Solid outro. Perfectly fits the theme. Thanks Ildjarn and Omni.
Long ass songs putting me to sleep but I'll rate by tonight
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