Themed Mixtape Game

Stole this idea from another forum. Every week or so shall be a theme. If you wanna play, send a song to the game master which satisfies that theme. However you see fit. There is limit of 15 contestants per game, first to message get dibs.

After a week, game master posts the songs, anonymously. Everyone who has played rates the songs 1-10 for how well they fit the theme, and how good the song actually is. By all means feel free to write a short review of each. Try not to give away which one is yours.

Results will be posted after all contestants have given their reviews, or after about a week, whichever sooner. He or she whom has the most highly rated song gets to be the next week's game master.

Refresh your memory on the game^ if you need to.


Message me your entries ASAP, 3 days at the latest. So on my end I cut it off on the approaching Tuesday, figure out based on where you live which day that ends up being.

Come at me.

I intentionally avoided certain music because it will inevitably be picked by other people. Clever people can probably guess what songs and albums I am referring to.
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Baroque I know dude. I'm trying to be very specifically alien-related, rather than spacy. And I think everyone else should too, and be judged harshly if they don't, because its too wide a subject otherwise.
I personally chose a song from an album based around a unique take on intergalactic evil beings. That's all that I'm saying.

I hope everyone is creative.
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I intentionally avoided certain music because it will inevitably be picked by other people. Clever people can probably guess what songs and albums I am referring to.

Well now I'm not sure if the one I would choose as the first thing isn't too obvious.
i agree that just general 'space'-themed songs shouldn't be allowed. it can still be subtle though, doesn't have to be explicitly about an alien invasion or something.

I assure you I would feel no obligation whatsoever to listen to all of it before rating.

I'm actually pretty excited to see what you guys came up with for this.
i assume he would've said space if he meant space. i don't think this theme is hard enough to find songs for that we need to broaden it out. *shrug* besides, i have a bitchin' space-related choice i'm saving for another time.