Themed Mixtape Game

On further review of the playlist, I think I have enough. Especially given the theme I selected. So, here it is:

Tokyo Blade - Warriors of the Rising Sun
Geisha Goner - The Fallen Race
Martyr - Speed of Samurai
Flotsam & Jetsam - No Place for Disgrace
Metalucifer - Heavy Metal Samurai
Sabbat - Samurai Zombies
Cacophony - Sword of the Warrior
Nightstryke - The Story of the Forty Seven Ronin
Enforcer - Katana
Hellhound - Samurai Warrior

Here's the playlist.
I'm surprised. Despite the narrow theme, the single most obvious song (Sun & Steel) is absent. Anyways, this looks like an exciting playlist.
Not to oblivion I don't think, only a few players regularly downrate things for being obvious. And I'd personally have been lenient on it due to the difficulty of the theme.
Shit, I thought for sure I had the best pick for this but I'm only halfway through this playlist and already I'm having doubts.
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"every person who submitted a track right now":

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I'm reasonably happy with my pick, even though I only submitted a song in order to help make sure that the playlist would be long enough. I'm not too crazy about this particular theme.
Tokyo Blade - Warriors of the Rising Sun
I like the pacing on this one. Overall, pretty epic. 8/10.

Geisha Goner -
The Fallen Race
That cover art sets the scene. The opening is boring as shit. Lez see if something happens. Interesting vocal delivery. Still hate the rhythm guitar. 5/10.

Martyr -
Speed of Samurai
Those vocals ain't winning me over. Interesting "ooohing". 5/10.

Flotsam & Jetsam -
No Place for Disgrace
Intro is tight. Too whiny for this guy. Nice interlude. 5/10.

Metalucifer -
Heavy Metal Samurai
Background music until that shit chorus. 4/10.

Sabbat -
Samurai Zombies
The title stands for itself. But yeah, it's a groovy tune. 9/10.

Cacophony -
Sword of the Warrior
None too shabby. 7/10.

Nightstryke -
The Story of the Forty Seven Ronin
It trods along. It does not engage me. 4/10.

Enforcer -
It's hard for me to tolerate this. And there's so much of it! 3/10.

Hellhound -
Samurai Warrior
This track embodies the Samurai spirit. 8/10.
Occult would be a good theme but I bet some boring cunts still submit some insanely obvious shit like Venom or something.

I'm surprised. Despite the narrow theme, the single most obvious song (Sun & Steel) is absent. Anyways, this looks like an exciting playlist.

That track doesn't seem like an obvious samurai song to me. Am I missing something?
I hope none of that shit is entered. Surely we have enough uncommon/obscure shit talking about Satan or witches ffs.

Yeah, if I was hosting the round I'd definitely ban "Black Magic", as great as it is. I'm sure everyone's heard it here. I don't mind obvious picks so much when they're an interesting take on the theme.