Apocrypha - Penance 7.5/10
I forget who recommended this to me, but I still haven't gotten around to picking it up. Will do, though. It's good metal.
Cauldron Born - Crusader 8.5/10
Sounds much better than the full length version in my opinion, legendary metal.
Sadus - Oracle Of Omission 6/10
Absolutely ruthless when they were in their prime, not as savage as
Illusions but still very good. Mind-melting intensity.
Messiah - The Choice 7/10
Charming, cheesy, moderate heavy metal. I think I know this band but I can't be sure. If this had just a bit more of a rough edge, I'd rate it higher.
Forsaken - Via Crucis 8/10
I almost submitted a track by Forsaken, it wasn't this one though. This is a fantastic choice, I really appreciate the keys on this. Production isn't the best, but regardless this contains majesty of it's own.
Manilla Road - Divine Victim 8.5/10
Manilla Road will always be a 'top 5' band for me, but this is getting a little ridiculous now. One of my favourite songs by them though so I guess I'll forgive it. But seriously, stop submitting them.
Trouble - Run To The Light 8.5/10
If pressed, my favourite Trouble album. Extremely obvious choice, but since it wasn't taken from an obvious Trouble album I can forgive it.
All I see is despair!
October 31 - The Verdict 7/10
I really should dig deeper with this band, for some reason they've gone over my head/under my radar. It rules, though what I heard from their debut was way better if I remember correctly. Whatever.
Saracen - Horsemen Of The Apocalypse 7.5/10
I think this one is new to me. Those cheesy synths are fantastic and that bass guitar, instant fan. This kicks ass.
Icecross - Jesus Freaks 7.5/10
This album is the definition of cult classic. Absolutely killer madman hard rock. Not really metal but if it was submitted to the non-metal game I bet there would still be complaints. Fuckin' killer drum fills. Ah well, I'll let it go this one time because I love it so much. PS: F.O.A.D. liberation theology.
Tristitia - Christianic Indulgence 7.5/10
Never heard of this band, it's very powerful sounding. Sounds like the actual voices of God even. Really liked this, still wanting more by the end.
Tourniquet - Ruminating Virulence 7/10
Instantly didn't like the production, especially the way the drums sound, but once I got past it I enjoyed it.
W.A.S.P. - Babylon's Burning 7/10
Impressed with how recently it was recorded and the production is pretty bloody good. Cool.
Immolation - Nailed To Gold 8/10
Now that's how you end a playlist, such a contrast in style with this and the previous few tracks really makes this stand out. Hail Immolation.
Good one.