Themed Mixtape Game

  1. Mayhem - Buried By Time and Dust - 7 like it overall though a bit monotonous. could use more bombastic riffs and some synth maybe
  2. Satan - Kiss of Death - 3 nah
  3. Mütiilation - Tears of a Melancholic Vampire - 1 awful and unlistenable
  4. Vampire - Night Hunter - 6 ok i guess but i dunno something about it seems scattered and unrefined
  5. Stone Demons - Vampyr - 5 not terrible i suppose they achieved the atmosphere they were going for
  6. Iced Earth - Dracula - 9 epic tune though Barlow is squeezing his balls a bit too much in this one
  7. Necrophagia - Insane for Blood - 6 intruments are cool in some parts but those are not death metal vocals but silly raspy talking
  8. Venom - Countess Bathory - 5 good for what it is though not something i would listen to
  9. Bathory - Woman of Dark Desires - 7 great riffage needs better production and more vocal power
  10. Church of Misery - Blood Sucking Freak - 3 nope
  11. The Ravenous - I Drink Your Blood - 4 sounds gross, not my type of dm, shame cuz some riffs were alright
  12. Witchhammer - Transylvania - 5 nasal and wimpy vocals pulled otherwise ass kicking riffage down
  13. Helstar - Black Cathedral - 7 nice production and instrumentals but vocals sound like old dudes trying to be menacing
  14. Blood Cult - Psychic Vampire - 2 yech
  15. Necromantia - Last Song of Valdezie - 4 just one long ass bass solo the fuk
^rate it lazy fucks
Mayhem - Buried By Time and Dust

Good song. Everything black metal should strive to be.

Satan - Kiss of Death

Mütiilation - Tears of a Melancholic Vampire

I appreciate them and what they strive for, but just isn't 100% my thing. Better than most other bands that go for a 'melancholic' style.

Vampire - Night Hunter

Solid enough.

Stone Demons - Vampyr


Iced Earth - Dracula

Matt Barlow has to have one of the most annoying voices in metal when he does the blubbering nonsense in the intro, but he kills it when not trying to be moody. Kinda bland though.

Necrophagia - Insane for Blood

Good dirty death metal.

Venom - Countess Bathory

No explanation needed.

Bathory - Woman of Dark Desires

Church of Misery - Blood Sucking Freak

Great band, good song though probably needs to be a few minutes shorter.

The Ravenous - I Drink Your Blood

Some good fucking riffs to be found here.

Witchhammer - Transylvania

Not bad

Helstar - Black Cathedral

Honestly, was expecting nothing good since the last album I heard from them Glory of Chaos was absolutely garbage. This is great though.

Blood Cult - Psychic Vampire


Necromantia - Last Song of Valdezi

solid closer
Mayhem - Buried By Time and Dust 8.5/10

Satan - Kiss of Death 9/10

Mütiilation - Tears of a Melancholic Vampire 5/10
I will never get into this band.

Vampire - Night Hunter 6/10

Stone Demons - Vampyr 7.5/10
Ok, this is pretty neat shit.

Iced Earth - Dracula 6/10

Necrophagia - Insane for Blood 7/10

Venom - Countess Bathory 8/10
Classic in every sense, but let's face it, Bathory did Venom better than Venom.

Bathory - Woman of Dark Desires 10/10

Church of Misery - Blood Sucking Freak 8/10
Props for not being about Dracula, Nosferatu, or Bathory

The Ravenous - I Drink Your Blood 7.5/10
I actually quite like this. Dirty and raw and I really like those punky riffs.

Witchhammer - Transylvania 6.5/10
HBB's pick I assume based on how underground. I find this to be pretty dry and that vocalist is pretty weak.

Helstar - Black Cathedral 8.5/10
Wow, I should really check out Helstar's other material outside of Nosferatu.

Blood Cult - Psychic Vampire 6.5/10
I dig that uppity/black n roll vibe in this but can't help but feel like it would be better with a different vocal approach

Necromantia - Last Song of Valdezi 6/10
Perhaps a little too long to actually hold my attention but this is still a cool instrumental.
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The winner is @Satanstoenail with Venom - Countess Bathory.

  1. Venom - Countess Bathory @Satanstoenail 8.115
  2. Mayhem - Buried By Time and Dust @HamburgerBoy 7.962
  3. Bathory - Woman of Dark Desires 7.808
  4. Helstar - Black Cathedral @no country for old wainds 7.731
  5. Satan - Kiss of Death @Slayed Necros 7.462
  6. Witchhammer - Transylvania @RadicalThrasher 7.385
  7. Necrophagia - Insane for Blood @dwellerINTHEdark 7.269
  8. Iced Earth - Dracula @arg 7.077
  9. Vampire - Night Hunter @Baroque 6.769
  10. Church of Misery - Blood Sucking Freak @Master_Yoda77 6.500
  11. The Ravenous - I Drink Your Blood @CASSETTEISGOD 6.231
  12. Stone Demons - Vampyr @Carpe Mortem 5.769
  13. Blood Cult - Psychic Vampire @Krow 5.000
  14. Mutiilation - Tears of a Melancholic Vampire @EspaDa 4.731
  15. Necromantia - Last Song of Valdezie @Dazed and Brutal 4.423
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Shit. Has anyone got a list of the themes so far beyond those listed on the first post?

For the sake of being comprehensive, I'll list all previous themes:

Mountains, Extraterrestrials, Dragons, Alcohol, Nature, Ancient History, Prominent Guest Appearances, Reincarnation, Mental Illness, H.P. Lovecraft, Eponymous, World Destruction Brought About By Mankind, Cinema, Corruption/Greed, Love, Whores/Sluts, Ambition, Dependence, Literature, Punishment, Gods / Deities, Moorcock, Buildings, Celtic Mythology, Metal, Animals, Samurai, Natural Disasters, Christianity, Occultism, The Sun/Moon, Body Horror, Vampirism.
I was the one keeping score. Give me a while and I'll update my 'mixtape history' file with the most recent rounds.
Mixtape history:

Round #1: Mountains
Winner: CASSETTEISGOD with Bathory – Enter Your Mountain

Round #2: Extraterrestrials
Winner: Baroque with Voivod – We Are Not Alone

Round #3: Dragons
Winner: Master_Yoda77 with Saint Vitus – Dragon Time

Round #4: Alcohol
Winner: EspaDa with Saint Vitus – Dying Inside

Round #5: Nature
Winner: Vegard Pompey with Scald – Night Sky

Round #6: Ancient History
Winner: Omni with Rainbow – Gates of Babylon

Round #7: Prominent Guest Appearances
Winner: Master_Yoda77 with Griftegard – The Four Horsemen

Round #8: Reincarnation
Winner: Satanstoenail with Slayer – Reborn

Round #9: Mental Illness
Winner: Omni with Judas Priest – Beyond the Realms of Death

Round #10: H.P. Lovecraft
Winner: no country for old wainds with Celtic Frost – Morbid Tales

Round #11: Eponymous
Winner: Omni with Saint Vitus – Saint Vitus

Round #12: World Destruction Brought About By Mankind
Winner: no country for old wainds with Sodom – Burst Command 'til War

Round #13: Cinema
Winner: Satanstoenail with Deicide – Dead By Dawn

Round #14: Corruption and Greed
Winner: Master_Yoda77 with Tygers of Pan Tang – Silver and Gold

Round #15: Love
Winner: arg with Slayer – Necrophiliac

Round #16: Whores and Sluts
Winner: Vegard Pompey with Samson – Vice Versa

Round #17: Ambition
Winner: Satanstoenail with Coroner – Semtex Revolution

Round #18: Dependence
Winner: Funerary_Doom with Johnny Touch – Black Company

Round #19: Literature
Winner: HamburgerBoy with Fates Warning – Giant's Lore

Round #20: Punishment
Winner: Phylactery with The Chasm – Storm of Revelations

Round #21: Gods / Deities
Winner: Elric of Melniboné with Deströyer 666 – I Am the Wargod

Round #22: Michael Moorcock
Winner: Vegard Pompey with At the Gates – City of Screaming Statues

Round #23: Buildings
Winner: Serjeant Grumbles with King Diamond – A Mansion in Darkness

Round #24: Celtic Mythology
Winner: EspaDa with Primordial – Sons of the Morrigan

Round #25: Metal
Winner: Krow with Venom – Black Metal

Round #26: Animals
Winner: Talos of Atmora with Exodus – Piranha

Round #27: Samurai
Winner: dwellerINTHEdark with Sabbat – Samurai Zombie

Round #28: Major Weather Events / Natural Disasters
Winner: arg with Demolition Hammer – Cataclysm (lol)

Round #29: Christianity
Winner: Slayed Necros with Immolation – Nailed to Gold

Round #30: Occultism
Winner: EspaDa with Morbid Angel – Immortal Rites

Round #31: The Sun and the Moon
Winner: Slayed Necros with Incantation – The Ibex Moon

Round #32: Body Horror
Winner: Serjeant Grumbles with Death – Leprosy

Round #33: Vampirism
Winner: Satanstoenail with Venom – Countess Bathory

High score:

Satanstoenail – 4
EspaDa – 3
Master_Yoda77 – 3
Omni – 3
Vegard Pompey – 3
arg – 2
no country for old wainds – 2
Serjeant Grumbles – 2
Slayed Necros – 2
Baroque – 1
dwellerINTHEdark – 1
Elric of Melniboné – 1
Funerary_Doom – 1
HamburgerBoy – 1
Krow – 1
Phylactery – 1
Talos of Atmora – 1

Seems the only winners you guys can agree on lately are tunes that are already entrenched in the metal canon. I wish you were harsher on 'obvious' picks.