Approximately Infinite Universe
Nothing special? I can accept you not liking them, but show me a band they sound like? I mean actually sound like, so beyond the qualities that all bands within a subgenre share.
Aside from the horror gimmick, the qualities that make up their sound are the qualities that all bands within a subgenre share. That's basically what makes a generic thing generic.
Who the fuck submitted that Witchhammer track?! I don't think it was Burgerboy given his review of it and it wasn't you or Slayed Necros going off your reviews.
They don't sound generic at all though. Now you're just talking out of your ass. I've never to this day heard a band that writes warped riffs quite that way with that stalking sound nor have I ever heard a vocalist that sounds like Killjoy.
Outside of the solo I don't hear anything warped in the song in this round. Very plain. Sad!