psychotic waltz - yeah these guys were a first rate quandary upon release in 1990 - no one knew how to promote them. but this is some cool shit, honest melodies - nothing too individual - but sweet harmonies and geetar work. and the vocals ha there's already been a geddy 8/10
slough feg - oh oh slough feg , wasn't this the in crowd band of a few years ago...if not still...or am l thinking manilla road...none the less this is great stuff, totally original old school feel, great leads, terrific production. killer. way too short 8/10 is this the first time this tune has been in a brackets and question mark and capitals dont work
legend - another classic production..fuelled by the atypical 70's sound in which it came. great stuff if a tad dated by the reverb drenched geetar. awesome rhythm section and the vocals are true to the time and tune. 7/10
aeternus - ...nice. well that was the intro....a riff here not there...then at 7 minutes in it grows a bollock...and then wets itself again ... 6/10
sinister realm - no production jobby can save a lacklustre track. this aint a great track nor much of a good one - how much longer you gotta hear third tier melodic metal til you stop paying for it 5/10
millennium - ld put this on sitting next to my fire with a bottle of red and a's unoffensive, bland kinda non-committal heavy rock. nothing to think about while it drifts over me 6/10
blitzkrieg - god l hated this upon release - well a few years later when l heard it - and it's not much better now but it does have that genius change at the imminent chorus and that's the only thing going for it 7/10
runemagick - punch tune bro - whatever that means, wow first song in with blast beats, this is pretty tight. if l had to be picky, and l must, i'd say the drums and geetars are a mis-match but i'm being pedantic - solid epicness here 9/10. had to listen to this version because blocked -
quicksand dream - this is some backward killer guys-out-in-the-woods dissecting passers-by stuff l could fall for. and then some old school organ joins it 9/10
garden of shadows - ug l guess you call this prog metal, with a dm twist sort of stuff. this is ok...its got enough going on for it to not be overly boring, but saying that...then the key change and it slows down to boredville...give me a killer solo...nope it didn't. too much of that same old basing itself around a counter note style of riffs thinking their clever 6/10
absu - maybe it has an itch of passion in a riff there somewhere, but fuck me l can't find it. it all sounds like itching and scratching. emphasise the bass more, pull the vokills back and concentrate on a tune and it might make it better...hahaha you don't get bm...nah sorry it's shite ..3/10
illuminati - wow you can hear cynic dripping out of this and atheist ...hey real solo's...fuck yeah...and riffs..and passion and ...then it ends...9/10
book of reflections - sounds like a home recording with pro musicians. the solo's are outfuckingrageous. singer is killer too 9/10 hey great tune
unleash the archers - sounds like a pro recording with pro musicians. geetars make me hard but that's about it 7.5/10 like a poor man's leatherwolf but heavier
cool list a few gems here l will follow up on