Themed Mixtape Game

As far as I'm aware, almost everyone that's actually in-crowd thinks the band is pretty bland.
i only know the two heaven & hell albums. they aren't close to being favourites or anything but they're pretty damn good (the second one in particular), especially given how ambitious and diverse they are. i always expect grand sweeping concept albums to be pompous overcooked messes, but they have the songwriting chops to make it work, and a nice balance of earnest emotion and muscularity.
Virgin Steele is such an underwhelming band.
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Virgin Steele is such an underwhelming band. I have yet to even hear an entire album by them because every song that I've heard is wimpy enough that even DisconnectedFromReality would probably be able to handle listening to them without getting offended.
You're wimpy enough to like those:

Virgin Steele's run of albums from Marriage through House is fantastic. Everything else ranges from okay to "oh god why"
I'll listen to these later. Also congrats on listening to a recent metal album. I saw your Panphage post.
Thanks! Panphage and Summoning are about the only bands I've bothered with the last few years...

Speaking of Panphage, I've seen alot of people posting their new album in "albums currently kicking your ass" thread and in a way somewhat surprised. I feel like alot of people here (like @Slayed Necros or yourself btw ;) ) don't really like that folky style in the vein of newer Nokturnal Mortum or Vintersorg etc. :)
I'd compare Panphage to something like Arckanum way before I'd compare Panphage to Nokturnal Mortum or Vintersorg.