Themed Mixtape Game

Since people like to bitch when I give things a zero in this game, being on theme is a point so nothing can be below a 1/10

Midnight - Lust, Filth, and Sleaze - 6/10
What Venom would be if they were good, but not something I would listen to a lot because I'm not in crowd. Not bad and I could see why people who drink all the time like this band because it would be fun to scream the lyrics when you're tanked.

Demoncy - Commencement of Dark Crusades - 4/10
'By the numbers' black metal. Nothing special here.

Ancient Empire - The Tower - 8/10
Good shit. This is a good blend of trad/power (or maybe just speed/trad?)

Terrorizer - Corporation Pull-In - 9/10
No explanation needed. Commando at his finest. This is the only grindcore band/release I even care about anymore

Pantheist - Sloth - 1/10
Song title lives up to the song descriptor and the general description of Funeral Doom. Terrible genre.

Corpse - Heaven Needs Money - 6/10
Wasn't expecting this to go into the thrashier part based on the beginning part. Nice touch.

Realm - Root of Evil - 7/10
Never really been into this band like I probably should be but it's definitely above average.

Hellhammer - Bloody Pussies - 2/10
Really glad Tom G. did Celtic Frost instead of sticking with this. Yikes.

Rainbow - Stargazer - 9/10
Dat Cozy Powell drum intro tho. Anything Dio touches turns to gold.

I'm kinda disappointed Baroque or someone didn't submit this. If I paid attention to this thread more, I would have:

This is the only grindcore band/release I even care about anymore

Normie filth.

Really glad Tom G. did Celtic Frost instead of sticking with this. Yikes.

To be fair, "Bloody Pussies" is from Hellhammer's first demo tape (iirc) which is pretty sloppy and unlistenable. Satanic Rites on the other hand is fucking brilliant.
Midnight - Lust, Filth, and Sleaze -7/10

Demoncy - Commencement of Dark Crusades - 4.5/10
generic black metal riffing, vocalist kind of sucks, drums sound like shit.

Ancient Empire - The Tower - 6.5/10

Terrorizer - Corporation Pull-In - 8/10

Pantheist - Sloth - 3/10
Thought i was going to completely hate this. I hated it, but not completely.

Corpse - Heaven Needs Money - 8.5/10

Realm - Root of Evil - 7.5/10

Hellhammer - Bloody Pussies -5.5/10
My Bloody Ears

Rainbow - Stargazer - 10/10


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Reactions: Baroque
Midnight - Lust, Filth, and Sleaze


This band has always been decent to me but I'm not a big fan.

Demoncy - Commencement of Dark Crusades


Not my favorite Demoncy.

Ancient Empire - The Tower



Terrorizer - Corportation Pull-In


Great song. I'd rate it higher if it wasn't used previously.

Pantheist - Sloth


A bit boring.

Corpse - Heaven Needs Money


This is cool.

Realm - Root of Evil


Really captures the theme for me.

Hellhammer - Bloody Pussies


Hating this should be considered a deadly sin.

Rainbow - Stargazer


Pride comes before the fall. Flawless.
Midnight - Pretty fucking boring to be honest 6/10
Demoncy - Pretty fucking boring to be honest 6/10
Ancient Empire - Wow what a turn up for the books. 9/10
Terrorizer - Classic brutal efficiency with riffs 9/10
Pantheist - Sorry sanctimonious bullshit with no guts 3/10
Corpse - Poor production lets down a poor band , so it doesn't matter huh? 5/10
Realm - Yeah Realm rule 8/10
Hellhammer - schzenhousern sounds like my first band 5/10
Rainbow - Great except for Blackmore's weak fiddly fiddly 8/10
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Reactions: CiG
Midnight - Lust, Filth, and Sleaze – solid, no false advertising, 6/10

Demoncy - Commencement of Dark Crusades – I have no idea which sin the lyrics are supposed to fit, so based on the music I’ll guess sloth, 1/10

Ancient Empire - The Tower – has its strengths, in a way it makes me think of 90s Blind Guardian if I actually liked Blind Guardian, but some of the riffs are too sappy and obvious (especially that chorus), 5/10

Terrorizer - Corporation Pull-In – I like some songs on this album but this is one that sounds like glorified crossover thrash to me, 4/10

Pantheist – Sloth – tolerable as background music, 3/10

Corpse - Heaven Needs Money – love that cover art, it’s kinda typical Bay Area-style thrash, lengthy acoustic intro and all, but there’s something appealing about this, the production helps that twiddly Destruction-esque verse riff, and it doesn’t repeat anything for too long, 8/10

Realm - Root of Evil – like a super-fast speed/thrash Fates Warning, great narrative set to uber tight riffs and lots of melody, 10/10

Hellhammer - Bloody Pussies – I don’t think I ever even listened to their earliest demos but this was better than I thought it’d be, necro Sabbath spiffiness, 7/10

Rainbow – Stargazer – obvious pick but whatevs, 10/10
Yeah how many ratings do we have? I don't give enough fucks and figured one of the autismos on the board would just tally it up for me. I think I know where is going to win though.