Themed Mixtape Game

When copy and pasting use "Match destination formatting" or whatever it's called to reduce the odds of any html/bulletin board code shit messing things up.
I just copied and pasted whichever retard originally fucked it up. Do you assume people manually type the playlist out when they rate it?

Have I taken a blow to the head or has this exact message appeared in this thread before?

Also, Omni gone. Game is a wash with or without.
That’s fucked up. Krow who I thought was an idiot remembers a random ass post from almost a year ago? CIG says the exact same words unintentionally.... or intentionally? Weird ass twilight zone shit
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If you want to rate this, do it before Sunday because I'll tally it then. If you need an explanation for why I'm mostly inactive, read the non-metal game thread.

The fact that I'm mostly gone this week doesn't matter much when people were barely rating before that anyway.
Savatage - On the Run

Witchking - Witchking

Cloven Hoof - Nightstalker

Flotsam and Jetsam - Der Führer

Oracle - Killer Queen

Trouble - The Tempter
It looks like this album is worth revisiting.

The Lamp of Thoth - I Love the Lamp

Omen - Death Rider
Didn't really get into Battle Cry back when I listened to it, but this is a rather standout song.

Ancient Rites - Morbid Glory (Gilles de Rais 1404-1440)
A nice change of pace. Oh, and it's also quite malevolent.
1. Trouble - The Tempter (36) @Master_Yoda77
2. Witchking - Witchking (33) @Serjeant Grumbles
3. Savatage - On the Run (32.5) @HamburgerBoy
4. Omen - Death Rider (32) @Omni
5. Oracle - Killer Queen (28) @Vegard Pompey
6. The Lamp of Thoth - I Love the Lamp (26) @Mort Divine
7. Flotsam and Jetsam - Der Führer (25.5) @Burkhard
8. Ancient Rites - Morbid Glory (Gilles de Rais 1404-1440) (25) @Slayed Necros
9. Cloven Hoof - Nightstalker (23.5) @Krow

Let's try to do better than four people rating in the future.
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Is there a list of previous categories I can take a look at?

Here you go, you lazy coke-snorting InCel degenerate:

  1. Mountains
  2. Extraterrestrials
  3. Dragons
  4. Alcohol
  5. Nature
  6. Ancient history
  7. Prominent guest appearances
  8. Reincarnation
  9. Mental illness
  10. H.P. Lovecraft
  11. Eponymous
  12. World destruction brought about by mankind
  13. Cinema
  14. Corruption and greed
  15. Love
  16. Whores and sluts
  17. Ambition
  18. Dependence
  19. Literature
  20. Punishment
  21. Gods/deities
  22. Michael Moorcock
  23. Buildings
  24. Celtic mythology
  25. Metal (metal pride, brotherhood, culture, lifestyle and situations metalheads have to deal with)
  26. Animals
  27. Samurai
  28. Major weather events / natural disasters
  29. Christianity
  30. Occultism
  31. The sun and the moon
  32. Body horror
  33. Vampirism
  34. Hate
  35. Pretentiousness
  36. Coldness
  37. Fire
  38. The medieval period
  39. Pessimism
  40. Musical irony
  41. Delusion
  42. Blue collar
  43. Epic journeys
  44. Outer space
  45. Revenge
  46. Robert E. Howard
  47. Dreams / nightmares
  48. Technology
  49. Surrealism
  50. Villains, malefactors and wrongdoers
  51. The 7 Deadly Sins
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