Themed Mixtape Game

Here I go rating without participating again. :(

Griftegard - The Four Horsemen 9/10
I love this track. I use to listen to it a lot when it first came out.

Obsidian Tongue - A Nest of Ravens in the Throat of Time 6/10
I actually don't mind the slow pace of this. I enjoy the vocals as well. It is a bit anti-climatic and long for what it is, however.

Behemoth - Inner Sanctum 3/10

I don't like this.... sound. How to describe it? I don't like that "radio talk" vocals over the music. The Behemoth vocals after it isn't doing anything for me. Oof... those vocals at 2:47 are really bad. This track goes all over the place too. Yeah a cool riff here and there, and the track is better when there's no vocals, but still not my thing at all. The last half was better.

Aura Noir - Mirage 8/10
Hell yeah. This rules.

Queensryche - Suite Sister Mary 6/10
Cool intro. This is interesting. I have to admit, I'm not really use to this at all. I want to like it more than I do but it's a little too corny for my taste. Also, though I haven't heard tons from this band I've always thought they were so damn overrated.

Okay, listened to it again. It's a good song that progressively does get better, its one of those "digest me!" tracks and I'd listen to it again to understand it more, but I need to move on. It's a little long, but the vocals are good. I also wish it was a little more epic like it almost gets there but then it misses it somehow.

Marduk - Accuser 4/10
The vocals and the guest appearance really hold this track up. Without it it would be a flop. Otherwise the music is boring.

Ayreon - Comatose 3/10
Meh. Not my thing.

Agatus - Conqueror of Fate 8/10
This fucking rules.

Probot - My Tortured Soul 3/10
Never heard of this band. But what the hell? This is mediocre as fuck. Screams David Grohl all over it. I typically don't like his music endeavors besides Nirvana.

Paul Chain - Voyage to Hell 8/10
I love this track. I just listened to Paul Chain (this track included) while on my way home from dance practice.

White Skull - Tales from the North 4/10
I've never listened to Grave Digger. I cant say I'm convinced. I didn't like the vocals here. And the switching off thing they were doing wasn't really interesting. The music was cool at some parts though.

Blind Guardian - Valhalla 7/10
I've never listened to much Blind Guardian before, but this is endearing as fuck and a lot of fun.

Gorguts - Inoculated Life 6/10

Guest guitar solo? That's a bit of stretch. The track is good, but knocking points because "guest guitar solo." How long was that solo? Super short! :lol:

Scorn - Hit 3/10
I didn't understand this. I should give it a relisten.

Ария - Штиль 7/10
I liked this. Very cool. What's the English name of this band?
Griftegård - The Four Horsemen (featuring guest vocals by Farida Lemouchi)
7/10. This is a little boring, Farida saves it though.

Obsidian Tongues - A Nest of Ravens in the Throat of Time (featuring guest vocals by John Haughm)
3/10. Well shit, actually THIS is boring. Guest added nothing interesting to the song.

Behemoth - Inner Sanctum (featuring guest vocals by Warrel Dane)
3/10. This isnt a good Behemoth song. The Warbler's half assed narration didn't do anything for me either.

Aura Noir - Mirage (featuring guest vocals by Fenriz)
7/10. Nice high energy black thrash complimented by Fenriz. Good.

Queensrÿche - Suite Sister Mary (featuring guest vocals by Pamela Moore)
5/10. Im beginning to think people pick overly long songs to piss with each other. Guest surely didn't hurt the song but it was an overly long wet noodle of a traditional metal song.

Marduk - Accuser/Opposer (featuring guest vocals by A.A. Nemtheanga)
8/10. I liked this a lot. Wasnt really sure how Marduk was going to gel with AA but it turned into this really cool doom black metal hybrid.

Ayreon - Comatose (featuring guest vocals by Anneke van Giersbergen and Jørn Lande)
1/10. I'd rather be comatose. fuck whoever picked this.

Agatus - Conqueror of Fear (featuring guest vocals by Jimmy Petkoff)
6/10. Guest seemed very out of place in this song. as soon as he shut up they went back to what they were doing. Eh.

Probot - My Tortured Soul Live (featuring guest vocals by Eric Wagner and guest guitar by Wino)
6/10. Something about these guys working together seemed fairly awkward. Maybe Wino was being stingy with his meth.

Paul Chain - Voyage to Hell (featuring guest vocals by Lee Dorrian)
5/10. Its weird not hearing a Paul Chain song in gibberish. That being said what WAS being said sounded like Dorrian was reading from a script he thought was stupid.

White Skull - Tales from the North (featuring guest vocals by Chris Boltendahl)
3/10. God awful power metal cheese featuring i dont give a fuck on vocals.

Blind Guardian - Valhalla (featuring guest vocals by Kai Hansen)
7.5/10. Glad to see the list pick back up a bit. Solid song

Gorguts - Inoculated Life (featuring guest guitar solo by James Murphy)
6/10. Annnnnd the least interesting guest performance goes to.... Otherwise points for being rock solid osdm.

Scorn - Hit (featuring guest guitar by Justin Broadrick)
3/10. Annoying and uninteresting. I guess the guest did something?

Ария - Штиль (featuring guest vocals by Udo Dirkschneider)
6/10. This was ok I guess. kinda taken out of it all by the awkward video of hanging out with the old guy.
Griftegård - The Four Horsemen (featuring guest vocals by Farida Lemouchi) - 6
heartfelt and melancholic. guest singer has a nice voice. needs more of a climax

Obsidian Tongues - A Nest of Ravens in the Throat of Time (featuring guest vocals by John Haughm) - 6
long ass intro...waiting for something to happen...oh here it comes...uh creepy black metal whispering?? was almost a 4 but the impressive atmosphere at the end saved it

Behemoth - Inner Sanctum (featuring guest vocals by Warrel Dane) - 10
fucking amazing songwriting and construction. the appearance of warrel dane gives it a whole other dimension. love that sinister high pitched guitar and DAT BREAKDOWN at 1:33. the 2 minutes of jamming to finish it off is always compelling

Aura Noir - Mirage (featuring guest vocals by Fenriz) - 8
some ass-kicking riffs here! needs better guitar tone and vocal tone. but i like the speed and aggression

Queensrÿche - Suite Sister Mary (featuring guest vocals by Pamela Moore) - 4
feels like the songwriters sat around a table and said hai guys let's throw every single fucking idea into this song to make it EPIC!!! then threw more shit in as they went along. sounds like a tryhard clusterfuck

Marduk - Accuser/Opposer (featuring guest vocals by A.A. Nemtheanga) - 3
vocals are too in your face, like he's 2 inches away spitting saliva into my eye. and the instruments never really pick up and get exciting, just this mid-paced plodding the whole song. dumb chants at the end

Ayreon - Comatose (featuring guest vocals by Anneke van Giersbergen and Jørn Lande) - 8
man this chick has a cute voice. interesting premise of 2 people in a coma waiting to die yet being pretty chill about it

Agatus - Conqueror of Fear (featuring guest vocals by Jimmy Petkoff) - 2
ive said before i hate happy sounding black metal

Probot - My Tortured Soul Live (featuring guest vocals by Eric Wagner and guest guitar by Wino) - 2
sounds like some leftover grunge mixed with sludge garbage

Paul Chain - Voyage to Hell (featuring guest vocals by Lee Dorrian) - 3
nothing particularly offensive, just does not appeal to me

White Skull - Tales from the North (featuring guest vocals by Chris Boltendahl) - 6
fun instrumentation pulled down by a chick trying to sound like a dude. couldve been 8 or 9 with an actual dude or a feminine sounding female

Blind Guardian - Valhalla (featuring guest vocals by Kai Hansen) - 9
power metal brimming with triumphant energy! guest's voice is kind of nasal lol

Gorguts - Inoculated Life (featuring guest guitar solo by James Murphy) - 9
fast, brutal, groovy, gruff vocals and a sweet guitar solo!

Scorn - Hit (featuring guest guitar by Justin Broadrick) - 2
the start is obnoxious punk shit and the rest is random noise. almost a 3 but the noise went on too long

Ария - Штиль (featuring guest vocals by Udo Dirkschneider) - 5
cheesy and goofy as fuck. the dudes seem really passionate about it though. you can sense the brotherly love and what better way to share it than going to a strip club!
Griftegård - The Four Horsemen (featuring guest vocals by Farida Lemouchi)

Solid doom (not as good as anything on SSS, but still good) and Farida's vocals are great as they always are.

Obsidian Tongues - A Nest of Ravens in the Throat of Time (featuring guest vocals by John Haughm)

Boring overlong 'intro' section, somehow even manages to get worse as the song picks up

Behemoth - Inner Sanctum (featuring guest vocals by Warrel Dane)
Behemoth has never done anything for me, continues to do nothing for me, and Warrel Dane doesn't make much of an impact here

Aura Noir - Mirage (featuring guest vocals by Fenriz)

Great riff work as always from AN, Fenriz's vocals are pretty solid too. Overall just good fucking metal.

Queensrÿche - Suite Sister Mary (featuring guest vocals by Pamela Moore)

Never got the hype, never will get the hype behind this album. Vocally strong, but just lacks the solid riff work of the first EP and first album. Moore and Tate elevate this from the lower score than it probably should be.

Marduk - Accuser/Opposer (featuring guest vocals by A.A. Nemtheanga)

Marduk used to rule up through Nightwing, but really took a turn for the worse with PDM. This song is not what they were pre-PDM, but it is the best thing they've done in a long time. Really seems like they tailored their sound to fit Nemtheanga's vocals because this sounds like a darker Primordial almost. Mortuus's gargling vocals sound dumb as shit at times though.

Ayreon - Comatose (featuring guest vocals by Anneke van Giersbergen and Jørn Lande)

A track like this could have been salvaged by giving Anneke the lead role and letting her powerful voice take over, but instead that ham Jorn Lande is given the lead. What a boring song with yet another Jorn performance worthy only of 3rd rate hair metal.

Agatus - Conqueror of Fear (featuring guest vocals by Jimmy Petkoff)

Pleasantly surprised by what I'm hearing based on most of the reviews here. Riff work rules, vocals are solid throughout, and loved Petkoff's contribution.

Probot - My Tortured Soul Live (featuring guest vocals by Eric Wagner and guest guitar by Wino)

Wino is a god, Wagner is a god, but this song is not divine. It certainly isn't awful, but it sounds like Wino and Wagner were told to 'hold back' from being themselves a bit too much. It lacks what makes their music so damn incredible, but otherwise is enjoyable.

Paul Chain - Voyage to Hell (featuring guest vocals by Lee Dorrian)
Alkahest is a fucking brilliant album. Dorrian can do no wrong either - he may be goofy sometimes, but he always gives an inspired performance. Here is no different.

White Skull - Tales from the North (featuring guest vocals by Chris Boltendahl)

Oh hey, Boltendahl is one of my favorite power metal vocalists. Grave Digger rules and brings a shit ton of riffs...this can't be that bad. Yeah. It fucking can. Boltendahl's vocals feel really out of place in something this flowery. Excuse me as I go listen to fucking EX-CALLY-BOO

Blind Guardian - Valhalla (featuring guest vocals by Kai Hansen)


Gorguts - Inoculated Life (featuring guest guitar solo by James Murphy)

The riff from about :50 'til about 1:08 is a little annoying. Murphy's solo is solid enough. Outside of riff previously complained about, the riff work in the rest is good.

Scorn - Hit (featuring guest guitar by Justin Broadrick)

not the best thing Broadrick's name has appeared on, but not awful either. no real strong opinion.

Ария - Штиль (featuring guest vocals by Udo Dirkschneider)

Expected more out of Udo's apperance tbh, kinda weak overall, but some solid riffs to be found in spots.
Griftegård - The Four Horsemen (featuring guest vocals by Farida Lemouchi)
8/10. Really digging the epic vibe on this one. Great female vox on this one too. Pretty haunting stuff.

Obsidian Tongue - A Nest of Ravens in the Throat of Time (featuring guest vocals by John Haughm)
8/10. I like the mellow opening portion, which of course is followed by Agallochian greatness. Sweet tune. The drums are tight.

Behemoth - Inner Sanctum (featuring guest vocals by Warrel Dane)
5/10. There's a nice dark atmosphere here. But the vox leave something to be desired, although the spoken passages are cool. It's OK.

Aura Noir - Mirage (featuring guest vocals by Fenriz)
6/10. This is a fun little tune. Gets you pumped up I guess. Solid effort.

Queensrÿche - Suite Sister Mary (featuring guest vocals by Pamela Moore)
5/10. I appreciate the gothic atmosphere. Just not my type of music for the most part. Not bad.

Marduk - Accuser/Opposer (featuring guest vocals by A.A. Nemtheanga)
8/10. Groovy. Now this is my cup of metal. Great vocal delivery.

- Comatose (featuring guest vocals by Anneke van Giersbergen and Jørn Lande)
2/10. Holy shit. What is this.

Agatus - Conqueror of Fear (featuring guest vocals by Jimmy Petkoff)
6/10. This is a rocking number. I appreciate they varied vocal deliveries.

Probot - My Tortured Soul Live (featuring guest vocals by Eric Wagner and guest guitar by Wino)
4/10. Well done for a live effort. But the song itself didn't do a whole lot for me. Sort of blah.

Paul Chain - Voyage to Hell (featuring guest vocals by Lee Dorrian)
5/10. It certainly had it's fun moments, but as a whole I couldn't get excited for most of it.

White Skull - Tales from the North (featuring guest vocals by Chris Boltendahl)
7/10. This was fun. I liked the vocal interplay. The keys and guitar were pretty badass.

Blind Guardian - Valhalla (featuring guest vocals by Kai Hansen)
6/10. Melodic stuff, but not my go-to. It was engaging enough. That chorus got old though.

Gorguts - Inoculated Life (featuring guest guitar solo by James Murphy)
6/10. You know I never listened to this band before although I've seen them mentioned everywhere. I can appreciate the aggression. But nothing really stands out here. Badass cover art.

Scorn - Hit (featuring guest guitar by Justin Broadrick)
5/10. This one didn't really seem to go anywhere. The bass line was pretty sweet though.

Ария - Штиль (featuring guest vocals by Udo Dirkschneider)
7/10. Well this was a funky number. It has a great melodic vibe about it. It just sounded good.
Griftegård - The Four Horsemen
This is really cool and probably not something I'd have found on my own. Although doomy it has a kind of "metal for people who don't like metal"-vibe like post-metal or atmospheric sludge or whatever the fuck but it's also way better than most of what I've heard within those genres.

Agalloch Obsidian Tongue - A Nest of Ravens in the Throat of Time
I feel like this is music for people who have exhausted the Agalloch discography and want more of the same. Which, to me, isn't a bad thing, just not a particularly great thing.

Behemoth - Inner Sanctum
I've actually never listened to Behemoth before... this isn't making me want to change that.

Aura Noir - Mirage

Queensrÿche - Suite Sister Mary
Never listened to this album much because I have an aversion to pompous rock operas... But this is good, and the guest vocalist is effective.

Marduk - Accuser / Opposer
Not bad, but really tests my patience at 8 minutes.

Ayreon - Comatose
Since you just had to pick Ayreon, whoever you are, couldn't you have at least gone with one of their rockin' prog metal tunes instead of... well, this.

Agatus - Conqueror of Fear
Right up my alley... I gotta hear this album.

Probot - My Tortured Soul
Probot is basically a star-studded tribute act that plays shitty derivative originals instead of covers. Dunno why I'd ever want to listen to this when I could just listen to the real deal.


White Skull - Tales from the North
A strange pick for this playlist since the guest vocalist is blatantly the worst thing about this song. I'm glad to have been exposed to it though, because it's a really good song. The production sounds unusually organic for euro-PM. Kinda wanna dock 10 points for that horrifying audio glitch at the end though (I'm sure it's just a shitty upload)

Blind Guardian - Valhalla
Probably the greatest moment of Kai Hansen's entire career.

Gorguts - Inoculated Life

Scorn - Hit
Jesus christ will it ever end. This feels roughly twice as long as the Marduk song.

Ария - Штиль
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we gave the same rating to five songs, were within 1 on another 6, and within 2 or 3 for the others. hardly seems fair that everyone else can only rate once but i basically get to rate twice.