Themed Mixtape Game

Blind Guardian - 7.5/10 Damn nice instrumental energy. I haven't heard their thrashier side like this before. Chorus is kinda eh for a power metal song but it's listenable.

Mortem - 6/10 Pretty average death metal song tbh, not terrible, not great. Doesn't scream "Extraterrestrials"

Hypocrisy - 8.5/10 Lovin this. Song pulls you forward and keeps it interesting constantly. High speed thrashy drumming. Short and sweet. Might have to add this to my collection.

Pagan Altar - 6.5/10 I appreciate the 70's spacey blues rock aesthetic. I just can't see myself listening to this very often. Doesn't really progress or change keys over the course of 8 minutes. Probably a bad idea to put this right after the extremely energetic Hypocrisy song.

Megadeth - 8.5/10 A classic. I thought about picking this song myself for a minute. Gonna take a wild guess and say TB here.

Scanner - 5/10 Sounds like an Iron Maiden wannabe, I'm not really a fan of IM. Vocals are kind of annoying.

Deceased - 8/10 Strong hardcore punk influence on the first part of this death/thrash track. I like the tempo changes. Singer is pretty versatile. Cool stuff.

Oxiplegatz - 5.5/10 huh? meh. Whole song feels like a musical transition that doesn't go anywhere

Vektor - 9.5/10 My first choice, which I had to change, was Cosmic Cortex.

Evergrey - 4/10 Will I be the first to say "more like Evergay"? It's not completely awful I guess.

Darkspace - 9/10 Now this is atmospheric!... Is that the right term when it feels like I've been blasted into outer space though? Exospheric? Simply awesome.

Ecocide - 6/10 Pretty boring. Needs tempo and key changes not just riff changes. There's 1 tempo change at 3:00 but it's not enough. Singer is monotone. Death metal vocals don't have to be monotone (see Deceased above).

Voivod - 9.5/10 One of my favorite Voivod tracks.

Slough Feg - 7/10 Standard Slough Feg sound. Whenever I hear them I feel like it has potential but it needs to progress/change more, or be shorter. The lyrics are placed awkwardly to the music.

Inquisition - 6/10 Inquisityawn. Let's play all our guitar fills out of tune to sound more edgy. Atmospherically it's decent for a minute or so.

Overall this was a much more enjoyable playlist than last time. Fun theme too. GG
I'm going to listen to this playlist even though I'm not rating. Fuck yeah.

I think you should still rate them and post your thoughts but just don't count them when everyone's scores have been submitted.

The order doesn't seem to matter much here, with the last one it was because Omni had submitted an outro which made sense to put at the end.
I think you should still rate them and post your thoughts but just don't count them when everyone's scores have been submitted.

The order doesn't seem to matter much here, with the last one it was because Omni had submitted an outro which made sense to put at the end.

Trust me it matters. I purposely went to extra effort to make sure it matters.

I might rate it, I'm just a little busy this week.
A couple of people rated them last round who didn't submit a song and I think they were counted towards the score. It's better as many people as possible rate them anyway imo.
i agree, but only if it doesn't discourage certain people from participating properly. i don't want us to get less song picks because some people decide they're only gonna rate from now on or w/e.
I really don't get your taste in music Baroque. It's like all you care about is transitions in songs and how many different ideas are thrown in.

My avatar is Bach. That should give you an idea of the level of technicality/musicianship I like. It's not the only criteria though, I mean I rated Darkspace 9/10 because it had a successful/creative atmosphere.
Blind Guardian - Tommyknockers 8/10

Love Blind Guardian, especially the Somewhere Far Beyond and Follow the Blind albums. This album kills too, but songs like Traveler in Time and Lord of the Rings are better tunes off it.

Mortem - Moon of Cannibalism 7/10

Man, I haven't listened to Mortem in fucking forever. Demon Tales is an excellent unheard of record but I can't say I'd really bother to listen to it again. This has some great riffs, but that drum tone sounds like dick. Thanks for reminding me that this band exists though.

Hypocrisy - Abducted 5/10

I have never bothered to listen to this band. I'm glad it's a short song because this is pretty fucking dull. It's like Bolt Thrower-lite. Not a huge fan of the vocals but that isn't really the problem. This is just, zzzzz.

Pagan Altar - The Time Lord 9/10

1978. This song is older than everyone posting in this fucking thread.

Megadeth - Hanger 18 7/10

Guitar Hero 2. I'm fucking sick of this song already, but I'll admit that it's one of Megadeth's few good songs that aren't on the first two records. Marty Friedman is fucking NASTY on that guitar.

Scanner - Not Alone 8/10

Very excited to see this band in May. I think I've only heard Hypertrace so far so I'm glad that someone put this on here. That Running Wild-esque chorus is SO FUCKING FUN!

Deceased - The Triangle 6/10

I never could get into Deceased, but October 31 rules. King Fowley is a ridiculously nice dude, but this is pretty boring.

Oxiplegatz - Battle of Species 5/10

What the fuck is this? I kinda dig it though, but I also don't. It's just too fucking weird.

Vektor - Outer Isolation 5/10

My first time with Vektor. This does nothing for me. The beginning was boring and once they got into the main faster riffs I quickly lost interest. 8 minutes of this wankery?

Evergrey - The Shocking Truth 4/10

Ok, this starts off like an awesome 80s butt rock jam. I can dig this cheese, but it doesn't do anything. I feel like Baroque here talking about how the song doesn't go anywhere but that little sliver of what I dug in the beginning quickly looses its appeal.

Darkspace - Dark 1.1 9/10

I fucking love Darkspace. I also love 2001: A Space Odyssey. I prefer Darkspace III with it's combination of both the elements found in Darkspace I and II, but all of their stuff is wonderful. The way they capture what it could possibly feel like being alone in space while your ship drifts slowly and slowly into a black hole. Also a huge fan of the way they go from blazing fucking fast tremolo riffs to almost jumpdafuckup breakdowns and manage to do it well.

Ecocide - Alien Intervention 6/10

This is fine. It doesn't do anything special nor does it even try to. It's just exactly what it is: space themed death/thrash.

Voivod - We Are Not Alone 7/10

Poseur Alert: I've never listened to Voivod. I've been told that their first two are pretty much essential thrash, but that is the problem. I just don't give a shit about thrash metal. This has some cool stuff going for it it. It almost sounds more like a traditional metal song. I may one day check this band out.

Slough Feg - Vargr Theme/Confrontation 9/10

Yep, love Slough Feg. This is a great fucking song off of a great fucking album. I cannot praise it enough. Scalzi is da fucking MAN!

Inquisition - Infinite Interstellar Genocide 9/10

A lot of people shit on this album for whatever reason. It's great and completes the concept that Inquisition created with Ominous Doctrines. While OD was about Satan's rise to power, this one is about his conquest of the universe. I'm not sure what this has to do with aliens actually, though.