Themed Mixtape Game

Did you mean to make it sound like you think Chritus sang on V just now?

Honestly think "Fear," "Planet Of Judgement" and "Shadow Of A Skeleton" stand up to the best of any of the other albums.
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Eh looks like I jammed a couple sentences together. Fuck it, those albums are low priority Vitus to me anyway. Not even gonna correct myself.
This one feels a little stale tbh, same people submitting same kinds of stuff every round. Baroque, Tech, and arg downvote everything else the majority likes but in the end dont make a big enough difference to change anything, lather-rinse-repeat.
This one feels a little stale tbh, same people submitting same kinds of stuff every round. Baroque, Tech, and arg downvote everything else the majority likes but in the end dont make a big enough difference to change anything, lather-rinse-repeat.

Actually they and other contrarians are the ones with the biggest impact on the game because they're likely to give the most wildly varying scores to favorites like Vitus and Angel Witch.
it was always gonna get a little stale after a while because it's not like we're all changing our tastes overnight or something. i would definitely like to see some more diversity in terms of sub-genre though.
I have a few fringe metal songs I'd like to see this community's opinion of if the right theme shows up. My last one (Sigh) got downrated to shit though
Pagan Altar - 2

Carnivore - 8

Sortilege - 7
i can jam to this

Gorgoroth - 6
pretty evil

Saint Vitus - 6
i don't hate it

White Wizzard - 7

Aspid - 7

Iron Maiden - 9
fun stuff

Skyclad - 8
i like both the guitar tone and the vocal tone

Pentagram - 8

Fog of War - 8
solid new wave thrash

Manowar - 8

Nyktalgia - 2
opening instrumental made me think holy shit this is gonna be good. then the vocalist opened his fucking mouth. even while he is screeching like a retarded dumbass the instruments are fucking great. god damn it. what could have been a 9 is a 2.

Angel Witch - 9
very enjoyable

Dream Death - 7

Dark Quarterer - 5
Pagan Altar
Decent vocals, boring riffs. 4/10


That's enough now. I only liked the first Sabbathy tune posted from these guys. This is annoying. 4/10


Too much wailing and unimpressive riffage. 4/10


Ok. 5/10

Saint Vitus

Undeniably good. Some really cool musical ideas going to in here. Love the varied guitar tones for different sections. 8/10

White Wizzard

Sounded promising but got gay. It's also way too long and the bass is way too loud. 5/10


Fucking TECH THRASH! Never heard these guys. Reminds me of a mix of Destruction, early Atheist and Horrorscope era Overkill. Fucking awesome. 9.5/10

Iron Maiden

Classic Maiden 8.5/10


Some cool riffs in here. I like the chorus. 6.5/10


Cool. 7/10

Fog of War

Not bad. 6/10


This is like credits music from a bad eighties movie. Totally awesome credits music from a totally awesome bad eighties movie that is. 8.5/10


Yawn. 3/10

Angel Witch

Pretty funny. I'd definitely jump around like a dickhead to this while pounding beers. 7/10

Dream Death

Had to search hard to find a version that would play in this country. This was ok. Good vocalist. 6/10

Dark Quarterer

Some pretty awkward musicianship going on here. I don't get all the praise. 4/10