things that make your day better

I hate misuse of the "all but" or "anything but" phrases. Every once in a while some reporter on the news is reporting on a car wreck, plane crash, fire, etc., and just wants to make their story sound more dramatic, so they'll say something stupid like "The car was all but destroyed." Then, it pans to the car, and it's in 100 pieces all over the highway. If it got totally banged up but was still drivable, THEN it would be ALL BUT destroyed. When the only thing that made it out of the wreck in one piece was the goddamn air freshener, it has ANYTHING BUT SURVIVED.
Hahah yes! I also hate it when sportscasters or reporters will say "near miss."

"Oh, he dove for the catch and ALMOST had it! A near miss there!"

What? You are telling me he nearly missed it. He DID miss it. It was a fucking NEAR CATCH. Shut up!
My fat cat Mobius waking me up in the middle of the night, forcing me to pet her.

The first, second, and third bong hits after getting home from work. (I still have to wait another 7 weeks before I can be happy that way again :erk:). The first 3 in the morning on a day off aren't nearly as good as the first 3 after a day at work.

Listening to your music while working. It's amazing how much quicker the day goes by.
My new work computer is finally set up and I am FINALLY using it. So far so good! It also has the entire Adobe CS3 suite on it :D