things that make your day better

There's this water thing in the wearhouse at work. When I'm nearly dehydrated and about to collapse, it produces the coldest water I've ever had. Water so cold, it causes a brain freeze. At the time it seems like the best thing ever.
7 weeks? explain...

I have to spend six months working through the temp service before I'm hired on permanently. In 7 weeks, that six months will be up and I'll have to take a whiz quiz.

those first 3 bong rips before work are pretty awesome too

That doesn't work too well when you're in accounting, at least for me. I did that once on a Saturday when I knew nobody else would be in the office. The next Monday I immediately found a couple mistakes and had to check everything else I had done.
Did I hear malts!? Well malts are happiness!

Getting the Ittis after a good meal. :goggly::zzz:

Getting a new catalog in the mail! Or a nice surprise letter from a friend in your real mail box!

Iced coffee!
Man I would so kill for a Bacon Cheeseburger right now.. any kind, hell even a Burger King one, just something with Bacon, Beef and Cheese...
It's over. I'm getting a bacon cheeseburger for dinner. I haven't eaten one bite of anything yet today and this talk is making my mouth water.

I wish they'd let me use my BBQ at my apartment. I'd have grilled numerous burgs by now :(
They won't even allow you to use propane grills? Seriously, new apartment. Telling me no BBQ is a violation of my civil rights.
Nah, no BBQ's is literally the only thing I don't like about my place. Everything else is completely awesome and outweighs that one con x 1,000,000.

edit: well, I guess I don't like the steep price much, but ya get what ya pay for, right?